The First Descendant

List of All Weapons

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - List of All Weapons

Weapons are one of the primary means to attack enemies in The First Descendant (TFD), and we have compiled a list of all weapons in this guide. Check out our guide below for a list of weapons, how to increase weapon proficiency, how to obtain weapons, and what to do with old weapons!

Weapon Guides
List of All Weapons Best Weapons Tier List

List of All Weapons

List of All Weapons in The First Descendant

Weapon Rarity Type Ammo
The First Descendant - Afterglow Sword Sniper RifleAfterglow Sword Ultimate Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Albinism Submachine GunAlbinism Standard Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Albion Cavalry Gun Machine GunAlbion Cavalry Gun Ultimate Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Alter Ego Submachine GunAlter Ego Rare Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - AssassinAssassin's Edge Rare Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Belief Sniper RifleBelief Rare Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Blue Beetle Scout RifleBlue Beetle Ultimate Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Blue Blood Bloomer Submachine GunBlue Blood Bloomer Rare Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Burning 44 Beam RifleBurning 44 Rare Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Burning Hound Hand CannonBurning Hound Standard Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - CaligoCaligo's Horn Rare Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Clairvoyance Beam RifleClairvoyance Ultimate Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Cygnus Machine GunCygnus Standard Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Death Roar LauncherDeath Roar Rare Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Detachment Tactical RifleDetachment Rare Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - DevilDevil's Call Rare Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Different Dream Sniper RifleDifferent Dream Rare Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Dimensional Bridge Beam RifleDimensional Bridge Rare Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Divine Punishment Assault RifleDivine Punishment Ultimate Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Dogma 21 Beam RifleDogma 21 Rare Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Enduring Legacy Machine GunEnduring Legacy Ultimate Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Eternal Willpower Assault RifleEternal Willpower Rare Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - EXCAVA Assault RifleEXCAVA Ultimate Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Executor ShotgunExecutor Ultimate Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - ExplorerExplorer's Path Rare Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Fallen Hope Assault RifleFallen Hope Ultimate Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Firefly Submachine GunFirefly Rare Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Fireworks ShotgunFireworks Rare Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Forest Gaze Sniper RifleForest Gaze Rare Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Gangster ShotgunGangster Standard Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - GregGreg's Reversed Fate Ultimate Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Guardian R4 LauncherGuardian R4 Rare Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - HeroHero's Scar Rare Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Hungry Hound HandgunHungry Hound Standard Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Immediate Execution Hand CannonImmediate Execution Rare Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - In a Blink ShotgunIn a Blink Rare Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - KingKing's Guard Lance Ultimate Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Lightspeed Barrel LauncherLightspeed Barrel Rare Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Lion of Blue Mane Machine GunLion of Blue Mane Rare Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Magnus AA Assault RifleMagnus AA Rare Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Millenium Frost HandgunMillenium Frost Rare Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Moon Fragment Beam RifleMoon Fragment Standard Beam Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - NazeistraNazeistra's Devotion Ultimate Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - New Beginning HandgunNew Beginning Rare Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Nightmare Hound Scout RifleNightmare Hound Standard Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Ominous Hound Assault RifleOminous Hound Standard Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Peace Maker Hand CannonPeace Maker Ultimate Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Perforator Hand CannonPerforator Ultimate Hand Cannon
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Phantom Pain Assault RiflePhantom Pain Rare Assault Rifle
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Piercing Light Sniper RiflePiercing Light Ultimate Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Python Submachine GunPython Ultimate Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Rascal V-51 Machine GunRascal V-51 Rare Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Recipient Unknown Sniper RifleRecipient Unknown Standard Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Red Eye Tactical RifleRed Eye Standard Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Red Wolf HandgunRed Wolf Rare Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Restored Relic LauncherRestored Relic Ultimate Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Rose of Aisha HandgunRose of Aisha Rare Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Secret Garden Tactical RifleSecret Garden Ultimate Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - SigvoreSigvore's Proof Ultimate Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Silly Weeper Scout RifleSilly Weeper Rare Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Smithereens ShotgunSmithereens Ultimate Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Sonic Co-Op Scout RifleSonic Co-Op Rare Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Subconsciousness ShotgunSubconsciousness Rare Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Supermoon Z-15 Sniper RifleSupermoon Z-15 Rare Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Tamed Beast LauncherTamed Beast Standard Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Tamer Machine GunTamer Rare Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - The Age of Innovation Scout RifleThe Age of Innovation Rare Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - The Final Masterpiece HandgunThe Final Masterpiece Ultimate Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - The Last Dagger HandgunThe Last Dagger Ultimate Handgun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - The Last Knight ShotgunThe Last Knight Rare Shotgun
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - The Unwelcomed Tactical RifleThe Unwelcomed Rare Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Thunder Cage Submachine GunThunder Cage Ultimate Submachine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Unfinished Study Machine GunUnfinished Study Rare Machine Gun
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Vestigial Organ LauncherVestigial Organ Rare Launcher
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Viper Tactical RifleViper Rare Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds
The First Descendant - Wave of Light Scout RifleWave of Light Ultimate Scout Rifle
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds.png Impact Rounds
The First Descendant - Young NobleYoung Noble's Ambition Rare Tactical Rifle
The First Descendant - Special Rounds.png Special Rounds

How to Get Weapons

Buy from Deslin

One way for you to obtain weapons is by buying them from Deslin, the Weapon Lab Director.

Complete Missions

Completing missions is also a way for you to get weapons. You can see what weapons can be obtained when you complete a mission in the Reward Info before you initiate the mission.

