The First Descendant

How to Unlock Ultimate Gley

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

First Descendant - Ultimate Gley

This is a Ultimate Gley build for normal and hard mode in The First Descendant. Read on to learn Ultimate Gley's best builds, how to unlock, basic info, skills, as well as Ultimate Gley's exclusive equipment and skins!

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Gley Builds Ultimate Gley Builds

Best Ultimate Gley Build for Hard Mode

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Descendant Modules Weapons and Modules
Reactor and External Components Playstyle Tips
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Best Ultimate Gley Modules (Hard)

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

This build is exactly the same as our Base Gley Build since Ultimate Gley does not need to change her equipments and modules to achieve the best build. Using this build, you will primarily rely on using Massacre as your main weapon and Increased Sensory for the Maximize Lethality buff, which grants Ultimate Gley infinite ammo. The combination of Massacre's inherent damage and infinite ammo makes this build exceptionally effective for dealing damage, especially against bosses.

To fully optimize this build, you need at least 70% Skill Cooldown Reduction and 80% Skill Duration to maintain the Increased Sensory buff on Ultimate Gley continuously. Once you achieve 100% uptime on Increased Sensory, you can shift your focus to stacking Defense and HP. This will help you withstand enemy attacks, as the abilities' HP cost will often leave you low on health.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Descendant Module Substitutes for Mobbing

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Massive SanguificationMassive Sanguification > The First Descendant - Blood and IronBlood and Iron Allows generation of Life Spheres without relying on Massive Sanguification.
The First Descendant - Walk a TightropeWalk a Tightrope > The First Descendant - HP CollectorHP Collector Sacrifices some Firearm ATK and Skill Power for consistent HP recovery.
The First Descendant - Battle of StaminaBattle of Stamina > The First Descendant - HP AmplificationHP Amplification Lowers Skill Duration in exchange for increased HP.

Since you will be fighting multiple enemies instead of just a single boss, you can reduce your overall damage output in exchange for quality-of-life modules and additional survivability for a more efficient run. You don't need to rely solely on Massacre to finish off enemies, as you can still clear groups with just your main weapon.

Best Ultimate Gley Weapons and Weapon Modules (Hard)

Weapon Substat Priority
The First Descendant - PythonPython • Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Recoil
• Hip Fire Accuracy
• Weak Point Damage
The First Descendant - Vestigial OrganVestigial Organ
• Explosive ATK
• Attribute Status Effect Trigger Rate
• Recoil
• Any Elemental ATK

When using your Massacre ability, you will benefit from the Fire Rate, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Recoil, Accuracy, and Attribute Effect Trigger Rate of your current weapon. Although the Python has low Critical Hit Rate and high Recoil, its Fire Rate and your character modules compensate for the damage since Massacre scales off Non-Attribute Skill Power and Dimensional Skill Power. Therefore, the best weapon for killing bosses is the Python due to its exceptional Fire Rate. With this much Fire Rate, your Massacre ability, combined with the infinite ammo buff, allows you to burst down bosses in a flash.

Alternatively, if you are just clearing mobs, you don’t need the high damage from your Massacre ability. Instead, you can use Vestigial Organ for powerful AOE damage, which is perfect for clearing mobs. It has the best fire rate among all launchers available in the game, and you can pair it with the infinite ammo buff using Increased Sensory to bypass the reload time.

Best Weapon Modules

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

For your weapon modules, focus on stacking stats that carry over to your Massacre ability. This means you don't need to prioritize Firearm ATK and Magazine Capacity modules. The most important module for your weapon is Fire Rate Up, which significantly increases your damage output. Additionally, stack Recoil and Accuracy stats to make it easier to land your shots, especially when targeting the boss from a distance.

You can replace Electric Enhancement with other Bullet Improvement modules depending on the boss's weaknesses for better Elemental ATK damage.

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Ultimate Gley Equipment (Hard)

Equipment Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Materialized Phase ReactorMaterialized Phase Reactor • Skill Cooldown
• Skill Duration Up
• Dimension Skill Power Boost Ratio
• Non-Attribute Skill Power Boost Ratio
The First Descendant - Annihilation Auxiliary PowerAnnihilation Auxiliary Power • Fire Resistance
• Max HP
• Kuiper Shard Drop Rate Increase Modifier
• Module Drop Rate Increase Modifier
The First Descendant - Annihilation SensorAnnihilation Sensor • Chill Resistance
• Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier
• HP Recovery Modifier
The First Descendant - Annihilation MemoryAnnihilation Memory • Electric Resistance
• Firearm Proficiency Gain Modifier
• Gold Drop Rate Increase Modifier
The First Descendant - Annihilation ProcessorAnnihilation Processor • Toxic Resistance
• Ecive Display Time
• Item Acquisition Distance Increase Modifier

Note that External Components with set bonuses have fixed main stats.

For your Reactor, it's highly recommended to boost the stats for your Dimensional and Non-Attribute Skills to further increase the damage of your Massacre. However, if you still lack cooldown reduction and skill duration for 100% uptime on Increased Sensory, you can prioritize those substats over damage for consistency.

