The First Descendant

Luna Builds and How to Unlock

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

First Descendant - Luna

This is a Luna build for Normal and Hard Mode in The First Descendant. Read on to learn Luna's best builds, how to unlock, basic info, skills, as well as Luna's exclusive equipment and skins!

Best Hard Mode Luna Build

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Descendant Modules Weapons and Modules
Reactor and External Components Playstyle Tips
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Luna Hard Mode Build Showcase

Check out this 1-minute Void Fragment clear using the mobbing variant of our Luna Hard Mode Build!

Best Luna Modules (Hard)

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

This Luna support build revolves around consistently strengthening your allies with MP-enhanced buffs with the help of Nimble Footsteps. This skill module grants you Movement Speed and a larger Skill Range for each buff given to allies.

The other modules focus on Skill Duration, Range, and Survivability. When fully maximized, this build should have all three buffs active at all times while Arche Concretion amps them up along with your DEF!

Additionally, to counter-act the negative skill power modifiers, we included Maximize Power since Skill Cooldown does not play a factor on most of Luna's skills as long as you hit your notes consistently.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Alternative Descendant Modules for Mobbing

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Nimble FootstepsNimble Footsteps > The First Descendant - Noise SurgeNoise Surge Turns all support skills into offensive AoE variants
The First Descendant - Arche ConcretionArche Concretion > The First Descendant - MultitalentedMultitalented Increases Skill Damage over defensive buffs
The First Descendant - Shield Conversion (MP)Shield Conversion (MP) > The First Descendant - Skill InsightSkill Insight Increases Skill Critical Hit Rate over Max MP
The First Descendant - MP AccelerantMP Accelerant > The First Descendant - Skill ConcentrationSkill Concentration Increases Skill Critical Hit Damage over Max MP
The First Descendant - EnlightenmentEnlightenment > The First Descendant - Frugal MindsetFrugal Mindset Increases Skill Range of Max MP
The First Descendant - Skill ExtensionSkill Extension > The First Descendant - Singular MasterSingular Master Increase Singular Skill Damage over Range
The First Descendant - Increased DEFIncreased DEF > The First Descendant - Spear and ShieldSpear and Shield Increases Skill Damage and DEF

With the Noise Surge skill module, Luna can be as potent as Bunny when it comes to clearing mobs and dealing damage. As soon as you slot the module in, all of your Singular skills turn into offensive skills with decent critical scaling in a radius around Luna!

The additional modules are focused on Skill Power, Critical Values, Range,Singular Skill Modifiers, and survivability. With this module setup, you can run most dungeons and EXP farms with general ease!

If you want to try this out on single targets like bosses, replace Maximize Range with Amplification Control, and Frugal Mindset with Arche Concretion.

Best Luna Weapons (Hard)

Weapon Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Thunder CageThunder Cage (Optional) • Round Per Magazine
• Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Rate
The First Descendant - Afterglow SwordAfterglow Sword (Optional)
• Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Rate
• Firearm Critical Hit Damage
• Weak Point Damage

Since Luna does not primarily use weapons to support her playstyle, it is recommended to bring weapons that can help you in a pinch if you get locked out of your skills. Bring the Thunder Cage for mobbing and consistent DPS, and also the Afterglow Sword for bosses.

Do keep in mind that it is a general rule that you should have a weapon with the Expand Weapon Charge module to further increase the bullet count of your Stage Presence!

All Expand Weapon Charge Modules

Best Luna Equipment (Hard)

For Team Play

Equipment Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Materialized Mechanics ReactorMaterialized Mechanics Reactor • Skill Range
• Skill Duration
• Non-Attribute Power Boost Ratio
The First Descendant - Annihilation Auxiliary PowerAnnihilation Auxiliary Power • Max HP
• MP Recovery Out of Combat
The First Descendant - Bravery SensorBravery Sensor • Max MP
• MP Recovery in Combat
The First Descendant - Bravery MemoryBravery Memory • MP Recovery Multiplier
• Electric Resistance
The First Descendant - Annihilation ProcessorAnnihilation Processor • Max Shield
• Toxic Resistance

Note that External Components with set bonuses have fixed main stats.

For team play, equip a Materialized Tech Reactor since Stage Presence is the only one that scales with Skill Power on this variant. For sub-stats, prioritize Skill Range and Duration

For the External Components, this variation will utilize a mixed set between Annihilation and Bravery to get the additional Skill Duration flat out with more resistance. Using this set gives us +5.7% Skill Duration, +1.8% HP Recovery, and +11.9% Max Shields!

