The First Descendant

Sharen Builds and How to Unlock

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

First Descendant - Sharen

This is a Sharen build for normal and hard mode in The First Descendant. Read on to learn Sharen's best builds, how to unlock, basic info, skills, as well as Sharen's exclusive equipment and skins!

Best Sharen Build for Hard Mode

Jump to a section!
Descendant Modules Weapons and Modules
Reactor and External Components Playstyle Tips
▼Jump to Normal Mode Build▼

Sharen Hard Mode Build Showcase

Check out this 9-second Devourer clear using our Sharen Hard Mode Build!

The clear should be even faster when you slot in the appropriate elemental enhancement as this showcase tries to emphasize the base damage of the build!

Best Sharen Modules (Hard)

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

The build revolves around repeatedly using Overcharged Edge with the help of Multitalented to get a constant +150% damage buff for all sources of damage, mainly for Afterglow Sword.

This Overcharged Edge build guarantees you can melt bosses without MP use while staying relatively safe! The other modules focus on HP, Skill Power, and Skill Cooldowns.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Alternative Descendant Modules for Mobbing

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Overcharged EdgeOvercharged Edge > The First Descendant - Void DominationVoid Domination Upgrades Flash Shortsword to have better range and increased targets
The First Descendant - Electric AntibodyElectric Antibody > The First Descendant - MP CollectorMP Collector Easily replenish MP when facing hordes of enemies
The First Descendant - Shot FocusShot Focus > The First Descendant - Increased HPIncreased HP Increases HP over Firearm ATK
The First Descendant - Focus on FusionFocus on Fusion > The First Descendant - Skill SimplificationSkill Simplification Increase Skill Power over cooldowns

With Void Domination and additional Skill values, Sharen can be one of the better Descendants at clearing mobs since this skill travels through terrain. Since you now have more range and targets, you can stand in the corner and clear rooms full of enemies!

Alternative Descendant Modules for Outposts

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Overcharged EdgeOvercharged Edge > The First Descendant - Battlesuit Melting RoundsBattlesuit Melting Rounds Upgrades Shock Nuts to decrease defenses and electrical resistances
The First Descendant - HP AmplificationHP Amplification > The First Descendant - Battle of StaminaBattle of Stamina Increase Skill Duration over HP
The First Descendant - Shot FocusShot Focus > The First Descendant - Increased HPIncreased HP Increases HP over Firearm ATK
The First Descendant - Electric AntibodyElectric Antibody > The First Descendant - Skill ExtensionSkill Extension Increases Skill Duration over elemental resistance

Sharen is known for her role as a utility descendant that makes Outposts more efficient while yielding better results. To make the process easier, the modules included here increase Skill Duration while keeping the already low cooldowns!

Furthermore, replace Overcharged Edge with Battlesuit Melting Rounds to remove the quick stealth duration of the former while still having a way to increase damage output!

Best Sharen Weapons and Weapon Modules (Hard)

Weapon Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Afterglow SwordAfterglow Sword • Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Rate
• Firearm Critical Hit Damage
• Weak Point Damage
The First Descendant - Thunder CageThunder Cage • Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Hit Damage
• Electric ATK

The Afterglow Sword is Sharen's boss melter due to its absurd attack values and Unique Ability, which increases the Critical Hit Rate on bosses and promotes hitting Weak Points by giving you additional damage with each stack.

Thunder Cage is either a mob clearer or a sub-weapon when you lack ammo for the Afterglow Sword. This weapon excels due to its high Critical Hit values and ability to exploit Electric Conductor with Sharen.

Best Afterglow Sword Modules

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

Since the Afterglow Sword already has high base values on all of its stats and has a consistent way to hit crits, mod it purely for damage. Modules with stats such as Firearm ATK, Critical Hit Damage, and Weak Point Damage make this already broken weapon even better!

Even with a low reload modifier due to Concentration Priority, the reload can be canceled early with Overcharged Edge; it does not matter since you will mostly melt bosses before you run out with your first magazine.

Best Thunder Cage Modules

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

Thunder Cage will be your weapon for mobs due to its Unique Ability and high critical values. To fully capitalize on this, slot in mods that increase Firearm ATK, Fire Rate,Critical Hit Rate/Damage, and Magazine Size.

