The First Descendant

All Materials and How to Get Them

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Materials
Materials in The First Descendant can be obtained in various ways like completing missions and defeating enemies. Read on for a list of all materials, how to get them, as well as how to use materials in the game.

All Materials List

The First Descendant - ChillAttention! Please bear with us as we are currently collecting more materials from the game.

※ Select the search criteria below and press the Search button to filter the data.

Item Rarity Type How to Get
Activation Control Axis Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Advanced Neural Circuit Rare Basic Material ・Something Can Be Improved Quest
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Mission Monsters
Afterglow Sword Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) Dead Bride Amorphous Material Pattern: 066
・ Devourer Amorphous Material Pattern: 079
・ Swamp Walker Amorphous Material Pattern: 094
・ Obstructer Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
Afterglow Sword Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Cooling Metallic Foil x9
Afterglow Sword Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Afterglow Sword Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner Amorphous Material Pattern: 056
・ Molten Fortress Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp complete
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone complete
Afterglow Sword Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Hellion x76
Common Carbon Activator x4
Afterglow Sword Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Afterglow Sword Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Fortress (Hard) Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line complete
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abysall Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository complete
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory complete
Afterglow Sword Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x73
Carbon Crystal x139
Pure Energy Residue x10
Afterglow Sword Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Afterglow Sword Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins complete
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square complete
・ Agna Desert - (Normal) Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waster complete
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abysall Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waster complete
Ajax Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (common) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ (Hard) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abysall Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake complete
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery complete
Ajax Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x430
Hellion x303
Artificial Biometal x35
Ajax Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ajax Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage complete
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley complete
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone complete
Ajax Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x239
Shape Memory Alloy x462
Positive Ion Particle x42
Ajax Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ajax Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ (Hard) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 required
・ (Hard) Molten Fortress - Amorphous Material Pattern: 126 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins complete
Ajax Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x386
Ceramic Composite x408
Compound Carbon Activator x30
Ajax Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ajax Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) Obstructer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermillion Waste complete
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line complete
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith complete
Albion Cavalry Gun Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository complete
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert complete
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Excavation Team Directional Radar complete
Albion Cavalry Gun Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Previous Construct Team Quarters complete
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x97
Compound Coating Material x60
Fusion Plasma Battery x10
Albion Cavalry Gun Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Albion Cavalry Gun Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake complete
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Obstructer Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
Albion Cavalry Gun Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Rock Cave Base complete
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Inorganic Biogel x15
Albion Cavalry Gun Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Albion Cavalry Gun Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Hanged Man - Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage complete
Albion Cavalry Gun Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Abandoned Reconstruction Site complete
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x105
Silicon x108
Synthesized Artificial Biometal x25
Albion Cavalry Gun Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Albion Cavalry Gun Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 066 required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp complete
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith complete
Amorphous Material Pattern: 001 Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Magister Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Slumber Valley
Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston - Defend Albion resource
Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston - Defend Albion resource
Amorphous Material Pattern: 006 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 007 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - The Repository: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 008 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - The Forgottense
Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Unknown Laboratory
Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Block Kuiper Mining
Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 Rare Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Block Kuiper Mining
Amorphous Material Pattern: 013 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 014 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Lost Supply Depot: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 015 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Moonlight Lake: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Sepulcher
Amorphous Material Pattern: 017 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - The Shelter
Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 Rare Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 020 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 021 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Seed Vault
Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - The Chapel
Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp - Defend Albion resource
Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 Rare Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp - Defend Albion resource
Amorphous Material Pattern: 026 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Vermillion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 027 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Storage: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 028 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - The Asylum
Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Caligo Ossuary
Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 032 Rare Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 033 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 034 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 035 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Mystery's End
Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Bio Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch - Block Kuiper mining
Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 Rare Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch - Block Kuiper mining
Amorphous Material Pattern: 040 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Normal) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 041 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Normal) - The Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 042 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Normal) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Normal) - The Haven
Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Normal) - Old Mystery
Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 Rare Amorphous Material ・Hagios - Neutralize Void Experiment
Amorphous Material Pattern: 047 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 048 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Converter Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 049 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Quarantinze Zone
Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Heart of the Fortress
Amorphous Material Pattern: 052 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress - Defend Albion resources
Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 Rare Amorphous Material ・Fortress - Defend Albion resources
Amorphous Material Pattern: 054 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 055 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 056 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Magister Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Magister Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Slumber Valley
Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Hard) - Slumber Valley
