The First Descendant

Hagios Interactive Map

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Hagios

This is an interactive map for the Hagios Region in The First Descendant (TFD). Check out the interactive map to see all the missions, fast travel points, Encrypted Vaults, and Arche Echo record locations in Hagios.

Hagios Interactive Map

Hagios Interactive Region Map



Icons Guide

Map Icon
The First Descendant - Outpost Legend IconWaypoint The First Descendant - Tactical Mobility Teleporter IconTemporary Safe Zone The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconBattlefield Missions The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconRegular Missions
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconCalling of the Descendant The First Descendant - Special Mission Defend Albion Resource IconDefend Albion Resource The First Descendant - Special Mission Block Kuiper Mining IconBlock Kuiper Mining The First Descendant - Special Mission Neutralize Void Experiment IconNeutralize Void Experiment
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Fragment The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor The First Descendant - Encrypted Vault IconEncrypted Vault The First Descendant - Arche Echoes Mining IconArche Echo Record
The First Descendant - Zone Recon Mission IconZone Recon Operations The First Descendant - Arche Echoes Mining IconJournals

Hagios List of Missions and Rewards

Hagios Missions and Reward

The Corrupted Zone

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconDeep Digger Passionate Sponsor (5.0%)
Deadeye (30.0%)
Frozen Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Weak Point Sight (50.0%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Frozen Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Weak Point Sight (50.0%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Fireworks (50.0%)
Lion of Blue Mane (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconCrimson Contaminated Area Heat Incinerator (5.0%)
Deadeye (30.0%)
Burning Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Electric Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Burning Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Electric Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Belief (50.0%)
Alter Ego (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconRansacked Village Mental Focus (4%)
Insight Stabilizer (25%)
・Tingling Phase Reactor (50%)
Chill Specialist (50%)
・Neutralized Singularity Reactor (50%)
Lighspeed Barrel (50%)
Assassin's Edge (50%)
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconThe Haven Void Charge (2%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (2%)
Mid-Air Maneuvering (4%)
Blair Spiral Catalyst (20%)
Refrigerate Gubbarrel (25%)
Poison Priority (25%)
Silly Weeper (50%)
・Guardian Rot (50%)
・Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 43 (100%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor Required Void Shards:
Inorganic Void Shard x 1
Organic Void Shard x 14
Supply Moisture (2%)
Mental Focus (4%)
Reload Expert (25%)
Insight Stabilizer (25%)
・Materialized Phase Reactor (50%)
・Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Dogma 21 (50%)
Blue Blood Bloomer (50%)
Additional Rewards for using Void Shards:
Solenoid (100%)
The First Descendant - Zone ReconThe Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (0.4%)
Sharp Precision Shot (4%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 041 (20%)
Sharpshooter (25%)
Focus on Dimension (25%)
・Toxic Phase Reactor (50%)
Viper (50%)
Caligo's Horn (50%)
・Burning Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Additional reward for Succesful Infiltration:
Amorphous Material Pattern: 041 (20%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (1.6%)

Fractured Monolith

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconRuins Modification Base Mental Focus (5.0%)
Rapid Fire Insight (30.0%)
Burning Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Skill Concentration (50.0%)
Tingling Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Rapid Fire Insight (30.0%)
Burning Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
Skill Concentration (50.0%)
Tingling Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Phantom Pain (50.0%)
Alter Ego (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconLarge Supply Transport Point Improve Driveshaft (5.0%)
Weak Point Sight (30.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Better Weapon Weight (50.0%)
Materialized Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Unfinished Study (50.0%)
Millennium Frost (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconThe Cliff Narcissism (4%)
HP Conversion (DEF) (25%)
・Materialized Phase Reactor (50%)
Special Round Projectile Modification (50%)
・Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50%)
In a Blink (50%)
The Unwelcomed (50%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor Required Void Shards:
Inorganic Void Shard x 11
Polymer Void Shard x 4
Nimble Footsteps (2%)
Electric Conductor (4%)
Sharpshooter (25%)
Electric Master (25%)
・Tingling Mixture Reactor (50%)
・Materialized Mixture Reactor (50%)
Immediate Execution (50%)
Dimensional Bridge (50%)
Additional Rewards for using Void Shards:
Solenoid (100%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fragment IconVoid Shard Required Attribute: Non-Attribute
Quick Freezer (4%)
Concentrate Support Ammo (25%)
Edging Shot (25%)
・Burning Mechanics Reactor (50%)
・Frozen Singularity Base (50%)
Lightspeed Barrel (50%)
Supermoon Z-15 (50%)
Additional Rewards for Matching Skill Attributes:
・Manomer Void Shard (100%)
Polymer Void Shard (100%)
Inorganic Void Shard (100%)
Organic Void Shard (100%)
Solenoid (100%)