Furthermore, Sharen can easily inflict Electrocution with her skills, especially when paired with Release Cutting Force. This ease to electrocute allows you to slot in Electric Conductor for an easy +26% Firearm ATK boost!

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Sharen Equipment (Hard)

General Equipment Set

Equipment Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Tingling Mixture ReactorTingling Mixture Reactor • Additional Skill ATK When Attacking Colossus
• Electric Skill Power Boost Ratio
• Skill Critical Hit Rate
• Skill Critical Damage
The First Descendant - Frozen Heart Auxiliary PowerFrozen Heart Auxiliary Power • Max HP
• MP Recovery Out of Combat
The First Descendant - Frozen Heart SensorFrozen Heart Sensor • Shield Recovery Out of Combat
• Chill Resistance
• MP Recovery In Combat
The First Descendant - Supernova MemorySupernova Memory • Shield Recovery In Combat
• MP Recovery Multiplier
The First Descendant - Supernova ProcessorSupernova Processor • Shield Recovery Modifier
• Max Shield

Note that External Components with set bonuses have fixed main stats.

The best Reactor for Sharen is Tingling Mixture Reactor, which boosts Electric and Fusion, capitalizing on Cutoff Beam and Flash Shortsword's high power scaling. For substats, prioritize Additional Skill ATK When Attacking Colossus and Electric Skill Power Boost Ratio for a standard damage increase.

The best External Component mixed-set for Sharen is the Frozen Heart and Supernova set to get their 2-part bonuses while maintaining high DEF. Using this mixed set grants you +5% Critical Hit Rate on Snipers and Scout Rifles and an additional +8.6% Electric Skill Power Modifier.

For the substats, prioritize Shield Recovery to constantly use Overcharged Edge. If you prefer to use your skills rather than relying on Firearms, change the external components' substats. Instead of Shield Recovery substats, opt for MP Recovery to constantly spam out your skills without running out of MP!

List of Reactors List of External Components

Sharen Playstyle Tips

Sharen Playstyle Tips

Use Multitalented Wisely

Using the appropriate buff at the right time is key to maximizing Multitalented's utility since it only applies to one type of skill at a time.

In scenarios where you must spam out skills, start by casting either Active Camouflage or Shock Nuts. If you need to prolong your Electrocution procs or stealth, actively use your Cutoff Beams!

Multitalented Module

Cancel Overcharged Edge Constantly

Whenever you go into Overcharged Edge, make it a habit to cancel it by casting it again. Doing so cancels reload and cocking animations, constantly applies the Multitalented CD reduction, and repeatedly applies the +150% damage increase.
Overcharged Edge Module

Trigger Electrocution with Damage Skills

Note: This clip uses the base damage of Thunder Cage

Using your Cutoff Beam or Flash Shortsword inflicts a guaranteed Electrocution status ailment on enemies that scale with Skill Duration. Capitalize on this by slotting Electric Conductor on weapons for a significant +26% Firearm ATK increase!
Electric Conductor Module

Change Elemental Enhancements

Depending on the boss you will face, consistently swap out Elemental Enhancements. For example, if your Afterglow Sword deals about 1,350,000 damage with Strengthen First Shot + Overcharged Edge, you can potentially deal an additional 405,000 elemental damage!
How to Add Elements

Best Sharen Builds for Normal Mode

Jump to a Section!
Descendant Modules Weapon and Modules
Best Reactor Best External Components
▲Jump to Hard Mode Build▲

Best Sharen Modules (Normal)

Best Sharen Modules
Front Lines ImageFront Lines Skill Critical Hit Damage +X%, Skill Critical Hit Rate +X%
Emergency Measures ImageEmergency Measures Skill Critical Hit Rate +X%, Skill Critical Hit Damage +X%
Skill Concentration ImageSkill Concentration Skill Critical Hit Damage +X%
Skill Insight ImageSkill Insight Skill Critical Hit Rate +X%
Fusion Specialist ImageFusion Specialist Fusion Skill Power Modifier +X%
Electric Specialist ImageElectric Specialist Electric Skill Power +X%
Increased DEF ImageIncreased DEF DEF +X%
Increased HP ImageIncreased HP Max HP +X%
Nimble Fingers ImageNimble Fingers Skill Cooldown -X%