As for External Component, since your abilities use HP instead of MP, you can fully utilize the effects of the Annihilation Set easily, as your health will often be below 50%. For substats, MP and Shield are not beneficial, so focus on stacking Resistances and Defense for better survivability. Alternatively, you can replace these substats with drop rate modifiers if you want to prioritize faster farming.

List of Reactors List of External Components

Ultimate Gley Playstyle Tips

Ultimate Gley Playstyle Tips

Turn Off Frenzy When Healing

To maintain your health during fights, ensure you deactivate Frenzied before picking up Health Consumables, Life Spheres, or using Massive Sanguification to avoid the Recovery Penalty associated with Frenzied. Additionally, you can activate Increased Sensory while Frenzied is off to increase the generation rate of Life Spheres when killing enemies.

Use Increased Sensory After Casting Massacre

When using Massacre, each shot you fire will deal exceptional damage but is limited by the number of Life Spheres you have. Follow up with Increased Sensory while Frenzied to activate the Maximum Lethality buff, which grants your Massacre infinite ammo for a few seconds. Keep in mind that during Maximum Lethality, your movement speed is reduced by half, making it more challenging to dodge, especially when avoiding AOE attacks from Bosses.

Best Ultimate Gley Builds for Normal Mode

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Descendant Modules Weapon and Modules
Best Reactor Best External Components
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Best Ultimate Gley Modules (Normal)

Best Ultimate Gley Modules
HP Collector ImageHP Collector When defeating an enemy, instantly recovers X% of Max HP (Cooldown Xs).
Focus on Non-Attribute ImageFocus on Non-Attribute Non-Attribute Skill Power +X%, Skill Cooldown -X%
Maximize Duration ImageMaximize Duration Skill Duration +X%, Skill Power Modifier -X%
MP Conversion ImageMP Conversion Skill Cooldown -X%, Max MP -X%
HP Amplification ImageHP Amplification Max HP +X%, Max Shield -X%
Kicking ImageKicking Modifies the Charged Sub Attack. Use a Kick to attack when performing a Charged Sub Attack. As the Enhancement Level Increases, Max Module Capacity increases. (Currently +X)
Skill Extension ImageSkill Extension Skill Duration +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
Increased HP ImageIncreased HP Max HP +X%
Nimble Fingers ImageNimble Fingers Skill Cooldown -X%

This Ultimate Gley build is designed to increase her maximum HP to enhance her survivability and deal more damage with Massacre and Life Siphon. Additionally, you will also be stacking Skill Cooldown and Skill Duration to utilize the effects of Increased Sensory.

With Ultimate Gley, you can pick up the double-edge modules that drastically increase your HP but negatively impact your Shield or MP. Since Gley's passive ability, Thirst, prevents her from having those stats, you will be able to completely avoid the downside of these modules.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Best Ultimate Gley Weapon and Modules (Normal)

Weapon Stat Priority
The First Descendant - Thunder CageThunder Cage ・Firearm ATK
・Firearm Critical Hit Damage
・Firearm Critical Hit Rate
・Weak Point Damage
Best Modules for Thunder Cage
Sweeping Squad ImageSweeping Squad When defeating an enemy, Firearm ATK +X% for Xs at a X% chance (up to X Stacks).
Rapid Fire Insight ImageRapid Fire Insight Fire Rate +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Insight Support Ammo ImageInsight Support Ammo Rounds per Magazine +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Insight Focus ImageInsight Focus Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Weak Point Insight ImageWeak Point Insight Weak Point Damage +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Sharpshooter ImageSharpshooter Firearm ATK +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Weak Point Sight ImageWeak Point Sight Weak Point Damage +X%
Better Concentration ImageBetter Concentration Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Better Insight ImageBetter Insight Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

This weapon's unique ability, Overcharge, has a chance to discharge an Electric Shockwave, helping you clear groups of enemies. Since Gley can have infinite ammo, you can easily utilize this effect by shooting grouped enemies to clear the area.

Your modules should mainly stack Critical Hit Rate and Firearm ATK to maximize the effects of the bonus Firearm ATK with Frenzied and infinite ammo when activating Increased Sensory.

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Ultimate Gley Reactor (Normal)

Reactor Stat Priority
Materialized Phase Reactor ImageMaterialized Phase Reactor ・Skill Cooldown
・Skill Duration Up

It is better to get the Phase Reactor to obtain bonuses for your Dimensional Skills since Massacre and Life Siphon are the only two skills that can scale from Skill Power. Getting a Singularity Reactor will still provide the base Skill Power, but the effects of Frenzied and Increased Sensory will remain the same.

