The First Descendant

Best Sniper Rifles and All Sniper Rifles List

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

Sniper Rifles are a type of weapon in The First Descendant. Check out the best sniper rifles and a list of all sniper rifles in the game!

Best Sniper Rifles

Afterglow Sword

Afterglow Sword Basic Info
The First Descendant - Afterglow Sword.png Afterglow Sword Tier Ultimate
Type Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant -High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
Unique Ability
Nightmare Reaper: On hitting a Weak Point, inflicts the unique effect, Death Propagation.
On hitting an enemy Commander or Colossus, increases Firearm Critical Hit Rate and applies the effect to the attack.

The Afterglow Sword is best used against elite enemies and bosses due to an increased critical hit rate against them. Hitting weak points increases the damage to weak points and makes reloading faster. This stacks 6 times, significantly improving reload speed and damage output.

Afterglow Sword: How to Get and Stats

Piercing Light

Piercing Light Basic Info
The First Descendant - Piercing Light.png Piercing Light Tier Ultimate
Type Sniper Rifle
The First Descendant -High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
Unique Ability
Purification of Light: On hitting a Weak Point, inflicts Dispel on the enemy with a set chance.
When two or more enemies are hit by a single shot, there is a high chance to land a Critical Hit on the enemies while also increasing Critical Hit Damage and applying this buff to the attack.

Hitting an enemy triggers a chance to remove its buffs. This effect can activate on multiple enemies simultaneously due to bullet penetration, which also guarantees a crit and increases crit damage when piercing two or more enemies.

Piercing Light: How to Get and Stats

All Sniper Rifles List

List of All Sniper Rifles

Weapon Rarity Ammo
The First Descendant - Afterglow Sword Sniper RifleAfterglow Sword Ultimate
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Belief Sniper RifleBelief Rare
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Different Dream Sniper RifleDifferent Dream Rare
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Forest Gaze Sniper RifleForest Gaze Rare
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Piercing Light Sniper RiflePiercing Light Ultimate
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Recipient Unknown Sniper RifleRecipient Unknown Standard
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds
The First Descendant - Supermoon Z-15 Sniper RifleSupermoon Z-15 Rare
The First Descendant - High-Power Rounds.png High-Power Rounds

What are Sniper Rifles

Can Deal the Highest Single-Shot Damage from Afar

Sniper rifles are, no doubt, the weapon with the highest damage from a single shot. This weapon performs exceptionally well in dealing the most damage to weak spots. However, due to its low ammo capacity and fire rate, it's difficult to use sniper rifles on fast-moving targets that constantly run toward you. Even in boss fights, where the boss may move around a lot, it's easy to miss a shot.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Weapons

List of All Weapons

Weapon Rounds

General Rounds Weapons Impact Round Weapons
Special Round Weapons High-Power Round Weapons

Weapon Rarities

Ultimate Weapons Rare Weapons
Standard Weapons -

Weapon Types

Machine Guns Assault Rifles SMGs
Beam Rifles Tactical Rifles Hand Cannons
Shotguns Scout Rifles Sniper Rifles
Launchers Handguns


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