Sharen, in the early game, is kitted out to deal massive damage with her skills given that she has a high base Skill Critical Hit Rate and Damage. Invest early on Skill Cooldown, Critical Hit Rate/Damage, and Power to capitalize on the skill lethality that carries her through Normal Mode.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Best Sharen Weapon and Modules (Normal)

Weapon Stat Priority
The First Descendant - Thunder CageThunder Cage ・Firearm ATK
・Critical Hit Damage
・Critical Hit Rate
・Bonus Firearm ATK
Best Modules for Thunder Cage
Weak Point Sight ImageWeak Point Sight Weak Point Damage +X%
Better Concentration ImageBetter Concentration Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Expand General Magazine ImageExpand General Magazine Max General Rounds +X%
Better Insight ImageBetter Insight Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Fire Rate UP ImageFire Rate UP Fire Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

While Sharen can burst down bosses with little to no problem in Normal Mode, she has no means to deal AoE damage. The Thundercage covers this crucial weakness early on due to its Unique Ability, Overcharge, which clears hordes of enemies with electric shockwaves.

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Sharen Reactor (Normal)

Reactor Stat Priority
Tingling Mixture Reactor ImageTingling Mixture Reactor ・Electric Skill Power Boost Ratio
・Skill Critical Hit Rate

For the earlier stages of the game, equip any Tingling Mixture Reactor you get. It is best to funnel into Fusion as all of Sharen's damaging skills scale off that type.

For the substats, look for Electric Skill Power Boost Ratio and Skill Critical Hit Rate to further increase your damage output.

Reactors Guide: List of Reactors

Best Sharen External Components (Normal)

Set Set Effect
The First Descendant - Battle AestheticsThe First Descendant - Battle AestheticsThe First Descendant - Battle AestheticsThe First Descendant - Battle Aesthetics
Battle Aesthetics Set
2-Set Effect:
・Skill Critical Hit Rate +18%
4-Set Effect:
・Skill Power +4%
・Skill Cost -2.8%
Substat Priority
Auxiliary Power ・Max HP
・Fire Resistance
・Kuiper Shard Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Module Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Sensor ・MP Recovery in Combat
・Max MP
・Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Character EXP Gain
Memory ・DEF
・Electric Resistance
・Firearm Proficiency Gain Modifier
・Gold Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Processor ・Max Shield
・Item Acquisition Distance Increase Modifier
・Toxic Resistance
・Equipment Drop Rate Increase Modifier

Further emphasizing Sharen's skill potency, slotting in the Battle Aesthetics set gives you that additional consistency to score juiced-up skill crits.

The downside of this set is that the Sensor and Memory give Max Shields instead of HP, so it is recommended to swap these two out with Veteran Marksman components later on to bolster your defenses and get additional Firearm Critical Hit Rate

List of External Components

How to Unlock Sharen

Gather All of Sharen's Required Materials for Research

1 Obtain Sharen's Equipment Materials - Part 1
Acquire Sharen Enhanced Cells by finishing Seed Vault, found in Echo Swamp, while in Normal Mode.
2 Obtain Sharen's Equipment Materials - Part 2
Acquire Sharen Stabilizer by finishing The Chapel, found in Echo Swamp, while in Normal Mode.
3 Obtain Sharen's Equipment Materials - Part 3
Acquire Sharen Spiral Catalyst by finishing The Asylum, found in Agna Desert, while in Normal Mode.
4 Secure Sharen's Code
Acquire Sharen Code by finishing Caligo Ossuary, found in Agna Desert, while in Normal Mode.
6 Research Sharen by Talking to Anais
Proceed to Anais' location in the Research Institute (Albion) and interact with her to research Sharen with the materials you've gathered from the steps above.
What to Research at the Research Institute

You can unlock Sharen through the Research Institute in Albion. Note that to acquire a Descendant using research, you need all the required items and gold to unlock this character.

While Sharen is easy to farm, all of her materials have a 20% drop rate, meaning that you will likely have to run these dungeons multiple times.

