The First Descendant

Yujin Builds and How to Unlock

First Descendant - Yujin

This is a Yujin build for normal and hard mode in The First Descendant. Read on to learn Yujin's best builds, how to unlock, basic info, skills, as well as Yujin's exclusive equipment and skins!

Best Yujin Build for Hard Mode

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Descendant Modules Weapons and Modules
Reactor and External Components Playstyle Tips
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Yujin Hard Mode Build Showcase

Best Yujin Modules (Hard)

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

The build revolves around using Duty and Sacrifice, a map-wide heal that you can cast repeatedly to keep your team's health stable and your buffs up at all times. Remember that heals count as buffs, meaning that this skill fully stacks Passionate Sponsor and Divine Punishment's additional buffs.

The other modules focus on HP Heal, Skill Duration, CD reduction, and MP management. When fully maximized, this build should never let your team die while boosting yourself and your firearms!

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Alternative Descendant Modules for Solo Bosses

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Duty and SacrificeDuty and Sacrifice > The First Descendant - First Aid KitFirst Aid Kit Allows you to heal yourself while alone
The First Descendant - Passionate SponsorPassionate Sponsor > Any Elemental Antibody Increase resistances on specific bosses
The First Descendant - An Outstanding InvestmentAn Outstanding Investment > The First Descendant - Increased DEFIncreased DEF Survivability over more heals
The First Descendant - Safe RecoverySafe Recovery > The First Descendant - Focus on FusionFocus on Fusion Increase skill cooldowns over heals

While Yujin is played primarily to support other players, you can solo bosses by utilizing your firearms using this build, which allows you to keep your health at sustainable levels with the First-Aid Kit skill module and slot in additional resistances for survivability!

Alternative Descendant Modules for Mobbing

Module Change Explanation
The First Descendant - Duty and SacrificeDuty and Sacrifice > The First Descendant - Proliferating AllergyProliferating Allergy Allows you to clear mobs with an explosive chain reaction
The First Descendant - Passionate SponsorPassionate Sponsor > The First Descendant - Focus on SingularFocus on Singular Increases Skill Power and Cooldown over healing buffs
The First Descendant - Energy CollectionEnergy Collection > The First Descendant - MP CollectorMP Collector Better energy economy for clearing
The First Descendant - Battle of StaminaBattle of Stamina > The First Descendant - Maximize RangeMaximize Range Massively increases Skill Range for Proliferating Allergy
The First Descendant - An Outstanding InvestmentAn Outstanding Investment > The First Descendant - Arche AccelerationArche Acceleration Increase Skill Range and projectile speed over heals
The First Descendant - Safe RecoverySafe Recovery > The First Descendant - Increased DEFIncreased DEF Increase resistances over heals
The First Descendant - Skill ExtensionSkill Extension > The First Descendant - Skill ExpansionSkill Expansion Increase Skill Range over Skill Duration

Yujin, surprisingly, is arguably one of the better Descendants when it comes to clearing mobs and dungeons. With Proliferating Allergy's explosive effect and x1000 Skill Power scaling, adding Skill Range allows you to clear whole rooms of enemies with a chain reaction!

The additional modules are focused on MP management, CD Reduction, survivability, and Skill Power Modifiers to counteract Maximize Range's negative effect.

Best Yujin Weapons and Weapon Modules (Hard)

Weapon Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Divine PunishmentDivine Punishment • Round Per Magazine
• Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Rate
• Firearm Critical Hit Damage
• Weak Point Damage
The First Descendant - NazeistraNazeistra's Devotion • Round Per Magazine
• Bonus Firearm ATK Colossus (vs. Colossus)
• Firearm ATK
• Firearm Critical Rate
• Firearm Critical Hit Damage
• Weak Point Damage

Divine Punishment is the best general weapon for Yujin due to the weapon's unique ability, which rewards you for supporting your teammates and debilitating your foes by giving you additional CD Reduction, DEF, and Firearm ATK.

Nazeistra's Devotion can be used as a set-up weapon or your main DPS firearm. When facing bosses solo, this weapon excels better than the Divine Punishment due to its high Critical Hit Rate and Weak Point Damage but low Fire Rate.

Best Divine Punishment Modules

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

Since Divine Punishment has low critical values, it is recommended to mod it solely with Firearm ATK and Weak Point Damage to make full use of the additional Firearm ATK percentage buff you get from its unique ability.

While the Divine Punishment sports low DPS, it scales with team play and excels at clearing mobs. Furthermore, you can better cast your skills consistently with the additional cooldown modifiers!

Best Nazeistra's Devotion Modules

More Modules can be seen by scrolling horizontally.