For Solo Play

Equipment Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Materialized Singularity ReactorMaterialized Singularity Reactor • Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio
• Non-Attribute Skill Power Boost Ratio
• Skill Range
The First Descendant - Hungry Sonic Auxiliary PowerHungry Sonic Auxiliary Power • Max HP
• MP Recovery Out of Combat
The First Descendant - Hungry Sonic SensorHungry Sonic Sensor • MP Recovery in Combat
• Max MP
The First Descendant - Hungry Sonic MemoryHungry Sonic Memory • DEF
• MP Recovery Multiplier
• Electric Resistance
The First Descendant - Hungry Sonic ProcessorHungry Sonic Processor • Max Shield
• Toxic Resistance

If you plan on going solo as Luna, equip a Materialized Singularity Reactor to fully focus on your Exciting, Relaxing, and Cheerful Surge. For sub-stats, prioritize Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio and Non-Attribute Skill Power Boost Ratio.

For the external components, the build utilizes the Hungry Sonic Set as you can stack it quickly with Noise Surge. We slot this in mainly for the Wave buff that lets you recover as much as 1% MP (max stacks) every time you hit an enemy with a Unique Weapon since you will be weaving in attacks from it regularly.

List of Reactors List of External Components

Luna Playstyle Tips

Luna Playstyle Tips

Memorize Each Skills Patterns

Skill Sequence
Stage Performance
3-4-4 Metronome Beat
Exciting Act
1-3-2-2 Slow Beats
Relaxing Act
1-1-2-4-2-2-4-7 Mid-range Beats
Cheerful Act
6-2-4-3-3-7-1 Fast Beats

Each of Luna's skills has set patterns and BPMs assigned to them. It is much easier to hit the notes consistently if you were to be aware of their sequence! Also, you must hit a skill on a note to transition between skills and for the buffs to take effect!

Sequence Your Skills

For Luna, sequencing your skills right before you start a boss is crucial. For a general start, it is best to begin with Relaxing Act, transition to Exciting Act, and then end with Cheerful Act.

This skill sequence gives all your teammates the necessary buffs with longer skill power, and then gives you time to stack up on your Inspiration Gauge with shots!

Time Enhanced Skills

Skill Example Scenarios
Exciting Act ★ Lepic's Overkill on Boss Down
★ Gley's DPS on Boss Down
Relaxing Act ★ Bunny MP for Lightning Emission
★ Yujin MP for Healing
Cheerful Act ★ Lepic Overkill CD
★ Blair Deadly Cuisine CD

As Luna gives out massive buffs with her Enhanced Skills, it is best to hold on to your Inspiration Gauge by simply not casting until the right moment. These moments can range from when the boss gets mounted/downed to giving teammates an additive 35% Skill Crit. Rate, or when essential skills are on a long cooldown!

However, this comes with the con that Luna can be even harder to play when not with a team that has communications since you will have to coordinate and time your buffs for maximum efficacy. Make sure to use our recruitment board if you need a team to support!

Recruitment Board

Always Be Mobile

With the increased Movement Speed given by Nimble Footsteps, you can stay mobile without rolling/grappling during boss fights to preserve your additional DEF and Max MP. Doing so sustains your stacks, further strengthening your buffs while making you more durable.

Actively Rotate Between Exciting and Relaxing Act

Since Cheerful Act has the longest cooldown, it would be in your best interest to stack up on Inspiration by hitting notes with Exciting and Relaxing Act.

This keeps your teammates buffed while having the possibility of doing an Enhanced Cheerful Act later on, which completely resets all of your team's cooldowns. This works best with Blair and Lepic's strong but have egregiously long cooldowns!

Weave in Unique Weapon Shots

Specifically for the Noise Surge build, it is best to weave in some shots to deal more single target damage, further stack up on self-bestowed buffs, and regain some MP with Hungry Sonic Set. Doing so makes your spells more potent with increased Skill Power and Critical Values!

