The First Descendant

Fortress Interactive Map

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Fortress Banner.png

This is an interactive map for the Fortress Region in The First Descendant (TFD). Check out the interactive map to see all the missions, fast travel points, Encrypted Vaults, and Arche Echo record locations in Fortress.

Fortress Interactive Map

Fortress Interactive Region Map

Icons Guide

Map Icon
The First Descendant - Outpost Legend IconWaypoint The First Descendant - Tactical Mobility Teleporter IconTemporary Safe Zone The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconBattlefield Missions The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconRegular Missions
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconCalling of the Descendant The First Descendant - Special Mission Defend Albion Resource IconDefend Albion Resource The First Descendant - Special Mission Block Kuiper Mining IconBlock Kuiper Mining The First Descendant - Special Mission Neutralize Void Experiment IconNeutralize Void Experiment
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Fragment The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor The First Descendant - Encrypted Vault IconEncrypted Vault The First Descendant - Arche Echoes Mining IconArche Echo Record
The First Descendant - Zone Recon Mission IconZone Recon Operations The First Descendant - Arche Echoes Mining IconJournals

Fortress List of Missions and Rewards

Fortress Missions and Rewards

Defense Line

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconHeart of the Fortress Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (2.0%)
Attacking Compulsion (2.2%)
Sweeping Squad (4.5%)
Aiming Compensation (27.5%)
Focus on Fire (27.5%)
Tingling Phase Reactor (50%)
Detachment (50%)
Firefly (50%)
Burning Singularity Reactor (50%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 (50%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Fortress Command Entrance Real-Life Fighter (4.5%)
Electric Gun Barrel (27.5%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Singular Specialist (50.0%)
Materialized Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Different Dream (50.0%)
Phantom Pain (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission Icon.pngExplosive Debris Gladiator (4.5%)
Hit Rate Insight (27.5%)
Materialized Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Expand Weapon Charge (50.0%)
Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
The Age of Innovation (50.0%)
New Beginning (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission Icon.pngDestroyed Base Weak Point Expansion (4.5%)
Maximize Range (27.5%)
Frozen Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Normal Impact Rounds Refining (50.0%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Immediate Execution (50.0%)
Lion of Blue Mane (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Shard Required Attribute: Chill Skill
Quick Freezer (4.5%)
Concentrate Support Ammo (27.5%)
Sharpshooter (27.5%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50%)
Vestigial Organ (50%)
Dimensional Bridge (50%)
Polymer Void Shard x7 (100.0%)
Monomer Void Shard (100.0%)
Solenoid x570 (100.0%)

Convertor Facility

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Normal Mission Icon.pngCentral Control Unit Firing Fiesta (4.5%)
Pinpoint Shot (27.5%)
Burning Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Fire Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Subconsciousness (50%)
Firefly (50%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon High-thermal Source Detected Zone Weak Point Expansion (4.5%)
Reload Expert (27.5%)
Tingling Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Better Concentration (50.0%)
Materialized Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Burning 44 (50.0%)
Tamer (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission Icon.pngGiant Hangar Brisk Walk (4.5%)
Weak Point Aiming (27.5%)
Materialized Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Polygenic Antibody (50.0%)
Tingling Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Belief (50.0%)
Detachment (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconConvertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (0.4%)
Real-Life Fighter (4.5%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 048 (20%)
Weak Point Quick Fire (27.5%)
Battle of Stamina (27.5%)
Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Lightspeed Barrel (50.0%)
Sonic Co-op (50.0%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 048 (5% - 20%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (0.2% - 1.6%)

Frozen Valley

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Shard Required Attribute: Chill Skill
Defense Master (4.5%)
Anti-matter Round (27.5%)
Non-Attribute Master (27.5%)
Materialized Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Frozen Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Belief (50.0%)
Phantom Pain (50.0%) ・Polymer Void Shard x6 (100.0%)
Organic Void Shard x2 (100.0%)
Solenoid x570 (100.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Command Relay Sweeping Squad (4.5%)
Action and Reaction (27.5%)
Frozen Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Tonfa (50.0%)
Materialized Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Lightspeed Barrel (50.0%)
Alter Ego (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Munitions Loading Dock Long-Distance Manuevering (4.5%)
Fusion Master (27.5%)
Materialized Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Better Concentration (50.0%)
Toxic Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Explorer's Path (50.0%)
New Beginning (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconFrozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (0.4%)
Venom Injector (4.5%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 047 (20%)
Marksman (27.5%)
HP Amplification (27.5%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Subconsciousness (50%)
Sonic Co-op (50.0%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 047 (5% - 20%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (0.2% - 1.6%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Gate System Control Network Veteran's Tactics (4.5%)
Insight Stabilizer (27.5%)
Tingling Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Chill Enhancement (27.5%)
Burning Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Burning 44 (50.0%)
Tamer (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor - Fortress Valley Required Void Shards:
Polymer Void Shards x12
Organic Void Shards x3
Supply Moisture (2.2%)
Multi-Maneuvering (4.5%)
Adventurer (27.5%)
Rapid Fire Insight (27.5%)
Tingling Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Burning Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Dimensional Bridge (50%)
Detachment (50%)
Solenoid x570 (100.0%)

The Aurora Forest

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Snowy Heights Remote Generator (4.5%)
Reload Insight (4.5%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Ironclad Defense (50.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Vestigial Organ (50%)
Firefly (50%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Outlying Communications Facility Brisk Walk (4.5%)
Refrigerate Gunbarrel (27.5%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Impact Round Charge Improvement (50.0%)
Materialized Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Different Dream (50.0%)
Eternal Willpower (50.0%)

Fallen Ark

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconQuarantine Zone Shape Stabilizer Form 8 (2.0%)
Diamagnetic Bulwark (2.2%)
Special Sight (4.5%)
Commando Marksmanship (27.5%)
Maximize Chill Resist (27.5%)
Burning Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Explorer's Path (50.0%)
Eternal Willpower (50.0%)
Toxic Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 (100%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Frozen Shipyard Lethal Finish (4.5%)
Reload Expert (27.5%)
Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Electric Specialist (50.0%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Fireworks (50.0%)
Viper (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Shard Required Attribute: Electric Skill
Overwhelming DEF (4.5%)
Magazine Compulsive (27.5%)
Reload Focus (27.5%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Materialized Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Different Dream (50.0%)
Immediate Execution (50.0%)
Monomer Void Shard x7(100.0%)
Inorganic Void Shard (100.0%)
Solenoid x570 (100.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission Icon Ship Charging Facility Lethal Infection (4.5%)
Slow Art (27.5%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Toxic Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
The Age of Innovation (50.0%)
Lion of Blue Mane (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark Required Void Shards:
Monomer Void Shard x14
Inorganic Void Shard x1
Backdraft (2.2%)
Fire Conductor (4.5%)
Insight Support Ammo (27.5%)
Fire Priority (27.5%)
Materialized Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Toxic Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Vestigial Organ (50%)
Rose of Aisha (50%)
Solenoid x570 (100.0%)

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Maps Partial
Interactive Map

All Regions

The First Descendant - KingstonKingston The First Descendant - Sterile LandSterile Land The First Descendant - VespersVespers The First Descendant - Echo SwampEcho Swamp
The First Descendant - Agna DesertAgna Desert The First Descendant - White-night GulchWhite-night Gulch The First Descendant - HagiosHagios The First Descendant - FortressFortress

All Map Locations

All Map Location
Arche Echo Record Encrypted Vaults


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