Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.
This page provides details about the Update 1.1.4 patch of The First Descendant (TFD), which was applied on October 10, 2024, after the server maintenance. See the patch notes for the Update 1.1.4 update here, and learn more about the updates in this page.
Update 1.1.4 was released on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 4:30 PDT. The update mainly focused on adding more content such as new Ultimate Weapons, Ultimate Freyna , a new difficulty for Infiltration Operations, and a new colossus to fight.
Update 1.1.4 Release Date and Time Table
Update 1.1.0
October 10, 2024
11:30 (10/10)
04:30 (10/10)
20:30 (10/10)
October 10, 2024 Update 1.1.4 Preview Summary
Update 1.1.4 Summary of Changes
Addition of new content such as new ultimate descendants, new modules, a new Colossus, and a new Infiltration Operation difficulty.
Using Freyna or Ultimate Freyna will activate Freyna's character quest.
When Freyna's character quest is fully completed, you will receive the chest attachment 'Old Wounds.'
Ultimate Freyna Skill Modules
Toxic Mixture: Freyna's passive skill Contagion Links is changed to Toxic Mixture. When equipped, this skill module will trigger Necrosis instead of Room 0 Trauma. As enemies gain more stacks of Necrosis, your Firearm ATK increases when you shoot at them, and if an enemy reaches max stacks, your Firearm Critical Hit Rate also increases.
Venom Injection: Defense Mechanism is changed to Venom Injection. Venom Injection consumes resources to recover your Shield and increase Skill Power Modifier, while inflicting Corrosion on enemies. Enemies inflicted with Corrosion suffer reduced Toxin Resistance, making them more vulnerable to Freyna's Toxic attacks.
Amorphous Material Patterns 012, 039, 046, 054, 063, 067, 079, 083, 097, 100, 119, and 127 can no longer be acquired. You can continue using the Amorphous Materials you already have as before.
(Updated) Added the "AB variants" of Amorphous Material Patterns 012, 039, 046, 054, 063, 067, 079, 083, 097, 100, 119, and 127. You can acquire Ultimate Freyna's Enhanced Cells Blueprint, Stabilizer Blueprint, Spiral Catalysts Blueprint, and Code from these amorphous materials.
New Hailey Skill Modules
Supercooled Kuiper Round: Using the Unique Weapon reduces Firearm ATK and Fire Rate, but increases Weak Point Damage in return. Also, successful Weak Point attacks recover your Shield instead of your MP. The increase in Weak Point Damage decreases on firing the Unique Weapon, but increases again on successful Weak Point attacks.
Cryogenic Cluster Shot: The Cryo effect is changed to Cryogenic. Using a firearm to attack an enemy inflicted with Cryogenic deals additional AoE damage to nearby enemies, making this a useful skill module for clearing out Common monsters.
(Updated) New Modules
Add new Ultimate and Rare modules.
To the existing module groups 'Strike (Critical Hit Damage),' 'Luck (Critical Hit Damage),' and 'Firearm Critical Hit Damage,' we've added modules that can enhance Skill Power and Firearm ATK to diversify the selection of weapons and Descendants with low Critical Hit Rate and Critical Hit Damage.
Module Group
Arche Tech
Non-Attribute Amplification
Fire Amplification
Chill Amplification
Electric Amplification
Toxic Amplification
Tech Amplification
Fusion Amplification
Singular Amplification
Dimension Amplification
Non-Attribute Integration
Fire Integration
Chill Integration
Electric Integration
Toxin Integration
Tech Integration
Fusion Integration
Singular Integration
Dimension Integration
Weapon (General Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (Special Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (Impact Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Sniper Rifles)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Shotguns)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Launchers)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Charge Amplification
Weapon (General Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Weapon (Special Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Weapon (Impact Rounds)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Sniper Rifles))
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Shotguns)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Weapon (High-Power Rounds/Launchers)
Firearm Critical Hit Damage
Bullet Integration
Death Stalker
Added new Hard Difficulty Void Intercept Battle, Death Stalker.
You must successfully intercept Gluttony before you can battle Death Stalker.
Intercept Death Stalker to collect the Distorted Resolve Set, the Invader Set, and the blueprint of the Ultimate Weapon Frost Watcher.
Death Stalker External Components Set
Distorted Resolve Set
2-piece set effect: Increases Firearm ATK when using Assault Rifles or Submachine Guns.
4-piece set effect: Increases Toxic Skill Power proportional to the amount of HP lost, and recovers Shield each time you inflect a debuff on the enemy.
Successfully destroying the part of a Colossus grants the Exaltation effect, and while under this effect, your skill attacks fire projectiles that deal additional Toxic damage and apply the Desolation effect to the Colossus.
The Desolation effect weakens all ATK of the Colossus incrementally as it stacks.
