Tower of Fantasy

Gacha System Guide

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Gacha System Explanation - Tower of Fantasy
How does the gacha system work in Tower of Fantasy? Check out our guide to Tower of Fantasy's Gacha system and learn where and how to spend your Gold and Red Nucleus.

How Does the Gacha System Work?

Dedicated Gacha Currencies

Gacha Currency Gacha Banner
Gold NucleusGold Nucleus Choice Weapons | Gold Nucleus Cache
Permanent Banner
Black NucleusBlack Nucleus Choice Weapons | Black Nucleus Cache
Permanent Banner
Red NucleusRed Nucleus Rebirth of Clemency
Limited-Time Banner
(Duration: 8/11 ~ 8/31)
Proof of Purchase.png Proof of Purchase Choice Matrices
Permanent Banner
Special Voucher.pngSpecial Voucher Reconstruction
Limited-Time Banner
(Duration: 8/11 ~ 8/31)

Tower of Fantasy has different Gacha currencies you can use on different types of banners. The currencies for the permanent banners are easy to obtain, but the ones used for the limited-time banners are harder to get.

There is another currency called Dark Crystals, which you can use to get those Gacha currencies for 150 apiece.

Best Banner to Pull

2 Types of Gacha Banners

Differnt Banners - Tower of Fantasy
There are two types of Gacha Banners, which are banners for Weapons (Characters) and Matrices. Both types of Gacha Banners have 2 Permanent and 2 Limited-time Banners, and you can use their required Gacha Currency to roll on them.

All Banners (Special Orders) for Characters, Weapons, and Matrices

Pity System

Tower of Fantasy - Pity System

Banner Type Pity Counter
Weapon SSR: 80 | SR: 10
Matrix SSR: 40 | SR: 10

Tower of Fantasy has a Pity System that lets players get a guaranteed pull on the Gacha Banners after pulling for a specific number of times. Weapon Banners will get you a guaranteed SSR weapon and character on the 80th pull, while the Matrices Banners will get you an SSR Matrix every 40th pull.

However, the Black Nucleus Cache Banner doesn't have a pity system. It also has a lower pull rate than the Gold Nucleus Cache Banner, but you can get the currency used quite a lot.

Pity System Explained: How Does the Pity System Work?

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

Tower of Fantasy - Gacha Guides
All Special Order (Gacha) Banners For Characters, Weapons, and Matrices

Current Banners

Tower of Fantasy Saki Fuwa Release Banner.png Dynamic Mindfulness 11/10/2022 ~ 12/01/2022
▶︎Try the Simulator!
Choice Weapons Banner Image.pngChoice Weapons Permanent Weapons Banner
▶︎Try the Simulator!
Choice Matrices Banner Image.pngChoice Matrices Permanent Matrices Banner
▶︎Try the Simulator!

All Gacha Simulators

All Gacha Guides

List of Gacha Guides
Gacha System Explanation What is the Pity System?
All Banner Pull Rates


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