The First Descendant

All Character Skins

The First Descendant - All Skins

This is a list of all character skins in The First Descendant. See a list of all character skins and what they look like in this guide, how to unlock skins, and how to equip skins!

All Character Skins

Jump to a Character!
The First Descendant - AjaxAjax The First Descendant - Blair Blair The First Descendant - BunnyBunny
The First Descendant - EnzoEnzo The First Descendant - EsiemoEsiemo The First Descendant - FreynaFreyna
The First Descendant - GleyGley The First Descendant - JayberJayber The First Descendant - KyleKyle
The First Descendant - LepicLepic The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna The First Descendant - SharenSharen
The First Descendant - ValbyValby The First Descendant - ViessaViessa The First Descendant - YujinYujin
The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa
The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby

Ajax Skins

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Body Head

All Ajax Body Skins

Ajax's Undisclosed Project Dark Matter Prototype
Neural Network

All Ajax Head Skins

Ajax's Undisclosed Project Special Barrier Dark Matter
Prototype Neural Sharing

Ajax Builds and How to Unlock

Blair Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Blair Body Skins

Blair's Dominator of the Dark Streets Desert Cook Burn Taste
Summer Vacation

All Blair Head Skins

Blair's Dominator of the Dark Streets Brown Beard Unrestrained

All Blair Make Up Skins

Ghost Passion

Blair Builds and How to Unlock

Bunny Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Bunny Body Skins

Bunny's Speedy Awakened One Bunny's Albion Academy Cadet Bunny's Classic Maid Uniform
Bunny's Hyperdimensional Sprinter Carrier New Attempt
Bunny's Baby Kitten

All Bunny Head Skins

Bunny's Speedy Awakened One Bunny's Albion Academy Cadet Bunny's Classic Maid Uniform
Bunny's Hyperdimensional Sprinter Speed Demon Helmet Pink Cross
Purple Cat Volume Short Hair Carrier
New Attempt Bunny's Trendsetter Bunny's Baby Kitten

All Bunny Make-Up Skins

Festival Heart Rabbit Innocent

Bunny Builds, Quests, and How to Unlock

Enzo Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Enzo Body Skins

Enzo's Barn-Owl Morning Star Obsidian
Summer Vacation

All Enzo Head Skins

Enzo's Barn-Owl Black Sunglasses Leaf Cut

All Enzo Make Up Skins

Fifty-Fifty Cross Scratch

Enzo Builds and How to Unlock

Esiemo Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Esiemo Body Skins

Esiemo's Frenzied Leadership Explosion Hero Desert Blaster
Summer Vacation

All Esiemo Head Skins

Esiemo's Frenzied Leadership Explosive Spectator Investment for Style

All Esiemo Make Up Skins

Abominationy Golden Explosion

Esiemo Builds and How to Unlock

Freyna Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Freyna Body Skins

Freyna's Albion Academy Cadet Freyna's Classic Maid Uniform Freyna's Quarantine Clearance
Trendsetter Dark Scale

All Freyna Head Skins

Freyna's Albion Academy Cadet Freyna's Classic Maid Uniform Freyna's Quarantine Clearance
Venom Control Mask Brown Pixie Cut Wine Drop

All Freyna Make Up Skins

Rosy Black Lip Lavender

Freyna Builds and How to Unlock

Gley Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Gley Body Skins

Gley's Albion Academy Cadet Gley's Classic Maid Uniform Gley's Intensive Care Subject
Night Fog Night Clinic

All Gley Head Skins

Gley's Albion Academy Cadet Gley's Classic Maid Uniform Gley's Intensive Care Subject
Life Detection Goggles Grace Dignity

All Gley Make Up Skins

Autumn Autumn Leaves Mysterious

Gley Builds and How to Unlock

Jayber Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Jayber Body Skins

Jayber's Deploy Neural Network Yellow Beetle Genius
Black Owl Summer Vacation

All Jayber Head Skins

Jayber's Deploy Neural Network Night Vision Goggles Nobleman
Yellow Beetle Genius Black Owl