Best Luna Builds for Normal Mode

Luna Normal Mode Build
Descendant Modules Weapon and Modules
Reactor External Components
▲Jump to Hard Mode Builds▲

Best Luna Modules (Normal)

Best Luna Modules
Shock Punch ImageShock Punch Modifies the Charged Sub Attack. Use a Shock Punch to attack when performing a Charged Sub Attack. As the Enhancement Level increases, Max Module Capacity increases. (Currently +X)
Enlightenment ImageEnlightenment Max MP +X%
Tech Specialist ImageTech Specialist Tech Skill Power Modifier +X%
Non-Attribute Specialist ImageNon-Attribute Specialist Non-Attribute Skill Power +X%
Skill Extension ImageSkill Extension Skill Duration +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
Skill Expansion ImageSkill Expansion Skill Effect Range +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
Increased DEF ImageIncreased DEF DEF +X%
Increased HP ImageIncreased HP Max HP +X%
Technician ImageTechnician Skill Power Modifier +X%

Luna will rely heavily on Max MP, Skill Range, and Duration for her music to reach farther while their concurrent buffs remain active and potent. You will not be needing Skill Cooldown since it does not affect successful note hits!

Since her buffs do not scale with Skill Power and only through MP, you will use both Non-Attribute and Tech Specialist to increase damage dealt by her Unique Weapon since you will not use any Firearms!

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Best Luna Weapon and Modules (Normal)

Weapon Stat Priority
The First Descendant - Thunder CageThunder Cage ・Electric ATK
・Attribute Status Effect Trigger Rate
・Firearm ATK
・Firearm Critical Hit Rate
Best Modules for Thunder Cage
Expand Weapon Charge ImageExpand Weapon Charge Rounds per Magazine +X%
Better Insight ImageBetter Insight Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Electric Enhancement ImageElectric Enhancement Adds Electric ATK equal to X% of Firearm ATK
Fire Rate UP ImageFire Rate UP Fire Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

For the most part, Luna does not utilize any main Firearm apart from her Unique Weapon. However, if you get put out of your Stage Presence, you can use the Thunder Cage for some decent DPS and strong mob clearing!

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Luna Reactor (Normal)

Reactor Stat Priority
Materialized Mechanics Reactor ImageMaterialized Mechanics Reactor ・Skill Range
・Skill Duration

For the earlier stages of the game, equip any Materialized Mechanics Reactor you get. It is best to funnel into Tech as Stage Presence is the only skill that scales with Skill Power.

For the substats, look for Skill Range and Skill Duration to actively support your allies from afar and sustain your essential buffs for much longer!

Reactors Guide: List of Reactors

Best Luna External Components (Normal)

Set Set Effect
The First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb Vanguard
Tomb Vanguard Set
2-Set Effect:
・Def +25%
4-Set Effect:
・Skill Power +2.6%
・Electric Resistance +6.6%
Substat Priority
Auxiliary Power ・Max HP
・Fire Resistance
・Kuiper Shard Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Module Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Sensor ・MP Recovery in Combat
・Max MP
・Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Character EXP Gain
Memory ・DEF
・Electric Resistance
・Firearm Proficiency Gain Modifier
・Gold Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Processor ・Max Shield
・Item Acquisition Distance Increase Modifier
・Toxic Resistance
・Equipment Drop Rate Increase Modifier

Living longer means having to keep Luna's buffs for much longer, so slotting in the Tomb Vanguard Set is recommended to bolster your defenses. Furthermore, the set increases Skill Power, directly buffing up Luna's damage output with Stage Presence!

To get and complete the Tomb Vanguard set, you must defeat the Grave Walker multiple times.

List of External Components

How to Unlock Luna

Unlock Using the Research Institute

Research Time Cost
16:00:00 400,000
Required Research Material How to Get
Luna Code x1 ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 094-Mutant AA required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - The Storage Void Fusion Reactor
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Luna Enhanced Cells x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x430
Carbon Crystal x554
Pure Energy Residue x40
Luna Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Luna Spiral Catalyst x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x571
Hardener x386
Specialized Biometal x46
Luna Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Luna Stabilizer x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x292
Hellion x303
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x34
Luna Stabilizer Blueprint x1

You can unlock Luna through the Research Institute in Albion. Note that to acquire a Descendant using research, you need all the required items and gold to unlock this character.

Research Institute

Purchase Luna Using Caliber

Purchase Descendants Using Caliber
Alternatively, you can unlock Descendants by purchasing them in the Shop. This method only requires Caliber, an in-game currency that you can buy with real money. Purchasing Luna in the Shop instantly unlocks the Descendant, allowing you to skip the item requirements and research time.

All Microtransactions

Luna Basic Info & Stats

Luna Basic Info
The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna

The Mad Artist
Role Support
The First Descendant - Non-Attribute IconNon-Attribute
"A supporter who grants buffs to allies using her own music. Bestows a variety of music and buffs to allies within a radius around her."