Nazeistra's Devotion will be your main damage on bosses due to the DEF reduction and Special Sight module's ability to further expound on Weak Point DMG. To fully capitalize on this, slot in mods that increase Firearm ATK, Weakpoint DMG,Critical Hit Rate/Damage, and Accuracy to counteract Have Aiming!

While you may be slow to move while aiming, it is not much of a detriment since you are supposed to be positioned far away. If worse comes to worst, you can quickly roll and heal up damage accumulated with Yujin's skills.

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Yujin Equipment (Hard)

Annihilation and Bravery Mixed Set

Equipment Substat Priority
The First Descendant - Materialized Singularity ReactorMaterialized Singularity Reactor • Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio
• Skill Range
• Skill Cooldown
• Non-Attribute Power Boost Ratio
The First Descendant - Annihilation Auxiliary PowerAnnihilation Auxiliary Power • Max HP
• MP Recovery Out of Combat
The First Descendant - Bravery SensorBravery Sensor • MP Recovery in Combat
• Max MP
The First Descendant - Bravery MemoryBravery Memory • DEF
• MP Recovery Multiplier
• Electric Resistance
The First Descendant - Annihilation ProcessorAnnihilation Processor • Max Shield
• Toxic Resistance

Note that External Components with set bonuses have fixed main stats.

For teamplay and healing, equip a Materialized Mixture Reactor to boost Duty and Sacrifice. For mobbing or solo bosses, equip a Materialized Singularity Reactor to boost Proliferating Allergy or First Aid Kit. For sub-stats, prioritize Fusion/Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio and HP Heal Modifier

For the External Components, this variation will utilize a mixed set between the Annihilation and Bravery set to get their 2-part bonuses while maintaining high survivability. Using this mixed set grants you +5.7% Skill Duration, +1.8% HP Recovery, and +11.9% Max Shields!

For the argument on using the Frozen Heart set instead, our testing shows that the buff given by the set does not apply with Yujin's healing. Otherwise, please provide evidence in the comment section if it works on your end!

List of Reactors List of External Components

Yujin Playstyle Tips

Yujin Playstyle Tips

Sustain Buffs by Using Different Skills

After stacking up on Passionate Sponsor and Divine Punishment, look to maintain their uptime by using your different skills. The most reliable skill that can sustain stacks is Solidarity Healing, especially if you are sticking close to an immobile DPS like Gley or Freyna!

Keep Restructure Serum Active

Yujin's Restructure Serum is a constant source of healing and a team-wide DPS increase when applied to bosses. Keep it active by waiting until the initial skill is finished, and then reapplying.

With two stacks and enough Skill Cooldown, you can keep Restructure Serum active until the interception is finished!

Use Hyperreactive Healing Ground Reactively

Knowing what faction or boss you will face is key to using Hyperreactive Healing Ground effectively. To utilize this skill, it is paramount to cast it just before an enemy uses a debilitating move to gain immunity from status effects.

For example, when Swamp Walker's toxic rockets inflict a damage-over-time poison, reactively use the skill to remove the status ailment. Doing so allows you to reposition safely without the threat of getting inflicted with a status!

How to Beat Swamp Walker

Set Early First-Aid Kits

If you are using the First-Aid Kit skill module, it is always important to set three near your area right before the boss spawns. Your MP will immediately replenish with each kit as you ensure your safety.
First Aid Kit Module

Best Yujin Builds for Normal Mode

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Descendant Modules Weapon and Modules
Best Reactor Best External Components
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Best Yujin Modules (Normal)

Best Yujin Modules
Arche Acceleration ImageArche Acceleration Skill Speed and Range Increase Modifier +X%
Singular Specialist ImageSingular Specialist Singular Skill Power Modifier +X%
Non-Attribute Specialist ImageNon-Attribute Specialist Non-Attribute Skill Power +X%
Skill Extension ImageSkill Extension Skill Duration +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
Skill Expansion ImageSkill Expansion Skill Effect Range +X%, applies only to certain skills for each Descendant
Increased DEF ImageIncreased DEF DEF +X%
Increased HP ImageIncreased HP Max HP +X%
Nimble Fingers ImageNimble Fingers Skill Cooldown -X%

Without any skill modules in the early game, Yujin will rely heavily on Skill Range and Duration to keep his skills online with mobile teammates. Additionally, you will use both Non-Attribute and Singular Specialist to increase Solidarity Healing's recovery.

When alone, look to position from a distance while you apply Restructure Serum. It is recommended to take weapons such as Assault Rifles and Hand Cannons for increased survivability while safely supporting your teammates.