Amorphous Material Pattern: 060 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 061 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 062 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - The Repository: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 063 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - The Repository: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 064 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 065 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 066 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - The Forgottense
Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - The Forgottense
Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Unknown Laboratory
Amorphous Material Pattern: 068-Mutant AA Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Unknown Laboratory
Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Sterile Land (Hard) - Unknown Laboratory
Amorphous Material Pattern: 070 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 071 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 072 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Lost Supply Depot: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 073 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Lost Supply Depot: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 074 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Moonlight Lake: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 075 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Moonlight Lake: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 076 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Sepulcher
Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - Sepulcher
Amorphous Material Pattern: 078 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - The Shelter
Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Vespers (Hard) - The Shelter
Amorphous Material Pattern: 080 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 081 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 082 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 083 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 084 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Seed Vault
Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Seed Vault
Amorphous Material Pattern: 086 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - The Chapel
Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - The Chapel
Amorphous Material Pattern: 088 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Vermillion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 089 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Vermillion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 090 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Storage: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 091 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Storage: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 092 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 093 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 094 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - The Asylum
Amorphous Material Pattern: 094-Mutant AA Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - The Asylum
Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - The Asylum
Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Caligo Ossuary
Amorphous Material Pattern: 097 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Caligo Ossuary
Amorphous Material Pattern: 098 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 099 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 100 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 101 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 102 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 103 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 104 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - The Haven
Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - The Haven
Amorphous Material Pattern: 106 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Old Mystery
Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Old Mystery
Amorphous Material Pattern: 108 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 109 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 110 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - The Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 111 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - The Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 112 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 113 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 114 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Mystery's End
Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Mystery's End
Amorphous Material Pattern: 115-Mutant AA Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Hagios (Hard) - The Haven
Amorphous Material Pattern: 116 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Bio-Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Bio-Lab
Amorphous Material Pattern: 118 Ultimate Amorphous Material Info will be coming soon!
Amorphous Material Pattern: 119 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 120 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Convertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 121 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Convertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 122 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 123 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Amorphous Material Pattern: 124 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Quarantine Zone
Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Quarantine Zone
Amorphous Material Pattern: 125-Mutant AA Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Quarantine Zone
Amorphous Material Pattern: 126 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Heart of the Fortress
Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 Ultimate Amorphous Material ・Fortress (Hard) - Heart of the Fortress
Amorphous Material Pattern: Bunny Rare Amorphous Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Slumber Valley
Amorphous Material Pattern: Freyna TBD Amorphous Material Info will be coming soon!
Anode Ion Particle Rare Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal) - Mission Monsters
Arche Crystal Ultimate Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Artificial Biometal Rare Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Mission Monsters
Balanced Plasma Battery Rare Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Mission Monster
Bionic Booster Standard Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Blair Code Ultimate Code ・Haigos (Normal) - Old Mystery
Blair Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Mystery's end
Blair Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Blair Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Haigos (Normal) - The Haven
Blair Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Blair Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Bio-Lab
Blair Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Blue Beetle Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 086 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Molten Fortress - Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
Blue Beetle Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Compound Carbon Activator x7
Blue Beetle Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Blue Beetle Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermillion Waste complete
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley complete
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery complete
Blue Beetle Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Flectorite x73
Anode Ion Particle x7
Blue Beetle Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Blue Beetle Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins complete
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit complete
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith complete
Blue Beetle Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Synthesized Artificial Biometal x25
Blue Beetle Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Blue Beetle Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Intercept Battle (Hard) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 094 required
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery complete
Bunny Code Ultimate Code ・Incercept Battle: Grave Walker (Common) - Amorphous Material Pattern: Bunny
Bunny Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Kingston (Normal) - Vulgus Field Generator
Bunny Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Bunny Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Kingston (Normal) - Vulgus Data Transmitter
Bunny Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Bunny Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Kingston (Normal) - Magister Lab
Bunny Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Kingston (Normal) - Magister Lab complete
Carbon Crystal Standard Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box
・ Munition
Ceramic Composite Standard Basic Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box
・ Munition
Clairvoyance Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 084 required
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith complete
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops complete
Clairvoyance Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x139
Hellion x76
Fusion Plasma Battery x10
Clairvoyance Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Clairvoyance Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit complete
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone complete
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone complete
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone complete
Clairvoyance Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x73
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Encrypted Neural Circuit x8
Clairvoyance Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Clairvoyance Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Hanged Man - Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Frost Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 116 required