DEF Max Shield Shield Recovery Max MP Max HP
2138 619 4.88 300 1243

Luna Skills

Passive Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Non-Attribute Icon Non-Attribute

When using a skill to hit the Note, Inspiration Gauge goes up. When the Inspiration Gauge maxes out, an Enhanced Skill can be used. Using an Enhanced Skill, completely depletes the Inspiration Gauge. However, when failing to hit the Note, Inspiration Gauge goes down and the skill fails to activate. While out of combat for a certain period of time, Inspiration Gauge is completely depleted.

Active Skills

Skill Type
Stage Presence
The First Descendant - Tech Icon Tech

Equips a Unique Weapon. It will be unequipped when MP is fully depleted or all bullets have been fired. When the Unique Weapon is equipped, Notes activates, allowing the use of skills. Notes can be hit through shooting and skill use. If the skill button is not pressed at the right time, the skill will fail to activate. Failing to hit Notes through shooting significantly decreases MP. Successfully hitting Notes grants Perfect Pitch
Exciting Act
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Changes Notes. Grants Exciting Performance to self. Grants Exciting Sound to allies within range. When using an Enhanced Skill, increases the effects further.
Relaxing Act
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Changes Notes. Grants Relaxing Performance to self. Relaxing Performance recovers MP when hitting enemies while hitting Notes. Grants Relaxing Sound to allies within range. When using an Enhanced Skill, increases the effects further.
Cheerful Act
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Changes Notes. Grants Cheerful Performance to self. Cheerful Performance acquires Inspiration Gauge when hitting enemies while hitting Notes. Grants Cheerful Sound to allies within range. When using an Enhanced Skill, increases the effects further.

Luna Exclusive Equipment

Arche Amplification Synthesizer Gun

The magisters created speakers and special suits with controllers to ensure that Luna's sound waves do not reach frequences that could harm allies. However, Luna was unhappy about the lack of instruments and began to disobey. As Luna's mood reached an extreme, the controller on the suit began to malfunction and made her go out of control. The magisters, thinking that their eardrums would burst at this rate, tried to calm Luna down and began to work on the development. The top priority was that the end product should resemble an 'instrument'. To protect their eardrums, the development was completed faster than ever. The special weapon, Synthesizer Gun, was designed to that any music Luna sings is calculated using the corresponding equations. The more Luna concentrats, the more the arche is amplified. Luna was fascinated by how this simply designed instrument responded to various songs she sang, and she enjoyed the fact that her abilities blossomed the more she focused on the stage. After receiving the Synthesizer Gun, Luna left the lab with a bright smile as if nothing had happened.

"It can't be helped... Music is the only sonic weapon permitted in Albion." - Alpha

Luna Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Head Body Back
Chest Ecive Full Body
Grappling Hook Make Up Spawn

All Luna Head Skins

Pool Party Albion Academy Cadet Classic Maid Uniform
Augmented Reality of Madness White Mouse Goth Pigtails
Midwinter Tide

All Luna Body Skins

Pool Party Albion Academy Cadet Classic Maid Uniform
Augmented Reality of Madness The Ultimate High Feeling Volume Up

All Luna Back Skins

Baby Panda Ammo Supply Box White Rabbit Doll
Bear Cub Satellite Albion Rocket
Planetary Projector Rocket Jet Pack Double Z Wing
Run, Hamster Advanced Material Backpack Pink Salamander
Firefighting Tank

All Luna Chest Skins

Small Flashlight HQ Access Card Old Teddy Bear
Bunny-Ears Strap Dynamite Brave Squirrel
Emote Tag Magister Researcher Mark of Albion

All Luna Ecive Skins

Continuity Bio Scan Heart

All Luna Full Body Skins

Panda's Adventure Dinosaur Pajamas

All Luna Grappling Hook Skins

Special Supply Advanced Material Engineering

All Luna Make Up Skins

Sly Double Hearts Star of the Festival

All Luna Spawn Skins

Magical Moment Passion Dismantling and Fusion
Snowman Beyond the Unknown Thunder and Lightning
Gale Big Water Bomb Wrong Direction

The First Descendant Related Guides

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The First Descendant - Gley.pngGley The First Descendant - Hailey IconHailey The First Descendant - Jayber.pngJayber
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All Ultimate Characters

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The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby
The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa - -

Character Guides

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List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
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