The First Descendant

Invasion Guide

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant  - Invasion Dungeon Guide

Invasion Dungeons are the end-game dungeons that put your skills to the test in The First Descendant. Read on to learn how to clear the puzzles and unlock Invasion Dungeons, some tips on clearing them, and the rewards and additional information on Invasion Dungeons!

The First Descendant - AttentionAttention! As of Hotfix 1.1.3, Invasions are no longer solo missions and can be played alongside other descendants!

How to Clear Invasion Puzzles

Jump to a Puzzle!
Pillars Artificial Brains


Tips for Pillar Invasion

Recommended Descendants

Descendant Explanation
The First Descendant - Valby Icon.pngValby Can roam the battlefield without taking much damage due to her Clean Up ability.
The First Descendant - Bunny Icon.pngBunny Easily moves around the field while quickly removing the flesh covering the pillars with Emission.

Quickly Shoot the Pillars During Downtime

After receiving the Resurrection Limit prompt, opt to reveal at least one pillar before the Vulgus starts spawning. This will give you a headstart and information on where not to shoot, allowing you to save time!

All Pillar Shapes
The First Descendant - X Rune Icon The First Descendant - Triangle Rune Icon The First Descendant - Circle Rune Icon The First Descendant - Square Rune Icon

To keep track of the order of the runes, cite them with a corresponding number over your head after revealing one. For example, if you get the square icon on the third box, recite 3 Square repeatedly as you proceed to the next pillars. Repeat this while adding more of the shapes until you are confident!

Force the Overdrive with Educated Guesses

Since the runes do not repeat themselves after revealing them, you can quickly force an overdrive even with only 2-3 pillars showing the runes by making educated guesses through the process of elimination. Just make sure to stand in the drone to avoid dying!

Cancel the Beam's Charge Up Animation

Do not try and haphazardly shoot the beam rifle, instead shoot in intervals to save some more time. A crucial second or two can make the difference between defeating the boss or being in an uncomfortable position yourself.

Artificial Brains

Tips for Artificial Brains Invasion

Recommended Descendants

Descendant Explanation
The First Descendant - Valby Icon.pngValby Arguably still the strongest when it comes to locking down spawn points due to her puddles.
The First Descendant - Bunny Icon.pngBunny Apart from mobility, Bunny quickly wipes out enemies as they spawn with her Emission

Memorize the Spawn Areas

Position your skill usage near the enemy spawns to rapidly defeat them. Not only will you get the drops quickly, but you will keep all of the Vulgus Artificial Brains in one place and avoid being swarmed by enemies that can quickly deal massive amounts of damage.

Save Up On Artificial Brains

Remember to stock up 10 Vulgus Artificial Brains before cashing them in the Computing Unit so that it only takes two revisits as it gives 50% with a full stack. Doing so saves you time and allows you to focus more on surviving rather than going in the line of fire.

Stay Mobile

Always prioritize and focus on movement while in the process killing mobs as you can avoid damage by dodging gunfire while automatically picking up some health and the Artificial Brains they drop!


Tips for Platforms Invasion

Recommended Descendants

Descendant Explanation
The First Descendant - Ajax Icon.pngAjax With his shields, you can easily deal enough damage without worrying about being knocked down.
The First Descendant - Viessa Icon.pngViessa With her Chill abilities, she can easily remove the barrier of a boss down and deal consistent burst damage.

Take Your Time on the Floating Platform

Starting this invasion, quickly grapple on the floating platform and take time memorizing the shapes and setting up a path for yourself before descending as the mobs will not spawn! Try to set up a path where you will get closer to the next objective to save more time.

Set Your Skills on Correct Platforms

After setting up your path, you can ready your skills in advance on platforms that you are sure to go to. Doing so will allow you to quickly deal with the enemies that drain the progress bar!

Maintain Distance After Breaking the Barrier

The bosses for the platform puzzles like Ledras are often tanky and dish out significant damage. Make it a habit to move after destroying the barrier to maintain distance while consistently damaging and avoiding getting one-shot.

How to Unlock Invasions

Progress Through the Mysterious Phenomena Questline

The First Descendant - Progress through the Mysterious Phenomena Questline

After completing the Main Story Quest, the quest Mysterious Phenomena will be available in Albion from Executive Officer Nell. The quest involves completing an infiltration mission: Block Kuiper Mining in Midnight Gulch, so prepare accordingly.

Use Descendants With Great AOE Capabilities

The First Descendant - Recommended Descendant

For the infiltration mission, the Descendants would fight a maximum of 10 waves. Players must eliminate all enemies in each wave to advance.

Descendants that have a lot of AOE skills will make the waves go down a lot faster, so Descendants like Lepic with his Traction Grenade will do very well in this regard. Bunny, a fan favorite, will do exceptionally well due to her speed and AOE damage.

List of All Ultimate Descendants

Invasion Tips

Bring Out the Best Gear

The First Descendant - Bring Out the Best Gear

The varying mechanics and relative strength of the Vulgus can be quite a challenge for the unprepared. As a solo dungeon, players will have no one to turn to but themselves. Bring the strongest Descendant available and the best Ultimate Weapons.

List of All Builds

Utilize Descendants With Strong Survivability Options


Clearing some mechanics would require the player to stand in place to clear them. Using descendants with strong survivability is recommended, such as Ajax.

Ultimate Ajax Builds and How to Unlock

Invasion Rewards

Obtain Hailey Research Materials

The First Descendant - Obtain Hailey Research Materials

Clearing invasion dungeons will reward the player with Hailey research materials, namely the Hailey Data Chip, the Hailey Spiral Catalyst Ring, and the Hailey Stabilizer Component. In addition, the player would receive a large amount of gold.

Each Invasion Dungeon will have a time limit. If the Invasion Dungeon is cleared within the time limit, the player will receive additional rewards.

Hailey How to Get and Builds

1,000,000 Gold

The First Descendant - 1,000,000 Gold
After completing an Invasion, you will receive 1,000,000 Gold each time you do so. You can repeat an Invasion two times, meaning you can gain a total of 4,000,000 Gold every day if you are diligent enough!

How to Farm Gold

Invasions Explained

Seasonal Solo Dungeon

The First Descendant - Seasonal Solo Dungeon
Invasion dungeons, introduced in Season 1 Invasion, will appear alongside Hard Infiltration missions. Invasion dungeons may have a different set of mechanics and penalties that the players will have to overcome to complete the stage.

Season 1 Invasion: All New Content

Clear Twice a Day for Rewards

The First Descendant - Clear Twice a Day for Rewards
Invasion Dungeons occur daily with two dungeons that can be repeated twice but are replaced daily. It is recommended that these Invasions be completed daily to avoid missing out on the rewards.

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