Clairvoyance Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x97
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Deformed Biometal x19
Clairvoyance Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Clairvoyance Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Obstructer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 106 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark complete
Code Analyzer Standard Code Analyzer ・Normal Mission Monsters
Common Carbon Activator Rare Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal/Hard) - (Sepulcher)
・ (The Shelter)
Complex Carbon Activator Rare Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Mission Monster
Composite Allotrope Standard Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Compound Carbon Activator Rare Basic Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Mystery's End Mission Monster
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Bio-Lab Mission Monster
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Mystery's End Mission Monster
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Bio-Lab Mission Monster
Compound Coating Material Standard Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Resource Box
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Resource Box
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Munition
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Munition
Conductive Metallic Foil Rare Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Vespers (Normal) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Vespers (Normal) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Vespers (Normal) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Vespers (Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Vespers (Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
Cooling Metallic Foil Rare Basic Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
Cryogenic Flask Standard Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Crystal Biogel Rare Basic Material ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops Mission Monster
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Crystallization Catalyst Ultimate ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Murky Energy Residue x8
Macromolecule Biogel x22
Mixed Energy Residue x8
Advanced Neural Circuit x18
Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins/Vespers Moonlight Lake complete
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square complete
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository complete
・ Something Can Be Improved quest
・ Intercept Battle (common) - Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Hanged Man - Amorphous Material Pattern: 051/052 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 056/058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 066/068 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins/Vespers Moonlight Lake complete
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square complete
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository complete
・ Something Can Be Improved quest
・ Intercept Battle (common) - Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Hanged Man - Amorphous Material Pattern: 051/052 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 056/058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Grave Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Stunning Beauty - Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins/Vespers Moonlight Lake complete
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square complete
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository complete
・ Something Can Be Improved quest
・ Intercept Battle (common) - Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Dead Bride - Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Hanged Man - Amorphous Material Pattern: 051/052 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Executioner - Amorphous Material Pattern: 056/058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Devourer - Amorphous Material Pattern: 076/078 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Pyromaniac - Amorphous Material Pattern: 084/086 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
Data Processing Neural Circuit Rare Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Mission Monsters
Deformed Biometal Rare Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Fortress (Normal) - Convertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Dimension Analyzer Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Divided Plasma Battery Rare Basic Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - The Asylum Mission Monster
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Caligo Ossuary Mission Monster
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - The Asylum Mission Monster
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Caligo Ossuary Mission Monster
Divine Punishment Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot complete
・ Intercept Battle: (common) Swamp Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) Frost Walker - Amorphous Material Pattern: 116 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermillion Waste complete
Divine Punishment Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Compound Coating Material x60
Divided Plasma Battery x6
Divine Punishment Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Divine Punishment Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
Divine Punishment Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Inorganic Biogel x15
Divine Punishment Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Divine Punishment Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 084 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 126 required
Divine Punishment Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x97
Nanopolymers x91
Encrypted Neural Circuit x8
Divine Punishment Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Divine Punishment Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Encrypted Neural Circuit Rare Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Hazy Swamp Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Environment Contamination Zone Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Abandoned Zone Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Arche Motion Sensor Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Verdant Greenery Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Emergency Landing Strip Mission Monster
Enduring Legacy Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Enduring Legacy Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Carbon Crystal x139
Deformed Biometal x19
Enduring Legacy Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Enduring Legacy Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Enduring Legacy Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Thermal Metallic Foil x6
Enduring Legacy Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Enduring Legacy Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 076 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 104
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
Enduring Legacy Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Hellion x76
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x8
Enduring Legacy Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Enduring Legacy Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 067
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 078 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 126
Energy Activator Ultimate ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Low-Carbon Activator x55
Conductive Metallic Foil x25
Heat Plasma Battery x55
Polyatomic Ion Particle x72
Energy Activator Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Energy Core Control Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Auxiliary Power (Standard)
・ Auxiliary Power (Rare)
・ Auxiliary Power (Ultimate)
・ Sensor (Standard)
・ Sensor (Rare)
・ Sensor (Ultimate)
・ Memory (Standard)
・ Memory (Rare)
・ Memory (Ultimate)
・ Processor (Standard)
・ Processor (Rare)
・ Processor (Ultimate)
Energy Fusion Core Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Entropy Battery Ultimate Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Enzo Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Enzo Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monomolecular Extractor x499
Flectorite x292
Inorganic Biogel x58
Enzo Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Enzo Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
Enzo Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x290
Ceramic Composite x408
Positive Ion Particle x42
Enzo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Enzo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 037
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Enzo Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x430
Nanopolymers x363
Advanced Neural Circuit x90
Enzo Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Enzo Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Esiemo Code Ultimate Code ・Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Esiemo Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x292
Shape Memory Alloy x462
Deformed Biometal x76
Esiemo Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Esiemo Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 104 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
Esiemo Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x290
Nanopolymers x363
Specialized Biometal x46
Esiemo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Esiemo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Esiemo Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x408
Reverse Charging Coil x455
Organic Biogel x26
Esiemo Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Esiemo Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Executor Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
Executor Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x105
Silicon x108
Balanced Plasma Battery x11
Executor Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Executor Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
