The First Descendant

List of All Ultimate Descendants

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Ultimate Descendant Banner

This is a list of all Ultimate Descendants currently available in The First Descendant. Read on for a full list of all Ultimate Descendants, the differences between ultimate and base descendants, and how to get Ultimate Descendants!

List of All Ultimate Descendants

Descendant Attribute Role How to Unlock
Ultimate Ajax ImageUltimate Ajax Non-Attribute Tank Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Ajax Code x1
Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Bunny ImageUltimate Bunny Electric Constant DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Bunny Code x1
Ultimate Bunny Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Bunny Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Gley ImageUltimate Gley Non-Attribute DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Gley Code x1
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Lepic ImageUltimate Lepic Fire DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Lepic Code x1
Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Lepic Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Lepic Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Valby ImageUltimate Valby Non-Attribute Constant DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Valby Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Valby Code x1
Ultimate Viessa ImageUltimate Viessa Chill Debuffer Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Viessa Code x1
Ultimate Viessa Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Viessa Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Viessa Stabilizer x1

List of All Descendants

Upcoming Ultimate Descendants

Ultimate Freyna

The  First Descendant -  Ultimate Freyna Teaser

Ultimate Freyna will be the next Ultimate Descendant in the game. Like Hailey, she will join the roster when the first season drops. Not much has been revealed about her background, but she is likely to play a significant role in the upcoming updates.

Ultimate Freyna Reveal and Release Date

Ultimate Descendant Differences

Ultimate Descendants Have Higher Stats

The First Descendant - Ultimate Viessa Stats

Ultimate descendant stats like HP, Max Shield, and DEF are slightly higher compared to what a regular descendant has. This is one of the more noticeable differences between the two descendants. These differences will scale as you level up and take on higher-difficulty monsters as you make more game progress.

Ultimate Descendants Have Exclusive Modules

The First Descendant - Exclusive Modules

There are transcendent modules that are exclusive to ultimate descendants. However, other transcendent modules are shared with their non-ultimate counterparts as well.

You can find out more about the modules your descendants have access to by going to the Modules list under Access Info. From there, you can type in the descendant's name to see the modules available to you.

List of All Modules

Ultimate Descendants Have More Module Sockets

The First Descendant - Module Sockets

Equipping Modules That Matches the Socket Reduces Capacity Costs

Module Socket Types

Ultimate descendants have more module socket types available to them. Matching these socket types with the symbols you see on your Descendant's Module screen will cut the capacity costs in half.

For this case, Ultimate Bunny has more Malachite Module Sockets. You can add more symbols to every module slot as well, but it requires materials that you can only get later on.

Best Module Enhancements Guide

Ultimate Descendants Look Luxurious

Descendant Comparisons
Ultimate Bunny Standard Bunny

These are all of the differences we can find for Ultimate Descendants. Feel free to let us know in the comments if you find anything else!

Thanks to the gold trimmings, ultimate descendants have a more opulent look compared to their standard descendant counterparts. That and you can see more skin, ultimate descendants like Ajax and Lepic are excluded from this.

List of All Materials

How to Get Ultimate Descendants

Unlock Using the Research Institute

The First Descendant - Research Institute

You can unlock Ultimate Descendants through the Research Institute in Albion. Note that to acquire a Descendant using research, you need all the required materials and gold to unlock the character you want.

All Research Materials

Research Institute Location

Talk to Anais at the Research Institute and choose Descendant to see the list of all characters available for unlocking.

Purchase Using Caliber

The First Descendant - Ultimate Descendants Shop

Alternatively, you can unlock Descendants by purchasing them in the Shop using Caliber. Ultimate descendants have two bundles that can be purchased with 3000 and 5000 Caliber respectively.

Purchasing ultimate descendants in the Shop instantly unlocks the character, allowing you to skip item requirements and research time.

The First Descendants Related Guides

The Frirst Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.png

List of All Characters

All Base Characters

The First Descendant - Ajax.pngAjax The First Descendant - Blair.png Blair The First Descendant - Bunny.pngBunny
The First Descendant - Enzo.pngEnzo The First Descendant - Esiemo.pngEsiemo The First Descendant - Freyna.pngFreyna
The First Descendant - Gley.pngGley The First Descendant - Hailey IconHailey The First Descendant - Jayber.pngJayber
The First Descendant - Kyle.pngKyle The First Descendant - Lepic.pngLepic The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna
The First Descendant - Sharen.pngSharen The First Descendant - Valby.pngValby The First Descendant - Viessa.pngViessa
The First Descendant - YujinYujin - -

All Ultimate Characters

The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate Freyna IconUltimate Freyna
The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby
The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa - -

Character Guides

Character Guides
List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
All Character Skins -


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