Modules Guide: List of Modules

Best Yujin Weapon and Modules (Normal)

Weapon Stat Priority
The First Descendant - NazeistraNazeistra's Devotion ・Firearm ATK
・Critical Hit Damage
・Critical Hit Rate
・Bonus Firearm ATK
Best Modules for Nazeistra's Devotion
Weak Point Sight ImageWeak Point Sight Weak Point Damage +X%
Better Concentration ImageBetter Concentration Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Better Insight ImageBetter Insight Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

Nazeistra's Devotion, being a Hand Cannon given to you as you progress through the main story, is a solid choice for Yujin's support playstyle in the early game. In emergencies, you can even save teammates by replenishing their shields!

The DEF reduction it inflicts also increases the team's damage output by a significant amount! However, do not overlook this "support" weapon since it can deal massive damage while doing solo missions.

Best Weapons Tier List

Best Yujin Reactor (Normal)

Reactor Stat Priority
Materialized Singularity Reactor ImageMaterialized Singularity Reactor ・Skill Range
・Skill Duration

For the earlier stages of the game, equip any Materialized Singularity Reactor you get. It is best to funnel into Singular as the essential healing skills scale off that type.

For the substats, look for Skill Range and Skill Duration to actively support your allies from afar and sustain your skills for much longer!

Reactors Guide: List of Reactors

Best Yujin External Components (Normal)

Set Set Effect
The First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb VanguardThe First Descendant - Tomb Vanguard
Tomb Vanguard Set
2-Set Effect:
・Def +25%
4-Set Effect:
・Skill Power +2.6%
・Electric Resistance +6.6%
Substat Priority
Auxiliary Power ・Max HP
・Fire Resistance
・Kuiper Shard Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Module Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Sensor ・MP Recovery in Combat
・Max MP
・Consumable Drop Rate Increase Modifier
・Character EXP Gain
Memory ・DEF
・Electric Resistance
・Firearm Proficiency Gain Modifier
・Gold Drop Rate Increase Modifier
Processor ・Max Shield
・Item Acquisition Distance Increase Modifier
・Toxic Resistance
・Equipment Drop Rate Increase Modifier

As Yujin's early individual survivability is lacking, slotting in the Tomb Vanguard Set is recommended to bolster your defenses. Furthermore, the set increases Skill Power, directly buffing up most of Yujin's healing!

To get and complete the Tomb Vanguard set, you must defeat the Grave Walker multiple times.

List of External Components

How to Unlock Yujin

Gather All of Yujin's Required Materials for Research

1 Obtain Yujin's Equipment Materials - Part 1
Acquire the Amorphous Material Pattern: Yujin in the Vulgus Strategic Outpost in Sterile Land (Rockfall).
2 Obtain Yujin's Equipment Materials - Part 2
Destroy the Void Fragment to acquire located in Sterile Land (Rockfall).

Note: Bunny is required for this mission because of her lightning skills.
How to Unlock Bunny
3 Obtain Yujin's Equipment Materials - Part 3
Defeat the elite enemies at the Void Fusion Reactor void mission in Sterile Land (Rockfall).
4 Secure the Yujin's Code at the Reconstructed Device
Interact with the Reconstructed Device upon defeating the elite enemies at the Void Fusion Reactor void mission to obtain Yujin's Code.
5 Secure the Materials for Yujin's Research
・Acquire the Yujin Spiral Catalyst by completing the Vulgus Strategic Outpost mission in Vesper (The Lumber Yard).
・ Acquire the Yujin Stabilizer by completing the Ruins Underground Entrance battlefield mission in Vesper (The Ruins).
・Acquire the Yujin Enhanced Cells by completing The Shelter mission in Vesper (Timberfall).
6 Research Yujin by Talking to Anais
Proceed to Anais' location in the Research Institute (Albion) and interact with her to research Yujin with the materials you've gathered from the steps above.
What to Research at the Research Institute

You can unlock Yujin through the Research Institute in Albion. Note that to acquire a Descendant using research, you need all the required items and gold to unlock this character.

Purchase Yujin Using Caliber

The First Descendant - Yujin Caliber Shop

Alternatively, you can unlock Descendants by purchasing them in the Shop. This method only requires Caliber, an in-game currency that you can buy with real money. Purchasing Yujin in the Shop instantly unlocks the Descendant, allowing you to skip the item requirements and research time.

Yujin Basic Info & Stats

Yujin Basic Info
The First Descendant - Yujin IconYujin

The Gruff Medic
Role Support
The First Descendant - Non-Attribute IconNon-Attribute
"A healer supporter who uses his select drones to heal allies. He heals allies and grants them beneficial buffs after determining the distance between the allies and him."


