The First Descendant

Best Beam Rifles and All Beam Rifles List

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

Beam Rifles are a type of weapon in The First Descendant. Check out the best beam rifles and a list of all beam rifles in the game!

Best Beam Rifles


Clairvoyance Basic Info
The First Descendant - Clairvoyance.png Clairvoyance Tier Ultimate
Type Beam Rifle
The First Descendant -Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
Unique Ability
The Thing Beyond: Hitting an enemy with a Stage 2 Beam inflicts Void Gaze on the target.
Hitting an enemy with a Stage 3 Beam inflicts Appalled Calling on the target. This effect is considered to be the same effect as Frostbite in some modes.

This Beam Rifle's unique effects synergizes well with Viessa since Clairvoyance reduces the defense to skills upon hit. This can make Viessa's high-damaging skills hit harder.

It also has an effect similar to Frostbite, which slows down the action of enemies for a short duration when hit with the Stage 3 beam.

Clairvoyance: How to Get and Stats

King's Guard Lance

King's Guard Lance Basic Info
The First Descendant - King King's Guard Lance Tier Ultimate
Type Beam Rifle
The First Descendant -Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
Unique Ability
Guardian: Aiming activates Preview Mode.
When canceling the aim, deactivates Preview Mode.
When firing while aiming, deploys the unique ability Guardian Lance on the terrain and consumes a set amount of ammo upon deployment.
The deployed Guardian Lance lasts for a set amount of time, and hitting the Guardian Lance deals damage to nearby enemies.
Each time the deployed Guardian Lance is hit, its duration and range are slightly increased.

This is great for clearing out mobs faster because of its unique skill, which deploys a lance on the battlefield and disperses damage to enemies close to the lance when it's hit. However, using it effectively may require a bit of practice.

King's Guard Lance: How to Get and Stats

All Beam Rifles List

List of All Beam Rifles

Weapon Rarity Ammo
The First Descendant - Burning 44 Beam RifleBurning 44 Rare
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Clairvoyance Beam RifleClairvoyance Ultimate
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Dimensional Bridge Beam RifleDimensional Bridge Rare
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Dogma 21 Beam RifleDogma 21 Rare
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - KingKing's Guard Lance Ultimate
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Moon Fragment Beam RifleMoon Fragment Standard
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds

What are Beam Rifles

Weapons Dealing Continuous Damage

Beam rifles have high DPS and deal continuous damage to targets, like Bunny's Maximum Power skill. The only thing not likable about this weapon is its ammo capacity, which requires frequent reloading during gunfights, wasting precious time that could be used to maximize DPS.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Weapons

List of All Weapons

Weapon Rounds

General Rounds Weapons Impact Round Weapons
Special Round Weapons High-Power Round Weapons

Weapon Rarities

Ultimate Weapons Rare Weapons
Standard Weapons -

Weapon Types

Machine Guns Assault Rifles SMGs
Beam Rifles Tactical Rifles Hand Cannons
Shotguns Scout Rifles Sniper Rifles
Launchers Handguns


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