Executor Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Hellion x76
Heat Plasma Battery x18
Executor Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Executor Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 104 required
Executor Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x73
Carbon Crystal x139
Complex Carbon Activator x15
Executor Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Executor Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Fallen Hope Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Lower Hatchery
Fallen Hope Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Altar
Fallen Hope Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Fallen Hope Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Border Line of Truth
Fallen Hope Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Fallen Hope Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・White-night Gulch (Normal) - Eye of Truth
Fallen Hope Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Flectorite Standard Basic Material ・White-night Gulch (Hard) - Resource Box
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Resource Box
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Munition
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Munition
Freyna Code Ultimate Code ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor (Sterile Land Rockfall Zone)
Freyna Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Vespers (Normal) - The Shelter
Freyna Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Freyna Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Vespers (Normal) - Ruins Underground Entrance
Freyna Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Freyna Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Vespers (Normal) - Ruins Path
Freyna Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Fusion Plasma Battery Rare Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Gene Stator Standard Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Gley Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 124 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
Gley Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x246
Silicon x430
Cooling Metallic Foil x38
Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 066 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
Gley Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Nanopolymers x363
Ceramic Composite x408
Synthesized Artificial Biometal x99
Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hangen Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 078 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Gley Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x519
Flectorite x292
Complex Carbon Activator x60
Gley Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Gley Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
Gnosis Solution Ultimate Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Golden Capsule Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Greg's Reversed Fate Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Fortress (Normal) - Heart of the Fortress
Greg's Reversed Fate Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Fortress (Normal) - Fortress Command Entrance
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x97
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Anode Ion Particle x7
Greg's Reversed Fate Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Greg's Reversed Fate Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 051 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 114 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
Greg's Reversed Fate Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Fortress (Normal) - Command Relay
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x139
Hellion x76
Compound Carbon Activator x7
Greg's Reversed Fate Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Greg's Reversed Fate Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
Greg's Reversed Fate Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Fortress (Normal) - Quarantine Zone
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x60
Nanopolymers x91
Deformed Biometal x19
Greg's Reversed Fate Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Greg's Reversed Fate Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Hardener Standard Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munitions
Heat Plasma Battery Rare Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal/Hard) - The Haven Mission Monster
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Old Mystery Mission Monster
Hellion Standard Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Munition
High Precision Exchange Components Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Weapon (Standard/Rare/Ultimate)
High-Value Mark for Arrest Ultimate Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue Rare Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
Inorganic Biogel Rare Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic outpost
・ Vespers (Normal) - Lost Supply Deport: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Insulated Metallic Foil Rare Basic Material ・Kingston (Normal/Hard) - Magister Lab/Slumber Valley Mission Monster
Jayber Code Ultimate Code ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Jayber Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hellion x303
Reverse Charging Coil x455
Insulated Metallic Foil x34
Jayber Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Jayber Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
Jayber Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x292
Carbon Crystal x554
Thermal Metallic Foil x26
Jayber Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Jayber Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 116 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
Jayber Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Nanopolymers x363
Shape Memory Alloy x462
Balanced Plasma Battery x43
Jayber Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Jayber Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
King's Guard Lance Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
King's Guard Lance Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Carbon Crystal x139
Crystal Biogel x11
King's Guard Lance Nano Tube Blueprint x1
King's Guard Lance Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
King's Guard Lance Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Inorganic Biogel x15
King's Guard Lance Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
King's Guard Lance Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
King's Guard Lance Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x60
Ceramic Composite x102
Specialized Biometal x11
King's Guard Lance Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
King's Guard Lance Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Kyle Code Ultimate Code ・Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Kyle Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x554
Hellion x303
Inorganic Biogel x58
Kyle Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Kyle Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Kyle Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x408
Reverse Charging Coil x455
Compound Carbon Activator x30
Kyle Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Kyle Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
Kyle Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x519
Monomolecular Extractor x499
Deformed Biometal x76
Kyle Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Kyle Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 017 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 076 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
Last Dagger Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Emergency Landing Strip
Last Dagger Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - The Tree of Truth
Last Dagger Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Last Dagger Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Kuiper Transport Route
Last Dagger Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Last Dagger Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Abandoned Zone
Last Dagger Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Lepic Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 106 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Lepic Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x290
Monomolecular Extractor x499
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x34
Lepic Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Lepic Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Lepic Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x519
Carbon Crystal x554
Complex Carbon Activator x60
Lepic Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Lepic Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 094 required
Lepic Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x571
Shape Memory Alloy x462
Crystal Biogel x43
Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 056 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
Liquid Metal Standard Basic Material ・Weapon Phase Exchanger Quest
・ Don't Discard Unsatisfactory Weapons Quest
・ Dismantle Weapon - (Standard/Rare)
Low-Carbon Activator Rare Basic Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Luna Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 094-Mutant AA required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - The Storage Void Fusion Reactor
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Luna Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x430
Carbon Crystal x554
Pure Energy Residue x40
Luna Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Luna Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 017-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 038-Mutant AA required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Luna Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x571
Hardener x386
Specialized Biometal x46
Luna Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Luna Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor
Luna Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x292
Hellion x303
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x34