DEF Max Shield Shield Recovery Max MP Max HP
1674 537 6.2 243 1402

Yujin Skills

Passive Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Stop Overreacting IconStop Overreacting Significantly reduces the time to rescue allies. Targets rescued by Yujin increases to Max HP for a certain period of time.

Active Skills

Skill Type
The First Descendant - Solidarity Healing IconSolidarity Healing
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Summons a Recovery Drone that attaches to allies to heal them. Recovers target and increases their ATK through an Accelerant effect upon dismissal.
The First Descendant - Restructure Serum IconRestructure Serum
The First Descendant - Fusion Icon Fusion

Fires a Restructure Serum forward, decreasing DEF and inflicting Allergy. When attacking enemies with Allergy, heals nearby allies and grants additional healing to allies who kill the enemy.
The First Descendant - Stimulant Spray IconStimulant Spray
The First Descendant - Singular Icon Singular

Grants Stimulation to allies. While Stimulation is active, incoming DMG is reduced and recovery is received when Stimulation ends.
The First Descendant - Hyperreactive Healing Ground IconHyperreactive Healing Ground
The First Descendant - Fusion Icon Fusion

Heals self and allies, granting Purification and Immunity to remove and prevent debuffs. Additional recovery is based on the number of allies and enemies within range. Yujin is granted Hyper Activity effect, increasing his ATK and skill power.

Yujin Exclusive Equipment

Neutralization Suit

Yujin's Arche is so dangerous that it ranks among the most dangerous toxins that the Magisters have ever quantified. A neutralizer was certainly needed, but with a toxin that could kill on contact, everyone avoided it. But just then, a newly recruited bioengineer volunteered, and before long, he succeeded in developing a substance that neutralized the toxicity of Yujin's Arche. Until then, Yujin was unaware that someone had risked their life to develop the neutralizer. It was only when the suit attached with neutralizing filters, so that Yujin can fully control her toxins, was completed that she learned what happened.

Yujin Skins

Jump to a Skin type!
Head Body Back
Chest Ecive Full Body
Grappling Hook Make Up Spawn

All Yujin Head Skins

Yujin's Encounter with the Unknown Surgical Glasses Change of Mood

All Yujin Body Skins

Yujin's Encounter with the Unknown Rescue Operation Keep Away
Summer Vacation

All Yujin Back Skins

Baby Panda Ammo Supply Box White Rabbit Doll
Bear Cub Satellite Albion Rocket
Planetary Projector Rocket Jet Pack Double Z Wing
Run, Hamster Advanced Material Backpack Pink Salamander
Firefighting Tank

All Yujin Chest Skins

Small Flashlight HQ Access Card Old Teddy Bear
Bunny-Ears Strap Dynamite Brave Squirrel
Emote Tag Magister Researcher Mark of Albion

All Yujin Ecive Skins

Continuity Bio Scan Heart

All Yujin Full Body Skins

Panda's Adventure Dinosaur Pajamas

All Yujin Grappling Hook Skins

Special Supply Advanced Material Engineering

All Yujin Make Up Skins

Medical Android Complexion: Very Poor

All Yujin Spawn Skins

Magical Moment Passion Dismantling and Fusion
Snowman Beyond the Unknown Thunder and Lightning
Gale Big Water Bomb Wrong Direction

The First Descendant Related Guides

The Frirst Descendant - Characters Partial Top Banner.png

List of All Characters

All Base Characters

The First Descendant - Ajax.pngAjax The First Descendant - Blair.png Blair The First Descendant - Bunny.pngBunny
The First Descendant - Enzo.pngEnzo The First Descendant - Esiemo.pngEsiemo The First Descendant - Freyna.pngFreyna
The First Descendant - Gley.pngGley The First Descendant - Hailey IconHailey The First Descendant - Jayber.pngJayber
The First Descendant - Kyle.pngKyle The First Descendant - Lepic.pngLepic The First Descendant - Luna IconLuna
The First Descendant - Sharen.pngSharen The First Descendant - Valby.pngValby The First Descendant - Viessa.pngViessa
The First Descendant - YujinYujin - -

All Ultimate Characters

The First Descendant - Ultimate AjaxUltimate Ajax The First Descendant - Ultimate BunnyUltimate Bunny The First Descendant - Ultimate GleyUltimate Gley
The First Descendant - Ultimate LepicUltimate Lepic Ultimate Valby IconUltimate Valby The First Descendant - Ultimate ViessaUltimate Viessa
Ultimate Freyna - -

Character Guides

Character Guides
List of All Builds List of All Ultimate Descendants
All Character Skins -


1 Anonymous2 months

Trash build :D


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