All Jayber Make Up Skins

Grim Reaper Vivid

Jayber Builds and How to Unlock

Kyle Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Kyle Body Skins

Kyle's Desert Wanderer Dead of Night Magnectic Force Control
Summer Vacation

All Kyle Head Skins

Kyle's Desert Wanderer Symbols of the Constuction Corps Wild Ponytail

All Kyle Make Up Skins

War Paint Resolution

Kyle Builds and How to Unlock

Lepic Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Lepic Body Skins

Lepic's Reaper Battlefield Explosive Disposal Unit Swamp Recon Unit
Summer Vacation 44th Grenadier

All Lepic Head Skins

Lepic's Reaper Battlefield Tactical Head Gear Innovative Bleaching Technology
Who Did This 44th Grenadier Mask

All Lepic Make Up Skins

Tattoo Fighting Facial Camouflage

Lepic Builds and How to Unlock

Luna Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Luna Body Skins

Pool Party Albion Academy Cadet Classic Maid Uniform
Augmented Reality of Madness The Ultimate High Feeling Volume Up

All Luna Head Skins

Pool Party Albion Academy Cadet Classic Maid Uniform
Augmented Reality of Madness White Mouse Goth Pigtails
Midwinter Tide

All Luna Make Up Skins

Sly Double Hearts Star of the Festival

Luna Builds and How to Unlock

Sharen Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Sharen Body Skins

Sharen's Colon Special Forces Snowfield Assassin Shadow Hitman

All Sharen Head Skins

Sharen's Colon Special Forces Silver Mask Light Gray Braids
Blue Wolf Snowfield Assassin Shadow Hitman

All Sharen Make Up Skins

Fascination Comet Crimson

Sharen Builds and How to Unlock

Valby Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Valby Body Skins

Valby's Albion Academy Cadet Valby's Classic Maid Uniform Valby's Midnight Waves
Wish Baby Bird Summer Vacation

All Valby Head Skins

Valby's Albion Academy Cadet Valby's Classic Maid Uniform Valby's Midnight Waves
Moisture Detection Helmet Round and Round Albion Braid
Wish Baby Bird Summer Vacation

All Valby Make Up Skins

Petal Galaxy Blue Core

Valby Builds and How to Unlock

Viessa Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Viessa Body Skins

Albion Academy Cadet Viessa's Classic Maid Uniform Viessa's Bloody Rose
Snow Queen Assassin Summer Vacation

All Viessa Head Skins

Albion Academy Cadet Viessa's Classic Maid Uniform Viessa's Bloody Rose
Heat Detector Icon of the Era Ash Gray Haircut
Summer Vacation

All Viessa Make Up Skins

Butterfly Intensity Flower Scent

Viessa Builds and How to Unlock

Yujin Skins

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Body Head Make Up

All Yujin Body Skins

Yujin's Encounter with the Unknown Rescue Operation Keep Away
Summer Vacation

All Yujin Head Skins

Yujin's Encounter with the Unknown Surgical Glasses Change of Mood

All Yujin Make Up Skins

Medical Android Complexion: Very Poor

Yujin Builds and How to Unlock

Ultimate Lepic Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Lepic Body Skins

Ultimate Lepic's Indomitable Knight

All Ultimate Lepic Head Skins

Ultimate Lepic's Indomitable Knight

How to Unlock Ultimate Lepic

Ultimate Ajax Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Ajax Body Skins

Ultimate Ajax's Conviction of Steel

All Ultimate Ajax Head Skins

Ultimate Ajax's Conviction of Steel

How to Unlock Ultimate Ajax

Ultimate Viessa Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Viessa Body Skins

Ultimate Viessa's Absolute-Zero

All Ultimate Viessa Head Skins

Ultimate Viessa's Absolute-Zero

How to Unlock Ultimate Viessa

Ultimate Bunny Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Bunny Body Skins