How to Increase Weapon Proficiency

Kill Enemies

The only way to increase weapon proficiency is by killing enemies. This will come naturally as you progress through the game, so there's no need to worry about it that much.

However, if you want to increase the proficiency of a weapon of your choice, it's best to keep using that weapon during missions.

What to Do with Old Weapons

Sell to Deslin

Weapons can be sold to Deslin, the Weapon Lab Director, for coins. The better the weapon is the higher its selling price becomes.

It's best to only sell weapons that you are sure you won't use anymore or have found a far better alternative.

Dismantle for Parts

Weapons can also be dismantled to gain parts. This is a great way to get rid of old weapons and gain parts that you might need for better ones.

Weapon Stats

Stat Explanation
DPS • Refers to the total damage a weapon can deal per second.
• It's determined by the weapon's level.
ATK • Indicates the ATK when attacking with a firearm.
• Each attack method inflicts different damage with discrete ATK.
• It's determined by the weapon's level.
Rounds Per Magazine • Indicates the number of rounds in a magazine.
• It's fixed for each weapon type and does not increase with weapon level.
Fire Rate • Indicates the speed at which rounds are fired.
• The bigger the number, the faster the Fire Rate.
• It's also fixed for each weapon type and does not increase with weapon level.
Reload Time • Indicates the loading speed and displays the time left until a shot can be fired.
• Each weapon has its own reload time.
Critical Hit Damage • Indicates the multiplier that applies to the increased ATK when a firearm deals a critical hit.
• Each weapon has its own critical hit damage.
Critical Hit Rate • Indicates the change of a firearm dealing a critical hit.
• ATK increases when the attack is a critical hit.
• Each weapon has its own critical hit rate.
Damage Type • Indicates the weapon's damage type: Burst, Crush,or Pierce.
• Damage increases when attacking with a damage type superior to the enemy's damage type.
• Damage does not decrease when attacking with an inferior damage type.
• Crush > Burst > Pierce > Crush
Attribute Status Effect Trigger Rate • Indicates the Status Effect Trigger Rate for the Attribute ATK when firing a weapon.
• If there is no Attribute ATK, no status effect is inflicted.
• Each weapon has its own attribute status effect trigger rate.
Weak Point Damage • Indicates ATK increase modifier on hitting weak points.
• Weak points can be identified by using Ecive.
• Each weapon has its own weak point damage.
Hip Fire Accuracy • Indicates the accuracy when firing without taking aim.
• The higher the accuracy, the greater the chance of hitting the center of the crosshair.
• Each weapon has its own hip fire accuracy.
Aimed Shot Accuracy • Indicates the accuracy when firing while aiming.
• The higher the accuracy, the greater the chance of hitting the center of the crosshair.
• Each weapon has its own aimed shot accuracy.
Effective Range (Drop-off Start) • Indicates the distance at which the firearm's ATK starts to drop off gradually.
• Each weapon has its own effective range (drop-off Start).
Effective Range (Drop-off End) • Indicates the distance at which ATK drop-off ends.
• ATK does not decrease beyond this distance.
• Each weapon has its own effective range (drop-off end).
ATK Drop-off Modifier • Indicates the ATK drop-off modifier based on distance.
• Detailed data by distance is available in Weapon Details.
• Each weapon has its own ATK drop-off modifier.
Max Range • Indicates the firearm's maximum range, not the effective damage range.
• Each weapon has its own max range.
Movement Speed • Indicates the base running speed.
• Default movement buttons can be reassigned by changing the buttons in Options.
• Each weapon has its own movement speed.
Movement Speed While Firing • Indicates how fast a descendant can move while it's firing the weapon.
• Movement speed decreases when firing.
• Each weapon has its own movement speed while firing value.
Movement Speed While Aiming • Indicates how fast a descendant can move while it's aiming the weapon.
• When aiming, Movement Speed decreases while Accuracy increases.
• Each weapon has its own movement speed while aiming value.
Sprint Speed • Indicates how fast a descendant can sprint while it's carrying the weapon.
• The Spring Speed button can be reassigned by changing the button in Options.
• Each weapon has its own spring speed value.
Explosion Radius • Indicates a weapon's explosion radius.
• It's specific for Launchers.
Beam Rifle Charge Gain Speed • Indicates how fast a weapon charges up.
• The higher the value, the faster the charges are gained.
• It's specific for Beam Rifles.
Beam Rifle Charge Depletion Speed • Indicates how fast a weapon's charge depletes.
• The higher the value, the faster the charges are depleted.
• It's specific for Beam Rifles.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Main Guides Partial

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The First Descendant Walkthrough Wiki

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The First Descendant - Tier ListsTier Lists The First Descendant - Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
The First Descendant - NewsNews The First Descendant - Main QuestsMain Quests
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The First Descendant - Weapons Front Page Partial Banner.pngWeapons The First Descendant - Sub Quests partialSub Quests
The First Descendant - MaterialsMaterials The First Descendant - Reactors Front Page Partial BannerReactors
The First Descendant - Modules Front Page Partial BannerModules The First Descendant - External Components Front Page Partial BannerExternal Components
The First Descendant - Maps PartialMaps The First Descendant - SeasonsSeasons


2 Anonymous7 months

Also note the damage picture near the name crush pierce and I forget the third but yea great list so far but gonna have to stick with the white board for now

1 Anonymous7 months

bro thats the most useless list ... you dont even list the base stats whats even the point of this ?


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