The First Descendant

Bunny Questline

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Bunny Questline

This is a full walkthrough of Bunny's Questline in The First Descendant (TFD). Check out our walkthrough for all of Bunny's quests, including the locations of the three journals, and the rewards for completing her questline.

All Bunny Guides
Bunny Builds Ultimate Bunny Builds Bunny Questline

Bunny Questline Walkthrough

Full Bunny Questline Walkthrough
What Kind of Records Are These? (Starting Point)
Follow Their Traces (First Journal)
The Traces Continue (Second Journal)
In Search of the Relic (Third Journal)
Data Chip Fragments
Security Bypass Tool
Communications Tracking Component
To Bunny, Our Beloved Daughter
Goods With No Owner
Birthday (Ending)

What Kind of Records Are These? (Questline Start)

1 As soon as you unlock Bunny, talk to Alpha in Albion to begin the quest, What Kind of Records Are These?
2 Open and listen to the record: Transcript of Operation Records - Restricted Zone: Level 1 Classification
3 After listening to the record, the Follow Their Traces quest will immediately begin.

How to Open and Listen to Records

Map > Journal > Records > Descendant Records

To open and listen to Records, open the map and switch to the Journal tab. Choose Records, and you'll find the Descendant Records containing the Transcript recordings. Simply select it to listen to it.

Follow Their Traces (First Journal)

Go to the southwest area of the Restricted Zone in Sterile Land.
Look for the First Journal by the edge of the cliff and pick it up.
3 Go to the Records tab and listen to the Emergency Communication Records - Agent Cayden Voltia

Follow Their Traces Walkthrough

The Traces Continue (Second Journal)

Proceed to the Ruins in Vespers. Keep going southeast until you reach a stone archway.
Use your grappling hook to climb up the archway and you'll find the Second Journal at the edge of it.
3 Go to the Records tab and listen to the Colon Emergency Records journal.

The Traces Continue Walkthrough

In Search of the Relic (Third Journal)

Go to Derelict Covert in Echo Swamp. Keep walking north until you find wooden towers in the area.
Climb on top of the tallest tower to find the Third Journal. You can make use of the floating platforms nearby to get there.
3 Go to the Records tab and listen to the Incomplete Chat Log journal.

In Search of the Relic Walkthrough

Data Chip Fragments

Go to the Vermilion Waste in Agna Desert and begin the Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste Void mission.

NOTE: You will need Organic Void Shards (x12) and Inorganic Void Shards (x3) to start this Void Mission.
Defeat the Duplicate Enhanced Power Drakkul to complete the Void Mission.
3 Once done, return to Anais in Albion.

Security Bypass Tool

Go to the Shipment Base in White-Night Gulch and begin the Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Zone Recon mission.
The mission requires you to destroy four Vulgus Power Units in the area, followed by a mini-boss battle.
3 Return to Anais in Albion and speak to her.

All Zone Recon Missions

Communications Tracking Component

Open your map and start a Pyromaniac Void Intercept battle on Normal difficulty.
Defeat the Pyromaniac. We recommend doing a Public Intercept to team up with other players if you're not strong enough to handle this boss on your own.
3 Return to Anais in Albion.

How to Beat Pyromaniac

To Bunny, Our Beloved Daughter

Talk to Anais in Albion and choose the Move to the Abandoned Magister Lab option to teleport inside the lab.

NOTE: This is a private Calling of the Descendant mission and you will have to complete it on your own.
Proceed through the lab while clearing out Surveillance Zones and occupying key areas.
Defeat Shrieking Verves once you reach the final area.

Like other bosses in Calling of the Descendant missions, you will also have to destroy the spheres to cancel out his immunity.
4 Talk to Anais in Albion.

Goods With No Owner

Talk to Sharen. She can be found along the bridge on the southeast corner of Albion.
Go to the center of Albion and speak to Gley.

Birthday (Final Quest)

Talk to Alpha in the Albion Command Center.
Finish the cutscene where the other Descendants will surprise Bunny with a birthday cake.

This will finally conclude Bunny's Questline and you will receive an Old Teddy Bear Chest attachment as a reward.

Bunny Questline Rewards

Old Teddy Bear Chest Attachment

The First Descendant - Old Teddy Bear Chest Attachment

Completing all of Bunny's quests will reward you with an Old Teddy Bear that you can equip on Bunny's chest.

You can do so by opening the Inventory and then hovering over Customize. Open Descendant Skins, choose the Chest Attachment slot and finally select the Old Teddy Bear to equip it.

All Character Skins

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List of Sub Quests

List of Sub Quests

Follow Their Traces Magister's Hidden Assets
In Search of the Relic The Traces Continue

Full Questlines

Bunny Questline


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