Luna Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Luna Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Gluttony) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068-Mutant AA required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Macromolecule Biogel Rare Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Something Can Be Improved Quest
Mark of Arrest Rare Basic Material ・Defend Albion resource
・ Block Kuiper mining Missions
Metal Accelerant Standard Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munitions
Mixed Energy Residue Rare Basic Material ・Something Can Be Improved Quest
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
Monad Shard Standard Basic Material ・Kingston (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munitions
Monomer Void Shard Standard Void Shard ・(Normal/Hard) Void Fragments
Monomolecular Extractor Standard Basic Material ・Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Munition
Multi-Composite Receivers Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Weapon (Standard / Rare / Ultimate)
Murky Energy Residue Rare Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - The Forgottense/Unknown Laboratory Mission Monster
Nano Compound Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Reactor (Standard / Rare / Ultimate)
Nanopolymers Standard Basic Material ・Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box
・ Agna Desert (Normal/Hard) - Munitions
Nazeistra's Devotion Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Vespers (Normal) - Timberfall Power Facility
Nazeistra's Devotion Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Vespers (Normal) - Floodplain
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x62
Superfluid x143
Common Carbon Activator x4
Nazeistra's Devotion Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Nazeistra's Devotion Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
Nazeistra's Devotion Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Vespers (Normal) - Mossy Colossus
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x105
Hardener x97
Artificial Biometal x9
Nazeistra's Devotion Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Nazeistra's Devotion Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 003 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Nazeistra's Devotion Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Vespers (Normal) - Sepulcher
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Organic Biogel x7
Nazeistra's Devotion Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Nazeistra's Devotion Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 017 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
Negative Ion Particle Rare Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
Negative Ion Patricle Rare Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Precise Encrypted Storage Vault
・ Ultraprecise Encrypted Storage Vault
Nucleus Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Organic Biogel Rare Basic Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Mission Monsters
Organized Metal Standard Basic Material ・Kingston (Normal) - Kingston Communications Repeater Mission Monster
・ Kingston (Normal) - Vulgus Field Generator Mission Monster
・ Kingston (Normal) - Kingston Surveillance Radar Mission Monster
Peace Maker Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: Gluttony (Hard)
Peace Maker Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Nanopolymers x91
Anode Ion Particle x7
Peace Maker Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Peace Maker Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: Gluttony (Hard)
Peace Maker Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Mixed Energy Residue x10
Peace Maker Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Peace Maker Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: Gluttony (Hard)
Peace Maker Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Low-Carbon Activator x18
Peace Maker Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Peace Maker Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: Gluttony (Hard)
Perforator Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
Perforator Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x130
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Synthesized Artificial Biometal x25
Perforator Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Perforator Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Perforator Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Polyatomic Ion Particle x24
Perforator Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Perforator Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Perforator Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x60
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Compound Carbon Activator x7
Perforator Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Perforator Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 124 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
Phase Nexus Ultimate Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Piercing Light Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Piercing Light Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Compound Coating Material x60
Complex Carbon Activator x15
Piercing Light Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Piercing Light Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 106 required
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Piercing Light Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x105
Metal Accelerant x130
Divided Plasma Battery x6
Piercing Light Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Piercing Light Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Whit-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Piercing Light Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x108
Nanopolymers x91
Artificial Biometal x9
Piercing Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Piercing Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
Polyatomic Ion Particle Rare Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal) - Munitions Loading Dock
・ Fortress (Normal) - Command Relay
・ Fortress (Normal) - Ship Charging Facility
・ Fortress (Normal) - Frozen Shipyard
・ Fortress (Normal) - Giant Hangar
・ Fortress (Normal) - High-thermal Source Detected Zone
・ Fortress (Normal) - Destroyed Base
・ Fortress (Normal) - Fortress Command Entrance Mission Monster
Polymer Void Shard Standard Void Shard ・(Normal/Hard) Void Fragments
Positive Ion Particle Rare Basic Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Surveillance Location
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Rock Cave Base
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Abandoned Reconstruction Site
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Previous Construct Team Quarters
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Excavation Team Directional Radar
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Commanding Ground Mission Monster
Precision Code Analyzer Standard Code Analyzer ・(Normal) Mission Monsters
Pure Energy Residue Rare Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
Python Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Verspers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
Python Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x62
Ceramic Composite x102
Conductive Metallic Foil x8
Python Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Python Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Python Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x97
Nanopolymers x91
Crystal Biogel x11
Python Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Python Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
Python Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x108
Flectorite x73
Positive Ion Particle x10
Python Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Python Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
Quantum Crystal Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Reactor (Standard / Rare / Ultimate)
・ Vespers (Hard) - Void Fragment complete
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor Vespers Ruins complete
・ Kingston (Hard) - Void Fragment complete
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Void Fragment
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Void Fragment
・ Fortress (Hard) - Void Fragment complete
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark complete
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Void Fragment
・ Hagios (Hard) - Void Fragment
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Void Fragment complete
Quantum Incubator Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Repton Standard Basic Material ・Kingston - Magister Lab/Slumber Valley Mission Monster
Restored Relic Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 086 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
・ Hagios (Normal) - The Passage to the Ruins
Restored Relic Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Hagios (Normal) - Ruins Modification Base
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Monomolecular Extractor x125
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x8
Restored Relic Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Restored Relic Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 032 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
Restored Relic Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Hagios (Normal) - Ally Retreat Route
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Flectorite x73
Positive Ion Particle x10
Restored Relic polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Restored Relic Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 124 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Restored Relic Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Hagios (Normal) - Deep Digger
・ Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x102
Shape Memory Alloy x115
Complex Carbon Activator x15
Restored Relic Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Restored Relic Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 037 required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