Invader Set
2-piece set effect: Increases Max Shield.
4-piece set effect: Defeating an enemy increases Skill Duration based on the number of stacks, and also increases Tech Skill Power Modifier and Dimension Skill Power Modifier.
New Ultimate Equipment: Frost Watcher
New Ultimate Weapon Frost Watcher will be added. Landing a Critical Hit on an enemy from beyond a certain distance grants the Cold Surveillance effect, and hitting the Weak Point of an enemy from beyond a certain distance grants the Subzero Sensation effect.
Cold Surveillance reduces the enemy's Chill Resistance incrementally as it stacks, and Subzero Sensation increases your Chill Skill Power.
Defeating an enemy grants the Chill Synchronization effect, and while under this effect, the Movement Speed reduction due to Hailey's Cold Fury effect is ignored.
Highest Difficulty Infiltration Operation (400%)
A new Highest Difficulty dungeon has been added to 13 Infiltration Operations.
Kingston: Magister Lab, Slumber Valley
Sterile Land - The Forgottense, Unknown Laboratory
Vespers - The Shelter
Echo Swamp - Seed Vault, The Chapel
Agna Desert - The Asylum, Caligo Ossuary
White-night Gulch - Mystery's End
Hagios - The Haven
The Fortress - Quarantine Zone, Heart of the Fortress
A Hard Difficulty 400% score multiplier is available in dungeons where the Invasion has occurred.
After clearing the Invasion, you can still use the 400% score multiplier until the next Invasion refresh.
The types of rewards for the Highest Difficulty Infiltration Operations and those for the Hard Difficulty Infiltration Operations are essentially the same.
Defeating Commander (Named Monster) gives additional Standard ETA Vouchers.
As a completion reward, you will receive High Precision Exchange Components
ETA-0 is available every Friday through Monday in Albion.
KST: 4 PM Friday - 4 PM Monday
UTC: 7 AM Friday - 7 PM Monday
ETA-0 provides the following features.
ETA-0 Feature
Sell Blueprints
You can sell the blueprints you have. Available from Mastery Rank 10
Exchange Infiltration Operation Reward
You can purchase various items with Standard ETA Vouchers. Standard ETA Vouchers can be obtained by completing Infiltration Operations with 400% Kill Score Multiplier.
Exchange Supplies
You can purchase various items with Premium ETA Vouchers. Premium ETA Vouchers can be obtained by selling blueprints
Hair Dyeing
Added the feature to dye the hair of head skins that show hair.
Added 44 hair dyes for dyeing hair.
New Hair Dye Colors
Basic Black
Basic White
Dark Yellow
Natural Yellow
Regular Yellow
Bright Gold
Platinum Gold
Platinum Silver
Dark Brown
Natural Brown
Regular Brown
Orange Sunset
Orange Sunrise
Ghost Brown
Midnight Purple
Natural Purple
Dark Pink
Wine Pink
Pinky Platinum
Pink Shade
Midnight Void
Dark Void
Bright Void
Platinum Void
Void Pink
Void Ash
Dark Green
Natural Green
Regular Green
Bright Green
Platinum Green
Acid Ash
Dark Emerald
Natural Emerald
Regular Emerald
Shiny Emerald
Void Emerald
Silver Shade
Deep Blue
Midnight Blue
Natural Blue
Regular Blue
Purple Blue
Purple Ghost
Added New Products
Added the Ultimate Descendant bundles "Ultimate Freyna Bundle" and "Premium Ultimate Freyna Bundle."
Added the male event skins "Pumpkin Hunter Set."
Added the female event skins "Sweet Whispers Set."
Added the female event skins "Albion Detention Center Body Set."
Added the Bunny skins "Bunny's Albion Medical Support Corps Set."
Added the Gley skins "Gley's Albion Medical Support Corps Set."
Added the spray "Give Me Candy and I Won't Eat You."
Director's Comment
We accept the feedback from our Descendants regarding the exclusive spawn effects and back attachments in the previous Ultimate Bundles.
In response to this feedback, we have made the spawn effects and back attachments in the new Ultimate Freyna Bundle available for universal use.
Moving forward, we will apply the same principle to all spawn effects and back attachments in future releases.
Additionally, we are working on improving the exclusive spawn effects and back attachments from previous bundles to make them universally usable.
Once this improvement is complete, all previously purchased spawn effects and back attachments will also become universally available.
Thank you for your valuable feedback, and we will continue to strive to provide more satisfying service.
For Halloween, Albion is decorated with Halloween decorations.
From the update on Thursday, 10/10, until Wednesday, 10/30, you can receive Halloween-themed emotes each week by logging into the game.
For more details, please refer to the Halloween login event notice, which will be released after the maintenance.
Content Improvements Patch Notes
Added a Recruit tab to the chat. You can post to recruit or apply for a party in this tab.