Purchase Sharen Using Caliber

The First Descendant - Sharen Caliber Shop

Alternatively, you can unlock Descendants by purchasing them in the Shop. This method only requires Caliber, an in-game currency that you can buy with real money. Purchasing Sharen in the Shop instantly unlocks the Descendant, allowing you to skip the item requirements and research time.

Sharen Basic Info & Stats

Sharen Basic Info
The First Descendant - Sharen IconSharen

The Assassin in the Shadows
Role Close-Range Dealer
The First Descendant - Electric IconElectric
"An assassin-type melee dealer with Electric Arche. Using camouflage, she can close the distance to her enemies whenever she desires, and ambush enemies anytime, anywhere."


DEF Max Shield Shield Recovery Max MP Max HP
2120 491 3.96 169 810

Sharen Skills

Passive Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Assassinator IconAssassinator Damage increases when attacking enemy that is not attacking Sharen. Killing enemies with a skill in Ambush state resets cooldown for Active Camouflage.

Active Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Cutoff Beam IconCutoff Beam
The First Descendant - Fusion Icon Fusion

Attacks enemy with electric blade to deal damage and inflict them with Electrocute effect.
The First Descendant - Active Camouflage IconActive Camouflage
The First Descendant - Dimension Icon Dimension

Hides from enemies. When attacking or using skills, Active Camouflage state ends immediately, regardless of time remaining. When Active Camouflage state ends, Sharen enters Ambush mode, increasing damage of the next attack.
The First Descendant - Impact Rounds IconImpact Rounds
The First Descendant - Dimension Icon Dimension

Launches built-in explosives forward from the arm to stun enemies.
The First Descendant - Flash Shortsword IconFlash Shortsword
The First Descendant - Fusion Icon Fusion

Targets enemies within aiming range, and throws multiple knives to attack them. Knives explode to inflict enemies with damage and Electrocute effect.

Sharen Exclusive Equipment

Arche Drive Full-Body Prosthetic Colon:00

From the planning stage, this experimental full-body prosthetic technology was controversial. The Arche Drive was originally designed to replace lost body parts, so the idea of attaching it to the entire body raised ethical concerns about prolonging the suffering of the wounded, who were effectively dead, to utilize them as weapons of war. But for Sharen, this was a minor concern. Rather, she was constantly demanding physically taxing heavy weapons, new technologies and firmware upgrades, controlling her body prosthetic with only her Arche and sheer willpower.

Sharen Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Head Body Back
Chest Ecive Full Body
Grappling Hook Make Up Spawn

All Sharen Head Skins

Sharen's Colon Special Forces Silver Mask Light Gray Braids
Blue Wolf Snowfield Assassin Shadow Hitman

All Sharen Body Skins

Sharen's Colon Special Forces Snowfield Assassin Shadow Hitman

All Sharen Back Skins

Baby Panda Ammo Supply Box White Rabbit Doll
Bear Cub Satellite Albion Rocket
Planetary Projector Rocket Jet Pack Double Z Wing
Run, Hamster Advanced Material Backpack Pink Salamander
Firefighting Tank

All Sharen Chest Skins

Small Flashlight HQ Access Card Old Teddy Bear
Bunny-Ears Strap Dynamite Brave Squirrel
Emote Tag Magister Researcher Mark of Albion

All Sharen Ecive Skins

Continuity Bio Scan Heart

All Sharen Full Body Skins

Panda's Adventure Dinosaur Pajamas

All Sharen Grappling Hook Skins

Special Supply Advanced Material Engineering

All Sharen Make Up Skins

Fascination Comet Crimson

All Sharen Spawn Skins

Magical Moment Passion Dismantling and Fusion
Snowman Beyond the Unknown Thunder and Lightning
Gale Big Water Bomb Wrong Direction

The First Descendant Related Guides

The Frirst Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.png

List of All Characters

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All Ultimate Characters

The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate Freyna IconUltimate Freyna
The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby
The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa - -

Character Guides

Character Guides
List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
All Character Skins -


2 Anonymous8 months

The unlock info for Sharen on this page is completely wrong.

1 Anonymous8 months

You can't use Electric Specialist and Focus on Electric together unless I'm missing something.


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