Starfall Road

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Calling of the Descendant IconOld Mystery Truly Deadly Cuisine (2%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (2%)
Descendant Roll (4%)
Blair Code (20%)
Weapon Tuning (25%)
Non-Attribute Syncytium (25%)
・Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Unfinished Study (50%)
Immediate Execution (50%)
・Burning Mixture Reactor (50%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 - Mutant AA (100%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconTethered Energy Position Lethal Finish (4%)
Concentration Priority (25%)
・Materialized Singularity Reactor (50%)
Power Increase (50%)
・Toxic Phase Reactor (50%)
・Lightspeed Barrel](/games/The-First-Descendant/archives/460621) (50%)
Blue Blood Bloomer (50%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconRuin Guard Facility Absolute Curse (4%)
Weak Point Quick Fire (25%)
・Frozen Singularity Reactor (50%)
Expand High-Power Magazine (50%)
・Materialized Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Silly Weeper (50%)
・The Unwelcomed (50%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconAncient Quantum Facility Defense Master (4%)
Bullet Rain (25%)
・Tingling Singularity Reactor (50%)
Colon Special Forces (50%)
・Burning Singularity Reactor (50%)
Supermoon Z-15 (15%)
In a Blink (50%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconAncient Quantum Facility Main Reward:
・Rewards available at each Interim Review

Forward Base

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconThe Passage to the Ruins Weak Point Insight (30.0%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Rifling Reinforcement (50.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Rifling Reinforcement (50.0%)
Tingling Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Guardian R4 (50.0%)
Viper (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconAntiaircraft Defensive Position Analysis Master (4%)
Fire Priority (25%)
・Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Shock Punch (50%)
・Materialized Phase Reactor (50%)
Dogma 21 (50%)
Rose of Aisha (50%)
The First Descendant - Normal Mission IconBroadband Fleet Beacon ・Real Life Fighter (4%)
Frugal Mindset (25%)
・Materialized Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Shell UP (50%)
・Frozen Mixture Reactor (50%)
The Age of Innovation (50%)
Assassin's Edge (50%)
The First Descendant - Zone ReconForward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (0.4%)
Dopaminergic Activate (4%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 042 (20%)
Electric Gunbarrel (25%)
Maximize Toxic Resist (25%)
・Materialized Mechanics Reactor (50%)
Fireworks (50%)
Caligo's Horn (50%)
・Frozen Mixture Reactor (50%)
Additional reward for Succesful Infiltration:
Amorphous Material Pattern: 042 (20%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (1.6%)

Dune Base

Mission Rewards
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconVulgus Blockade Iron Knuckle (5.0%)
Insight Focus (30.0%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Fire Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Insight Focus (30.0%)
Burning Phase Reactor (50.0%)
Fire Enhancement (50.0%)
Frozen Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Caligo's Horn (50.0%)
Millennium Frost (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconRecon Squad's Trail Sharp Precision Shot (5.0%)
Fixed Shot (30.0%)
Toxic Mechanics Reactor (50.0%)
Tech Specialist (50.0%)
Burning Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Guardian R4 (50.0%)
In a Blink (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Battlefield Mission IconAlly Retreat Route Preemptive Strike (50.0%)
Weapon Tuning (30.0%)
Materialized Mixture Reactor (50.0%)
Hawk-Eye (50.0%)
Tingling Singularity Reactor (50.0%)
The Unwelcomed (50.0%)
Blue Blood Bloomer: How to Get and Stats (50.0%)
The First Descendant - Void Mission Fusion Reactor IconVoid Fusion Reactor Required Void Shards:
Monomer Void Shard x 4
Organic Void Shard x 11
Linked Amorphous Material:
Amorphous Material Pattern: 040
Battlesuit Melting Rounds (2%)
Special Sight (4%)
Maximize Weight Balance (25%)
・Frozen Mixture Reactor (50%)
・Burning Phase Reactor (50%)
Supermoon Z-15 (50%)
Phantom Pain (50%)
Additional Rewards for using Void Shards:
Solenoid (100%)
The First Descendant - Zone ReconDune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (0.4%)
Venom Injector (4%)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 040 (20%)
Action and Reaction (20%)
Iron Defense (25%)
・Burning Singularity Reactor (50%)
Silly Weeper (50%)
Dimensional Bridge (50%)
・Tingling Phase Reactor (50%)
Additional reward for Succesful Infiltration:
Amorphous Material Pattern: 040 (20%)
Shape Stabilizer Form 7 (1.6%)

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Maps Partial Interactive Map ## All Regions

The First Descendant - KingstonKingston The First Descendant - Sterile LandSterile Land The First Descendant - VespersVespers The First Descendant - Echo SwampEcho Swamp
The First Descendant - Agna DesertAgna Desert The First Descendant - White-night GulchWhite-night Gulch The First Descendant - HagiosHagios The First Descendant - FortressFortress
## All Map Locations
All Map Location
Arche Echo Record Encrypted Vaults


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