Ultimate Bunny's Apex Predator

All Ultimate Bunny Head Skins

Ultimate Bunny's Apex Predator

How to Unlock Ultimate Bunny

Ultimate Gley Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Gley Body Skins

Ultimate Gley's Dusk Stalker

All Ultimate Gley Head Skins

Ultimate Gley's Dusk Stalker

How to Unlock Ultimate Gley

Ultimate Valby Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Body Head

All Ultimate Valby Body Skins

Vermillion Wave

All Ultimate Valby Head Skins

Vermillion Wave

Ultimate Valby Builds and How to Unlock

All Other Skins For All Character

Jump to a Skin type!
Back Chest Ecive
Full Body Grappling Hook Spawn

All skins under this section can be worn by every descendant in the game.

All Back Skins

Baby Panda Ammo Supply Box White Rabbit Doll
Bear Cub Satellite Albion Rocket
Planetary Projector Rocket Jet Pack Double Z Wing
Run, Hamster Advanced Material Backpack Pink Salamander
Firefighting Tank

All Chest Skins

Small Flashlight HQ Access Card Old Teddy Bear
Bunny-Ears Strap Dynamite Brave Squirrel
Emote Tag Magister Researcher Mark of Albion

All Ecive Skins

Continuity Bio Scan Heart

All Full Body Skins

Panda's Adventure Dinosaur Pajamas

All Grappling Hook Skins

Special Supply Advanced Material Engineering

All Spawn Skins

Magical Moment Passion Dismantling and Fusion
Snowman Beyond the Unknown Thunder and Lightning
Gale Big Water Bomb Wrong Direction

How to Unlock Skins

Purchase With Caliber From the Shop

Most skins in The First Descendant can be purchased from the “Shop” using the in-game currency called Caliber.

You can access the “Shop” by clicking the same button that you use to access the Inventory. From there, go to the left-most tab to see the “Shop”.

Purchase Caliber From the Shop

Much like the skins, Caliber is an in-game currency that can also be purchased from the shop.

Here's how many calibers you can buy from the shop and how much they cost.

Caliber Cost
250 Caliber $4.99
520 Caliber $9.99
1,060 Caliber $19.99
2,750 Caliber $49.99
3,920 Caliber $69.99
5,750 Caliber $99.99

How to Get Caliber

Purchase With Supply Coins From the Battle Supply Shop

A couple of skins can also be purchased from the “Battle Supply Shop” using Supply Coins.

The Battle Supply Shop can be accessed from the Battle Pass menu next to the Shop tab.

All Microtransactions

Earn Supply Coins By Completing Season Challenges

Supply Coins can be obtained by completing season challenges. You can see the available Season Challenges by going to the Battle Pass menu and selecting “Challenges”.

Battle Pass Guide

How to Equip Skins

Equip Skins From the Customize Menu

You can equip skins on your descendants from the “Customize” menu. From here, you can choose what kind of skin you want to equip.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The Frirst Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.png

List of All Characters

All Base Characters

The First Descendant - Ajax.pngAjax The First Descendant - Blair.png Blair The First Descendant - Bunny.pngBunny
The First Descendant - Enzo.pngEnzo The First Descendant - Esiemo.pngEsiemo The First Descendant - Freyna.pngFreyna
The First Descendant - Gley.pngGley The First Descendant - Hailey IconHailey The First Descendant - Jayber.pngJayber
The First Descendant - Kyle.pngKyle The First Descendant - Lepic.pngLepic The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna
The First Descendant - Sharen.pngSharen The First Descendant - Valby.pngValby The First Descendant - Viessa.pngViessa
The First Descendant - YujinYujin - -

All Ultimate Characters

The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley
The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa
Ultimate Freyna - -

Character Guides

Character Guides
List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
All Character Skins -


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