Reverse Charging Coil Standard Basic Material ・Fortress (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munition
Secret Garden Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 032 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 114 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
Secret Garden Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x73
Carbon Crystal x139
Balanced Plasma Battery x11
Secret Garden Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Secret Garden Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Secret Garden Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x108
Hellion x76
Highly-concentrated Energy Residue x8
Secret Garden Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Secret Garden Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Secret Garden Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Nanopolymers x91
Reverse Charging Coil x114
Data Processing Neural Circuit x12
Secret Garden Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Secret Garden Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Semi-permanent Plasma Standard Basic Material ・Vespers (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munitions
Shape Memory Alloy Standard Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munition
Shape Stabilizer 1 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Kingston - Defend Albion resource
・ Kingston (Normal) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Kingston (Normal) - Magister Lab
・ Kingston (Normal) - Slumber Valley
・ Kingston (Hard) - Fallen Theater: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Kingston (Hard) - Magister Lab
・ Kingston (Hard) - Slumber Valley
Shape Stabilizer 2 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Sterile Land - Block Kuiper mining
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - The Repository: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Rockfall: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - The Repository: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Classified Area: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - The Forgottense
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Unknown Laboratory
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - The Forgottense
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Unknown Laboratory
Shape Stabilizer 3 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Vespers - Neutralize Void Experiment
・ Vespers (Normal) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Normal) - Lost Supply Depot: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Normal) - Moonlight Lake: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Hard) - Lumber Yard: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Hard) - Lost Supply Depot: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Hard) - Moonlight Lake: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Vespers (Normal) - Sepulcher
・ Vespers (Normal) - The Shelter
・ Vespers (Hard) - Sepulcher
・ Vespers (Hard) - The Shelter
Shape Stabilizer 4 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Echo Swamp - Defend Albion resource
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Derelict Covert: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Seed Vault
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - The Chapel
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Seed Vault
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - The Chapel
Shape Stabilizer 5 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Agna Desert - Neutralize Void Experiment
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Vermilion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Storage: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Vermilion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Storage: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - The Asylum
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Caligo Ossuary
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - The Asylum
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Caligo Ossuary
Shape Stabilizer 6 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・White-night Gulch - Block Kuiper mining
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - The Mountaintops: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Shipment Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Hatchery: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Hard) - The Haven
・ Hagios (Hard) - Old Mystery
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Mystery's End
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Bio-Lab
Shape Stabilizer 7 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Hagios - Neutralize Void Experiment
・ Hagios (Normal) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Normal) - The Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Normal) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Hard) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Hard) - The Corrupted Zone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Hard) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Hagios (Normal) - The Haven
・ Hagios (Normal) - Old Mystery
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Mystery's End
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Bio-Lab
Shape Stabilizer 8 Ultimate Shape Stabilizer ・Fortress - Defend Albion resources
・ Fortress (Normal) - Frozen Valley: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Fortress (Normal) - Convertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Fortress (Normal) - Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Fortress (Hard) - Convertor Facility: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
・ Fortress (Hard) - Defense Line: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
Sharen Code Ultimate Code ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Caligo Ossuary
Sharen Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Echo Swamp (Normal) - Seed Vault
Sharen Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Sharen Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Agna Desert (Normal) - The Asylum
Sharen Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Sharen Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Echo Swamp (Normal) -The Chapel
Sharen Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Silicon Standard Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munition
Smithereens Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 017 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 056 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
Smithereens Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x62
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Organic Biogel x7
Smithereens Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Smithereens Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 052 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
Smithereens Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Hardener x97
Insulated Metallic Foil x8
Smithereens Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Smithereens Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 078 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
Smithereens Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x105
Metal Accelerant x130
Data Processing Neural Circuit x12
Smithereens Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Smithereens Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
Solenoid Standard Basic Material ・Distmantling Reactors
・ Void Fragments
・ Void Fusion Reactors
Specialized Biometal Rare Basic Material ・Hagios (Normal) - Dune Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Hagios (Normal) - Forward Base: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
Superalloy Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Weapon
Superconductor Core Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Reactors
Superfluid Standard Basic Material ・Sterile Land (Normal/Hard) - Resource Box/Munitions
Synaptic Agent Standard Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Synthesized Artificial Biometal Rare Basic Material ・Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage Mission Monster
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Vermilion Waste: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Miragestone: Vulgus Strategic Outpost Mission Monster
The Final Masterpiece Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 031 required
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
The Final Masterpiece Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Compound Coating Material x60
Low-Carbon Activator x18
The Final Masterpiece Nano Tube Blueprint x1
The Final Masterpiece Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 011 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
The Final Masterpiece Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x62
Metal Accelerant x130
Thermal Metallic Foil x6
The Final Masterpiece Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
The Final Masterpiece Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
The Final Masterpiece Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Silicon x108
Insulated Metallic Foil x8
The Final Masterpiece Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
The Final Masterpiece Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 052 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Thermal Metallic Foil Rare Basic Material ・Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box
・ Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Encrypted Storage Box Enzo Descendant required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault
・ Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Precise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault
・ Echo Swamp (Normal/Hard) - Ultraprecise Encrypted Vault Enzo Descendant required
Thunder Cage Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Setrile Land (Normal) - Logistics Facility
Thunder Cage Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Sterile Land (Normal) - High-Powered Jammer
Thunder Cage Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Thunder Cage Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Sterile Land (Normal) - External Reactor
