The First Descendant

Best Submachine Guns and All Submachine Guns List

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

Submachine Guns are a type of weapon in The First Descendant. Check out the best submachine guns and a list of all submachine guns in the game!

Best Submachine Guns

Thunder Cage

Thunder Cage Basic Info
The First Descendant - Thunder Cage.png Thunder Cage Tier Ultimate
Type Submachine Gun
The First Descendant -General Rounds.png General Rounds
Unique Ability
Overcharge: When defeating an enemy, the defeated enemy has a set chance to discharge Electric Shockwave which deals Additional Damage to nearby enemies.

The Thunder Cage has a unique effect that has a chance of dealing AoE damage after killing an enemy, which is useful for clearing out hordes of mobs faster.

Thunder Cage: How to Get and Stats


Python Basic Info
The First Descendant - Python.png Python Tier Ultimate
Type Submachine Gun
The First Descendant -General Rounds.png General Rounds
Unique Ability
Python Instinct: On hitting a Weak Point, inflicts the unique ability Prey on the target enemy.

The Python's unique effect lowers the non-attribute resistance of the target enemy when they're shot at their weak points. This weapon is perfect for someone like Gley which can have infinite ammo for a limited amount of time with her Increased Sensory skill while Frenzied.

Python: How to Get and Stats

All Submachine Guns List

List of All Submachine Guns

Weapon Rarity Ammo
The First Descendant - Albinism Submachine GunAlbinism Standard
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Alter Ego Submachine GunAlter Ego Rare
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Blue Blood Bloomer Submachine GunBlue Blood Bloomer Rare
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - DevilDevil's Call Rare
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Firefly Submachine GunFirefly Rare
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Python Submachine GunPython Ultimate
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds
The First Descendant - Thunder Cage Submachine GunThunder Cage Ultimate
The First Descendant - General Rounds.png General Rounds

What are Submachine Guns

Weapons with Exceptional Fire Rate

Submachine guns have the highest fire rate of all weapon types in the game, making them the best for clearing small and low-level mobs effectively. Though submachine guns can also be used against elite-type mobs, it's recommended to use other weapon types in such cases.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Weapons

List of All Weapons

Weapon Rounds

General Rounds Weapons Impact Round Weapons
Special Round Weapons High-Power Round Weapons

Weapon Rarities

Ultimate Weapons Rare Weapons
Standard Weapons -

Weapon Types

Machine Guns Assault Rifles SMGs
Beam Rifles Tactical Rifles Hand Cannons
Shotguns Scout Rifles Sniper Rifles
Launchers Handguns


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