Changed the immunity gimmick for some Named Monsters from destroying spheres to destroying summoned objects.
Sigvore - Destroying all of the summoned Toxic explosives will remove its immunity.
Seudo - Destroying all of the summoned turrets will remove its immunity.
Torisar - Destroying all of the summoned clones will remove its immunity.
Colossi no longer stray too far out of the battlefield during Intercept Battles.
Added additional makeshift camps to the Shipment Base, the Hatchery, and the Mountaintops in the White-night Gulch.
Changed the location of the Void Fusion Reactor in the Hatchery in the White-night Gulch.
Changed the condition for returning to camp after aborting missions. (2 aborted missions → 4 aborted missions)
Infiltration Operations now reward additional Firearm Proficiency EXP.
Some Infiltration Operations now reward more Descendant EXP.
Kingston: Slumber Vally
Vespers - Sepulcher
Echo Swamp - Seed Vault
Agna Desert - Caligo Ossuary
White-night Gulch: Mystery's End
Hagios - The Haven, Old Mystery
The Fortress - Quarantine Zone, Heart of the Fortress
Fixed the final main quest to reward Level 100 firearms, Reactors, and enhancement materials.
Players now revive with 100% Shield from DBNO (waiting to revive) state.
Players now have 3 seconds to cancel the start of a Private Operation in Intercept Battles, Infiltration Operations, Special Operations, and Invasions immediately after it starts.
Added a Restart button to HUD to enable an immediate restart after the end of Intercept Battles, Infiltration Operations, and Special Operations. This button is located below the 'Move to Albion' button
Deleted the underused 150% in Infiltration Operations.
Changed the missions that drop Freyna Stabilizers
When Freyna uses a skill to inflict Room 0 Trauma, she now also inflicts Toxic Reaction, Panic, Despair, Decay, or Nightmare depending on the skill used.
The Plague Bodyarmor effect granted by Freyna's skills Defense Mechanism and Toxic Stimulation is now renewed when the skills are used again.
Improved Kyle's Repulsion Dash and Collision Instinct skills to hit environmental objects such as gas cylinders.
Esiemo can now use the Time Bomb skill while shooting a firearm or using other skills.
Hard Difficulty Field: - Collect Ironheart Particles
The location of quest NPCs is now displayed during some quests.
Fixed the maximum target score for each Infiltration Operation to be always displayed in the right UI.
Invasion Dungeon Info now displays the text "Minimum Acquired" in the number of rewards for the "Main Reward."
Improved the Research List to show the enhancement level information for Unique Abilities of Owned Weapons in Weapon Research
Improved the Research List to display the Owned indicator in lower level research as well in Descendant Research.
Improved the Research List to show whether the Research results exist and how many.
Added Reactors to the Hard difficulty field, allowing you to obtain them when needed.
When obtaining Reactor (not as rotation reward) in Hard difficulty missions, outposts, or fusion reactors, you will acquire Reactor with specific attributes and Arche based on each battlefield.
Non-Attribute X Tech
Kingston Echo Swamp
Grand Square Abandoned Zone
Non-Attribute X Fusion
Dune BaseDefense Line
Non-Attribute X Dimension
Sterile LandEcho SwampWhite-night Gulch
Restricted ZoneMuskeg SwampShipment Base
Non-Attribute X Singular
VespersAgna Desert
The RuinsVermilion Waste
Fire X Tech
The Lumber YardFractured Monolith
Fire X Dimension
White-night GulchFortress
The MountaintopsFallen Ark
Fire X Singular
KingstonEcho Swamp
The Fallen TheaterDerelict Covert
Chill X Tech
Agna DesertFortress
MiragestoneThe Aurora Forest
Chill X Fusion
The DestructionLost Supply Depot
Chill X Dimension
Sterile LandWhite-night Gulch
Chill X Singular
Echo SwampWhite-night GulchFortress
Misty WoodsMoongrave BasinConvertor Facility
Electric X Fusion
Sterile LandAgna Desert
Electric X Dimension
VespersWhite-night Gulch
Moonlight LakeObservatory
Electric X Singular
Sterile LandAgna DesertHagios
RockfallThe Mining SiteForward Base
Toxic X Tech
TimberfallFrozen Valley
Toxic X Dimension
Agna DesertHagios
The StorageStarfall Road
'Roly-poly' and 'Kingfisher' summoned by Colossi in Intercept Battles now use melee attacks less frequently.
Lowered the difficulty of the Intercept Battle: Gluttony.
Reduced Gluttony's HP and ATK.
Impurity now reduces the wipe attack gauge further.
Reduced the speed at which the wipe attack gauge fills up.
Removed the Ice effect inflicted when the Impurity explodes.
Increased the expansion limit of Equipment Inventory and Storage Slots by 200.
