The First Descendant

How to Beat Swamp Walker (Normal and Hard)

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - How to Beat Swamp Walker

To beat the Swamp Walker in The First Descendant, attack its knees while frenzied, avoid kiting to hazardous ground, and stay away from the toxic puddles. Read on for an overview of Swamp Walker, how to beat it, its weaknesses, and the rewards for defeating Swamp Walker.

Swamp Walker Overview and Weaknesses

Weakness and Elemental Resistances

The First Descendant - Swamp Walker
Weak Point Type Burst
Attack Element Toxic Attribute
Elemental Resistance
The First Descendant - Fire attributeFire: Normal
The First Descendant - Electric attributeElectric: Very Weak
The First Descendant - Ice attributeIce: Strong
The First Descendant - Poison attributePoison: Very Strong
Recommended Resistance Toxin Resistance 2,600 (Normal) / 7,800 (Hard)

Destructible and Removable Parts

Destructible Parts ・Helmet, Sensor, Core Cover
Removable Parts ・Brain, Shell, Core

How to Beat Swamp Walker

Tips for Defeating Swamp Walker

Attack Knee Vials When Frenzied

When Swamp Walker goes into a frenzy, its main body will root itself into the ground to gain immunity from any form of damage. To put it out of its frenzy, shoot the vials that extend from its knees to destroy them.

Avoid Kiting to Hazardous Ground

Avoid luring or pushing the Swamp Walker into hazardous ground. When Swamp Walker goes into a frenzy, it will stay there indefinitely. When Swamp Walker is in this area, aiming for the vials behind the back legs will be difficult.

Stay Away From the Toxic Puddles

After the Swamp Walker's rockets land, they leave a toxic puddle that damages you over time. Do your best to stay mobile to avoid taking unnecessary damage.

Prioritize the Roly-Polies

After Swamp Walker does its small dance to summon the Roly-Polies, prioritize them over attacking Swamp Walker as they stagger you if you dodge the wrong way. Furthermore, they drop ammo and recovery items that help your survivability during the fight.

Utilize Electric Attacks

Swamp Walker has low resistance against the Electricity Attribute, making electric-based attacks effective against it. You can use electric Modules or Descendants with Electric abilities such as Bunny to exploit this weakness.

Bunny Builds, Quests, and How to Unlock

Swamp Walker Rewards


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