Reactors Guide: List of Reactors

Best Ultimate Gley External Components (Normal)

Set Set Effect
The First Descendant - Veteran MarksmanThe First Descendant - Veteran MarksmanThe First Descendant - Veteran MarksmanThe First Descendant - Veteran Marksman
Veteran Marksman Set
2-Set Effect:
・Firearm Critical Rate +5.1%
4-Set Effect:
・Firearm ATK +6.6%
・Weak Point DMG +5.8%
Substat Priority
Auxiliary Power ・Max HP
・Fire Resistance
Sensor ・Chill Resistance
・Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Memory ・DEF
・Electric Resistance
Processor ・Item Acquisition Distance Increase Modifier
・Toxic Resistance

Since you will be targeting the enemy's weak points during Void Intercept Battles, the Veteran Marksman Set is one of the best early-game external components. Additionally, it provides Firearm Critical Hit Rate and Firearm ATK, both of which are useful in any situation.

External Components Guide

How to Unlock Ultimate Gley

Unlock Using the Research Institute

Research Time Cost
36:00:00 900,000
Required Research Material How to Get
Ultimate Gley Code x1 ・Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 058 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 068 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 126 required
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Metal Accelerant x1168
Hardener x869
Thermal Metallic Foil x58
Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint x1
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Monomolecular Extractor x1123
Ceramic Composite x919
Common Carbon Activator x32
Ultimate Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer x1 ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Carbon Crystal x1247
Reverse Charging Coil x1023
Cooling Metallic Foil x85
Ultimate Gley Stabilizer Blueprint x1

You can unlock Ultimate Gley through the Research Institute in Albion. Note that to acquire a Descendant using research, you need all the required items and gold to unlock this character.

Research Institute

Purchase Ultimate Gley Using Caliber

Purchase Descendants Using Caliber
Alternatively, you can unlock Descendants by purchasing them in the Shop. This method only requires Caliber, an in-game currency that you can buy with real money. Purchasing Ultimate Gley in the Shop instantly unlocks the Descendant, allowing you to skip the item requirements and research time.

All Microtransactions

Ultimate Gley Basic Info & Stats

Ultimate Gley Basic Info
The First Descendant - Ultimate Gley IconUltimate Gley

The Death Watcher
Role DPS
The First Descendant - Non-Attribute IconNon-Attribute
"Through the Ultimate Project, Gley has gained immense strength. She becomes stronger the more she gnaws on herself. She unleashes the rage inside her to quickly subdue her enemies."


DEF Max Shield Shield Recovery Max MP Max HP
4185 0 0 0 1651

Ultimate Gley Skills

Passive Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Thirst IconThirst Creates Life Spheres upon killing enemies. Recovers HP and stores Power of Life when absorbing Life Spheres.

Active Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Frenzied IconFrenzied
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Consumes HP to enter Berserk mode. In Berserk mode, long distance weapon’s ATK and Penetration increase.
The First Descendant - Life Siphon IconLife Siphon
The First Descendant - Dimension Icon Dimension

Deals damage to nearby enemies and restores HP. In Berserk mode, damage increases; in Normal mode, damage inflicted by enemies decreases for a certain period of time.
The First Descendant - Increased Sensory IconIncreased Sensory
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Her Increased Sensory adds an infinite ammo effect for a certain amount of time during Frenzy, and when in a Non-Frenzied state, increases Movement Speed and HP Recovery during which Life Sphere generation is increased.
The First Descendant - Massacre IconMassacre
The First Descendant - Dimension Icon Dimension

Changes current Firearm to Massacre. Adds additional skill damage during Frenzied state, and inflicts Stun effect on hit enemies.

Ultimate Gley Exclusive Equipment

Ultimate Equipment, Life Energy Absorbing Battlesuit 'Deathseer'

By reverse engineering Gley's emission-type Arche ability-enhancing battlesuit, this equipment literally enhances absorption rather than emissions, taking Gley's unique battle skills to new heights. The original design was meant to be used in the helmet, but at Gley's request, the visor was modified to sacrifice some protection in favor of a more specialized purpose.

Ultimate Gley Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Head Body Back
Chest Ecive Full Body
Grappling Hook Make Up Spawn

All Ultimate Gley Head Skins

Ultimate Gley's Dusk Stalker

All Ultimate Gley Body Skins

Ultimate Gley's Dusk Stalker

All Ultimate Gley Back Skins

Baby Panda Ammo Supply Box White Rabbit Doll
Bear Cub Satellite Albion Rocket
Planetary Projector Rocket Jet Pack Double Z Wing
Run, Hamster Advanced Material Backpack Pink Salamander
Firefighting Tank

All Ultimate Gley Chest Skins

Small Flashlight HQ Access Card Old Teddy Bear
Bunny-Ears Strap Dynamite Brave Squirrel
Emote Tag Magister Researcher Mark of Albion

All Ultimate Gley Ecive Skins

Continuity Bio Scan Heart

All Ultimate Gley Full Body Skins

Panda's Adventure Dinosaur Pajamas

All Ultimate Gley Grappling Hook Skins

Special Supply Advanced Material Engineering

All Ultimate Gley Make Up Skins

The First Descendant - ChillAttention! This character has no skins of this kind.

All Ultimate Gley Spawn Skins

Magical Moment Passion Dismantling and Fusion
Snowman Beyond the Unknown Thunder and Lightning
Gale Big Water Bomb Wrong Direction

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The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby
The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa - -

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