Previously expandable to 1,000, now expandable to 1,200.
Changed the images for Valby's Bubble Boogie spray, Hailey's Sniper spray, map image of ‘Echo Swamp,’ the Descendant menu visuals for Valby/Ultimate Valby and some emotes’ icons have been updated.
Bug Fixes Patch Notes
Fixed an issue where characters would get stuck or could move improperly in some world regions of Kingston, the Sterile Land, Hagios, and the Fortress.
Fixed an issue in The Forgottense during the Sterile Land Invasion event where it was possible to move to the next zone before it started.
It is no longer possible to leave the starting area using Mid-Air Maneuvering at the start of an Intercept Battle.
Dying during an Encrypted Vault minigame now causes the minigame to fail.
Fixed an issue where opening the map at the same time as an Encrypted Vault minigame starts left the game unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to use the keyboard & mouse and gamepad at the same time.
Fixed an issue where Invasion awards in the Fortress region were not being tracked properly.
Fixed an issue where skills used by pointing at a location could be used on 'out-of-bounds terrains.'
Fixed an issue where the Water Intake and Supply Moisture effects could not be received in certain situations while standing on the Puddles created by Valby's skills.
Fixed an issue where using Esiemo's Arche Explosion or Creative Explosion when there is a network lag caused the animations to display abnormally.
Fixed an issue where, upon expiry of the detection time for Esiemo's Guided Landmine and the removal of the mine, the Blast skill button displayed the number of stacks remaining.
Fixed an issue where the description of Haley's Zenith skill omitted a phrase stating that launchers are excluded.
Fixed an issue where Hailey's Storm Snare skill did not deal damage when her character was not exposed due to terrain, etc.
Fixed an issue where projectiles from Viessa's Frost Shards skill could not hit objects such as gas cylinders and Void Fusion Reactors through Burst.
Fixed an issue where Luna's skill sounds would not play when you open the Select Descendant screen while Luna is equipped with her Unique Weapon and then exit the UI.
When Luna is equipped with her default skill and the modules Noise Surge, Singer's Mercy, and Aggressive Melody, the animation of the skill button at the bottom now appears matching the notes.
Fixed an issue where the animation effect of Freyna's Room 0 Trauma was displaying incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where the Plague Bodyarmor effect from Freyna's Defense Mechanism and Toxic Stimulation skills could both be granted.
With this change, only the Plague Bodyarmor effect granted last will remain in effect for the duration.
Fixed an issue where the modules Decimator and Lethal Infection did not activate due to certain debuffs.
Fixed an issue where the 'Additional damage increase' per enhancement level of the Last Stand module was not applied correctly.
Fixed an issue where the 'Additional damage on attacks against enemies at full HP' effect of the Preemptive Strike module did not apply to targets with Shield.
Fixed an issue where the focusing effect does not display on the map when you click 'Go to' from the Acquistion Info of a specific item and the target is an 'Infiltration Operation: Hard' with an Invasion taking place.
Fixed an issue where the web browser window could not be closed when you click Check Out Recommended Modules.
Fixed an issue where the category remained in the cash store even when there were no products available for purchase due to the end of sale.
Fixed an issue where an abnormal message is displayed when you try to put an item into the Storage when it is full.
Fixed an issue where certain titles displayed abnormal text.
Fixed an issue where 'unstable energy (purple spheres)' did not cause a chain of explosions with each other in the Intercept Battle: Gluttony.
Fixed an issue where obtaining a 'HP Orb' increased Max HP by 1.
Fixed an issue where the animations of attachments did not play when the player equipping them used a group emote.
Fixed an issue where titles were not displayed in the Player Interaction menu.
Fixed an issue where the map marker descriptions for the quests 'Follow Their Traces,' 'The Traces Continue,' and In Search of the Relic' were not displayed during Bunny's Descendant quest.
Fixed an issue with the awarding of Mastery Rank EXP.
Fixed an issue where Mastery Rank EXP was being awarded based on the previous level when a weapon proficiency level increased. When progressing from Proficiency Level 1 to 2, Mastery Rank EXP corresponding to Level 1, not Level 2, was being awarded.
Fixed an issue where you could not gain Mastery Rank EXP from level 1 to 10 when Bunny was obtained through quests.
The unawarded Mastery Rank EXP will be given after the update.
Fixed an issue where the spawn effects were not displayed for battle supplies from the Battle Pass.
Fixed an issue where the Battle Pass challenge 'Counterattack' was not counted correctly.
Fixed an issue where 1 Caliber was consumed when clicking "Confirm" with 0 seconds remaining on Accelerate Research
Caliber consumed due to this issue before the update will be reimbursed via in-game mail. Once the reimbursement is complete, we will provide details in the "October Known Issues Update" notice.
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