The First Descendant

The First Descendant Characters

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Descendants
This is a list of all the characters or descendants in The First Descendant (TFD). Read on to see the list of all the characters and learn how to unlock more Descendants, the roles of each Descendant, and their elements.

Character Guides
List of All Characters Tier List: Best Characters

List of All Descendants

New and Upcoming Characters

The First Descendant - Hailey Icon.pngHailey Ultimate Freyna

Hailey was added to the game with the 1.1.0 Update. She is a chill element character focused on dealing high bursts of damage to enemies. Hailey utilizes a massive anti-material rifle alongside her control over the cold to enhance her bullets and manipulate the temperature in her vicinity.

On the other hand, Ultimate Freyna will be released on the 2nd update of Season 1 Invasion, which will occur on October 10th, 2024.

New and Upcoming Characters

Base Descendants

Descendant Attribute Role How to Unlock
Ajax ImageAjax Non-Attribute Tank Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Ajax Enhanced Cells x1
Ajax Stabilizer x1
Ajax Spiral Catalyst x1
Ajax Code x1
Blair ImageBlair Fire DoT Dealer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Blair Enhanced Cells x1
Blair Stabilizer x1
Blair Spiral Catalyst x1
Blair Code x1
Bunny ImageBunny Electric Nuker Time: 00:01:00
Cost: 400,000
Bunny Enhanced Cells x1
Bunny Stabilizer x1
Bunny Spiral Catalyst x1
Bunny Code x1
Enzo ImageEnzo Non-Attribute Support Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Enzo Code x1
Enzo Enhanced Cells x1
Enzo Spiral Catalyst x1
Enzo Stabilizer x1
Esiemo ImageEsiemo Fire Burst DPS Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Esiemo Code x1
Esiemo Enhanced Cells x1
Esiemo Spiral Catalyst x1
Esiemo Stabilizer x1
Freyna ImageFreyna Toxic DoT Dealer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Freyna Enhanced Cells x1
Freyna Stabilizer x1
Freyna Spiral Catalyst x1
Freyna Code x1
Gley ImageGley Non-Attribute Utility Dealer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Gley Code x1
Gley Enhanced Cells x1
Gley Spiral Catalyst x1
Gley Stabilizer x1
Hailey ImageHailey Chill Burst DPS Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Hailey Enhanced Cells x1
Hailey Stabilizer x1
Hailey Spiral Catalyst x1
Hailey Data Chip x1
Jayber ImageJayber Non-Attribute Utility Dealer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Jayber Code x1
Jayber Enhanced Cells x1
Jayber Spiral Catalyst x1
Jayber Stabilizer x1
Kyle ImageKyle Non-Attribute Bruiser Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Kyle Code x1
Kyle Enhanced Cells x1
Kyle Spiral Catalyst x1
Kyle Stabilizer x1
Lepic ImageLepic Fire DPS Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Lepic Code x1
Lepic Enhanced Cells x1
Lepic Spiral Catalyst x1
Lepic Stabilizer x1
Luna ImageLuna Non-Attribute Support Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Luna Enhanced Cells x1
Luna Stabilizer x1
Luna Spiral Catalyst x1
Luna Code x1
Sharen ImageSharen Electric Close-Range Dealer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Sharen Enhanced Cells x1
Sharen Stabilizer x1
Sharen Spiral Catalyst x1
Sharen Code x1
Valby ImageValby Non-Attribute Constant DPS Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Valby Code x1
Valby Enhanced Cells x1
Valby Spiral Catalyst x1
Valby Stabilizer x1
Viessa ImageViessa Chill Debuffer Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Viessa Code x1
Viessa Enhanced Cells x1
Viessa Spiral Catalyst x1
Viessa Stabilizer x1
Yujin ImageYujin Non-Attribute Support Time: 16:00:00
Cost: 400,000
Yujin Code x1
Yujin Enhanced Cells x1
Yujin Spiral Catalyst x1
Yujin Stabilizer x1

