The First Descendant

How to Get Organic Void Shard

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Organic Void Shard

Destroy Void Fragments in The First Descendant to get Organic Void Shards, which you can use to gain access to Void Reactors. Check out this guide to learn how to get Organic Void Shards and see how they differ from other Void Shards.

How to Get Organic Void Shard

Destroy Void Fragments

To get an Organic Void Shard, you must destroy Void Fragments by using skills from the required attribute. Each session will reward you with at least one shard of each type, specifically Organic Void Shard, Inorganic Void Shard, Polymer Void Shard, and Monomer Void Shard.

How to Destroy Void Fragments

How to Use Organic Void Shards

Use to Unlock Void Reactors

The First Descendant - Void Reactor

You can use Organic Void Shards to unlock Void Reactors in the game. Void Reactors require a certain amount of Void Shards, so be sure to farm them first before attempting to challenge Void Reactors.

Upon activation, Void Reactors will lock you into combat sessions that offer rewards such as rare modules, weapons, and reactors per session. If you're specifically farming for these items, make sure to gather as many Void Shards as possible to access various Void Reactors.

Difference From Other Void Shards

No Other Difference Other Than Reactor Access

As mentioned, Void Shards are used to access Void Reactors. However, not all Void Reactors use the same amount or types of Void Shards.

For example, the Void Reactor in Kingston requires Organic Void Shards and Inorganic Void Shards. This is different from the Void Reactors found in Sterile Land, where one of the reactors uses Monomer Void Shards and Polymer Void Shards.

Organic Void Shards Overview

Organic Void Shard Information

Item Rarity Type
Organic Void Shard Standard Miscellaneous
How to Get Void Fragments
Description A monomer shard left only with Void Energy after the elements present in Ingris have been removed. It is used as a material to power Void Fusion Reactors.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Void Shards

How to Farm Void Shards

All Void Shards

Organic Void Shard Monomer Void Shard
Inorganic Void Shard Polymer Void Shard


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