Thunder Cage Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Thunder Cage Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Sterile Land (Normal) - Kuiper Mine
Thunder Cage Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint Info will be coming soon!
Topological Insulators Rare Basic Material Info will be coming soon!
Ultimate Ajax Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 066 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 078 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x969
Flectorite x656
Balanced Plasma Battery x98
Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Ajax Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Nanopolymers x817
Shape Memory Alloy x1039
Fusion Plasma Battery x91
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Ajax Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 094 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 124 required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Ceramic Composite x919
Hellion x682
Anode Ion Particle x62
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Ajax Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 116 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Ultimate Bunny Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 052 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 106 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
Ultimate Bunny Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x949
Ceramic Composite x919
Encrypted Neural Circuit x73
Ultimate Bunny Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Bunny Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x1247
Reverse Charging Coil x1023
Pure Energy Residue x89
Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 017 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
Ultimate Bunny Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x1285
Hardener x869
Specialized Biometal x102
Ultimate Bunny Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Bunny Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Ultimate Gley Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 126 required
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x1168
Hardener x869
Thermal Metallic Foil x58
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 084 required
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monomolecular Extractor x1123
Ceramic Composite x919
Common Carbon Activator x32
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x1247
Reverse Charging Coil x1023
Cooling Metallic Foil x85
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 076 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 104 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
Ultimate Lepic Code Ultimate Code ・Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells Ultimate Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Semi-permanent Plasma x652
Flectorite x656
Divided Plasma Battery x50
Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
Ultimate Lepic Spiral Catalyst Ultimate Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x1168
Nanopolymers x817
Data Processing Neural Circuit x107
Ultimate Lepic Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Lepic Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
Ultimate Lepic Stabilizer Ultimate Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x554
Shape Memory Alloy x1039
Crystal Biogel x97
Ultimate Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
・ Kingston (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
Ultimate Valby Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Gluttony) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125-Mutant AA required
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells Ultimate Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x949
Compound Coating Material x538
Conductive Metallic Foil x75
Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Valby Enhanced Cells Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 011-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Gluttony) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115-Mutant AA required
Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst Ultimate Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x554
Semi-permanent Plasma x652
Macromolecule Biogel x242
Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 023-Mutant AA required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 052-Mutant AA required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Ultimate Valby Stabilizer Ultimate Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x969
Hellion x682
Heat Plasma Battery x166
Ultimate Valby Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Valby Stabilizer Blueprint Ultimate Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 030-Mutant AA required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor
Ultimate Viessa Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 038 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
Ultimate Viessa Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x656
Hellion x682
Insulated Metallic Foil x76
Ultimate Viessa Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Viessa Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 056 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 086 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 114 required
Ultimate Viessa Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x1285
Shape Memory Alloy x1039
Organic Biogel x59
Ultimate Viessa Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Viessa Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
Ultimate Viessa Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x538
Monomolecular Extractor x1123
Artificial Biometal x79
Ultimate Viessa Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Ultimate Viessa Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 043 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer Rare Code Analyzer ・(Normal) Mission Monsters
Valby Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 032 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
Valby Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x442
Superfluid x571
Data Processing Neural Circuit x48
Valby Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Valby Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Valby Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x519
Hardener x386
Encrypted Neural Circuit x32
Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 009 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 023 required
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Valby Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x246
Compound Coating Material x249
Murky Energy Residue x40
Valby Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Valby Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 086 required
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
Viessa Code Ultimate Code ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 018 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
Viessa Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Repton x422
Semi-permanent Plasma x290
Fusion Plasma Battery x40
Viessa Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Viessa Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097 required
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Viessa Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x571
Hardener x386
Synthesized Artificial Biometal x99
Viessa Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Viessa Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 084 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
Viessa Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x239
Monomolecular Extractor x499
Common Carbon Activator x14
Viessa Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Viessa Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 024 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Void Organism Standard Basic Material ・Dismantle Extra Components
Wave of Light Blueprint Ultimate Weapon Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 032 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 076 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 required
Wave of Light Nano Tube Rare Nano Tube ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Silicon x108
Nanopolymers x91
Cooling Metallic Foil x9
Wave of Light Nano Tube Blueprint x1
Wave of Light Nano Tube Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 052 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Wave of Light Polymer Syncytium Rare Syncytium ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monad Shard x62
Flectorite x73
Negative Ion Particle x12
Wave of Light Polymer Syncytium Blueprint x1
Wave of Light Polymer Syncytium Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 004 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
Wave of Light Synthetic Fiber Rare Synthetic Fiber ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Superfluid x143
Semi-permanent Plasma x72
Positive Ion Particle x10
Wave of Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint x1
Wave of Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
Yujin Code Ultimate Code ・Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
Yujin Enhanced Cells Rare Enhanced Cell ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Flectorite x292
Reverse Charging Coil x455
Divided Plasma Battery x22
Yujin Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Yujin Enhanced Cells Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 045 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 114 required
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
Yujin Spiral Catalyst Rare Spiral Catalyst ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Hardener x386
Ceramic Composite x408
Anode Ion Particle x27
Yujin Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Yujin Spiral Catalyst Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
Yujin Stabilizer Rare Stabilizer ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Compound Coating Material x239
Carbon Crystal x554
Pure Energy Residue x40
Yujin Stabilizer Blueprint x1
Yujin Stabilizer Blueprint Rare Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone

How to Get Materials

How to Get Items

Complete Missions

The First Descendant - List of All Items Mission Rewards

You could acquire materials by completing missions you encounter or unlock in the game. You can preview what materials you can unlock from a mission by hovering over a mission on the map or interacting with the mission giver.

From there, scroll down to the Main Rewards info to check what materials are in store after you've completed the mission.

Main Quest Walkthrough

Acquire Enemy Drops

Some materials can be obtained as drops after defeating enemies in battle. Specific materials can be dropped by certain enemies in the game, so it is best to consult the Acquisition Info of an item by hovering over it in the Consumables menu.

Open Munition and Resource Boxes

Munition and Resource Boxes can be seen throughout the battlefield when progressing quests in the game. Be sure to check these boxes to acquire the materials stored inside them.

Claim Items From Mailbox

The First Descendant - List of All Items Mailbox Lost and Found

The Lost and Found tab in the Mailbox shows materials or rewards that have been unclaimed after completing missions or defeating enemies in battle. Check the Mailbox to claim any materials you've missed when progressing.

Dismantle Weapons

The First Descendant - List of All Items Dismantle Weapons

Some materials can be acquired by dismantling weapons currently in your inventory. You can try designating some of your weapons as junk in your Inventory menu so that you can dismantle them and acquire materials from the process.

How to Use Materials

Maintain and Enhance Your Weapons

The First Descendant - List of All Items Workbench

Some consumable materials can be used to maintain or enhance your weapons through the Workbench located in Albion. Items used during the enhancement process can help provide more efficient weapons in battle when used correctly.

Construct Descendants and Weapons

The First Descendant - List of All Items Anais Research

The materials you acquire in the game can also help you construct Descendants or Weapons by talking to Anais in Albion. Constructing Descendants or Weapons requires material costs, so this should be worth noting when looking for specific materials.

Other Materials List

All Consumable Materials

All Consumable Materials
The First Descendant - Amorphous MaterialsAmorphous Materials The First Descendant - Research MaterialsResearch Materials
The First Descendant - Void ShardsVoid Shards -

All Code Analyzers

All Code Analyzers
Code Analyzer Precision Code Analyzer Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer

All Code Breakers

All Code Breaker
Code Breaker Precision Code Breaker Ultra-Precision Code Breaker

All Shape Stabilizers

All Shape Stabilizers
How to Get and Use Shape Stabilizers

All Enhancement Materials

All Enhancement Materials
Crystallization Catalyst Energy Activator

All Materials List

All Materials List
All Blueprints All Enhanced Cells All Codes
All Stabilizers All Spiral Catalysts All Nano Tubes
All Synthetic Fibers All Syncytiums -

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Main Guides Partial

The First Descendant Wiki

The First Descendant Walkthrough Wiki

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The First Descendant - NewsNews The First Descendant - Main QuestsMain Quests
The First Descendant - Void InterceptVoid Bosses The First Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.pngCharacters
The First Descendant - Weapons Front Page Partial Banner.pngWeapons The First Descendant - Sub Quests partialSub Quests
The First Descendant - MaterialsMaterials The First Descendant - Reactors Front Page Partial BannerReactors
The First Descendant - Modules Front Page Partial BannerModules The First Descendant - External Components Front Page Partial BannerExternal Components
The First Descendant - Maps PartialMaps The First Descendant - SeasonsSeasons


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