Ultimate Descendants

Descendant Attribute Role How to Unlock
Ultimate Ajax ImageUltimate Ajax Non-Attribute Tank Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Ajax Code x1
Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Bunny ImageUltimate Bunny Electric Constant DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Bunny Code x1
Ultimate Bunny Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Bunny Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Freyna ImageUltimate Freyna Toxic DoT Dealer Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Freyna Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Freyna Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Freyna Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Freyna Code x1
Ultimate Gley ImageUltimate Gley Non-Attribute DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Gley Code x1
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Lepic ImageUltimate Lepic Fire DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Lepic Code x1
Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Lepic Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Lepic Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Valby ImageUltimate Valby Non-Attribute Constant DPS Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Valby Stabilizer x1
Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Valby Code x1
Ultimate Viessa ImageUltimate Viessa Chill Debuffer Time: 36:00:00
Cost: 900,000
Ultimate Viessa Code x1
Ultimate Viessa Enhanced Cells x1
Ultimate Viessa Spiral Catalyst x1
Ultimate Viessa Stabilizer x1

How to Unlock Descendants

Unlock Descendants Through Research

How to Research Descendants

Talk to Anais at the Research Institute

In-Game Location Map Location

To unlock more Descendants, progress through the Main Story until you finish Kingston, which unlocks the Magister Feature. This allows you to talk to Anais in Albion where she can start researching for new Descendants. You can find Anais in a room on the left side of Albion, between Siena and the second city entrance.

Select the Descendant Tab

How to Unlock Descendants
Go to the Descendants Tab and choose the Descendant you wish to unlock. Note that unlocking Descendants requires materials farmed from different regions.

Purchasing Descendants on the Shop Using Caliber

Purchase Descendants Using Caliber
Alternatively, you can purchase Descendants using Caliber in the in-game shop. This method is much faster if you want to skip farming for materials and research time, as it unlocks the character immediately after purchase.

To purchase Descendants, you can access the shop by opening your Inventory, clicking on the Shop Button, and then the Descendant Tab. You can purchase a single character or a package that includes multiple characters. Do note that purchasing Packages include one Descendant Slot and bonuses for both the Descendant EXP Gain and Weapon Proficiency.

How to Get Caliber

All Descendant Guides

All Base Characters

The First Descendant - Ajax.pngAjax The First Descendant - Blair.png Blair The First Descendant - Bunny.pngBunny
The First Descendant - Enzo.pngEnzo The First Descendant - Esiemo.pngEsiemo The First Descendant - Freyna.pngFreyna
The First Descendant - Gley.pngGley The First Descendant - Hailey IconHailey The First Descendant - Jayber.pngJayber
The First Descendant - Kyle.pngKyle The First Descendant - Lepic.pngLepic The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna
The First Descendant - Sharen.pngSharen The First Descendant - Valby.pngValby The First Descendant - Viessa.pngViessa
The First Descendant - YujinYujin - -

All Ultimate Characters

The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate Freyna IconUltimate Freyna
The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby
The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa - -

Character Guides

Character Guides
List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
All Character Skins -

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Main Guides Partial

The First Descendant Wiki

The First Descendant Walkthrough Wiki

The First Descendant Guides
The First Descendant - Tier ListsTier Lists The First Descendant - Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
The First Descendant - NewsNews The First Descendant - Main QuestsMain Quests
The First Descendant - Void InterceptVoid Bosses The First Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.pngCharacters
The First Descendant - Weapons Front Page Partial Banner.pngWeapons The First Descendant - Sub Quests partialSub Quests
The First Descendant - MaterialsMaterials The First Descendant - Reactors Front Page Partial BannerReactors
The First Descendant - Modules Front Page Partial BannerModules The First Descendant - External Components Front Page Partial BannerExternal Components
The First Descendant - Maps PartialMaps The First Descendant - SeasonsSeasons


1 Anonymous8 months

can you update the fusion and singular icons(symbols) and also the explosive stacks, and electric transition transcendent mod icons(symbols) and lastly can you put the rutile socket type to the correct symbol and NOT the Almandine icon(symbol).


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