The First Descendant

How to Beat Executioner (Normal and Hard)

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - How to Beat Executioner (Hard Difficulty)

To beat the Executioner in The First Descendant, aim for the shoulder or knees and attack the Plasma Amplifier behind it while frenzied. Read on to learn how to beat Executioner in Normal and Hard difficulty, its weaknesses, as well as the rewards for defeating Executioner.

Executioner Overview and Weaknesses

Weakness and Elemental Resistances

The First Descendant - Executioner
Weak Point Type Burst
Attack Element Electric Attribute
Elemental Resistance
The First Descendant - Fire attributeFire: Strong
The First Descendant - Electric attributeElectric: Very Strong
The First Descendant - Ice attributeIce: Normal
The First Descendant - Poison attributePoison: Very Weak
Recommended Resistance Electric Resistance 900 (Normal) / 7,000 (Hard)

Destructible and Removable Parts

Destructible Parts ・Sensor, Core Cover, Balancer
Removable Parts ・Core, Shoulder

How to Beat Executioner

Tips for Defeating Executioner

Hard Mode Guide

Aim for the Shoulders or Knees

The First Descendant - Aim for the Shoulders or Knees

Focus your attacks on Executioner's shoulders and knees as these are its weak points. These parts are exposed making them both easy to attack and easy to damage.

Use the Grappling Hook on Yellow Weak Points

The First Descendant - Executioner Yellow shoulder, size

When you deal enough damage to the shoulder or knee it will turn yellow, this means you can use your grappling hook to get climb up and deal more damage. At the start of the fight, this will be blue so be sure to pay attention while dealing damage to know your window of attack.

Get Out of the Circle

The First Descendant - Executioner Yellow shoulder, size

When the screen turns white, you will be forced into a circular attack range. When you see this, turn around and use your grappling hook to leave the area quickly.

Attack Plasma Amplifier Behind It When Frenzied

The First Descendant - Attack Tubes Behind It When Frenzied

When the Frenzy Meter under Executioner's name is full, it will go into a frenzied state and will be immune to damage for most of its body. Communicate with your team to focus your attacks on the Plasma Amplifier (the tube on its back) to deal damage while in this state.

Prioritize the KingFishers

The First Descendant - Prioritize the KingFishers

Similar to its normal difficulty variant, prioritize eliminating KingFishers over attacking Executioner when they are summoned as they will continue attacking you if you don't take them out.

They drop bullets and recovery items upon defeat which can help with your team's survivability during the fight.

Change Your Weapon's Elemental Damage Depending on the Weakness

Be sure to equip your weapon with the appropriate elemental damage that matches the weakness of this boss. You can change your weapon's element through the use of Weapon Modules or Weapon Options via the Workbench in Albion.

Executioner Rewards


Amorphous Materials Guide

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Hard Difficulty
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3 Anonymous6 months

well aren't you 2 angry at a post that's supposed to just be helpful xD if you don't like it, move on, why cry about it in comments? f***** trolls lol

2 ThisIsABadArticle7 months

This is one of the worst articles ever, it's like saying that the sky is blue, like yea no shit sherlock, I hope the author gets depression and unalives themselves cuz this is bad


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