The First Descendant

The First Descendant Tier List: Best Characters (October 2024)

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

The First Descendant - Best Characters Tier List
Bunny and Gley are the best characters on our First Descendant tier list. Check out our latest rankings and evaluations for all the best characters in this guide and other tier lists!

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Best Characters Tier List

Current Rankings of Best Characters

The best characters in The First Descendant are Gley and Bunny due to their skills allowing them to be efficient in dealing with damage and surviving fights through their mobility, buffs, and healing.

The new Descendant Hailey is an A-Tier character due to her ability to deal exceptional single-target damage. However, Hailey does not excel with all of the current content of the game.

Update Date Descendant Summary
10/11 The First Descendant - Freyna Icon.pngFreyna
Up Arrow.pngto S-Tier

• With Ultimate Freyna being released, the new skill modules along with the overhaul of the majority of her skills bumped her overall capabilities on all content.
10/11 The First Descendant - Ajax Icon.pngAjax
Up Arrow.pngto A tier

• With enough testing, Ajax has been seen performing a whole lot better for overall content due to his lower skill cooldowns.
10/11 The First Descendant - Kyle Icon.pngKyle
Equal.png to B tier

• With the push of a more shield-centric meta, we are still observing where Kyle will land after his skill readjusments in Update 1.1.3 in terms of overall viability!
10/11 The First Descendant - Esiemo Icon.pngEsiemo
Equal.png in D tier

• While Esiemo's playability has increased with some of the buffs and quality-of-life changes in Update 1.1.3, other Descendants can still do his job better.
10/11 The First Descendant - Hailey Icon.pngHailey
Up Arrow.pngto A-Tier

• With her newly introduced Cryogenic Cluster Shot and the Frost Watcher, she can now more reliably run missions!
Void Interceptions
10/11 The First Descendant - Freyna Icon.pngFreyna
Up Arrow.pngto S-Tier

• With the newly added Toxic Mixture, Freyna's damaging capabilities for Void Interceptions has drastically increased!
10/11 The First Descendant - Ajax Icon.pngAjax
Up Arrow.pngto A-Tier

• Survivability has been favored more for the newer void interceptions, which Ajax is widely known for.!
10/11 The First Descendant - Yujin Icon.pngYujin
Up Arrow.pngto B-Tier

• More and more interceptions have warranted the need for consistent heals and revives, so Yujin gets a bump into the B-tier!

Tier List Quick View

Lepic is the Best Starting Character

The First Descendant - Lepic

Lepic is the best starter character in The First Descendant due to his powerful grenade skills. His grenades can pull enemies towards an area, as well as inflict burn damage. He can also be quite forgiving for beginners due to his Passive Skill, Close Call, which gives him a chance of surviving fatal attacks on the battlefield.

Best Starting Character

SS Tier Characters in The First Descendant

All SS-Tier Characters
Bunny Gley

Bunny or Ultimate Bunny

The First Descendant - Bunny Icon.pngBunny
Role: Nuker
Overall Tier Ranking
SS Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
SS Rank Icon S Tier
Pros Cons
・Fastest movement speed out of all Descendants.
・Has a movement ability to Electrocute all enemies that she passes by.
・Her Electricity powers become more powerful the more she sprints around.
・Has low life sustainability.
・Requires close-range ranged combat to utilize skills.
・Needs high MP to sustain her skills.

Bunny is a strong mob-clearing character in the game due to her ability to wipe out groups of enemies simply by running around and triggering her Lightning Emission ability. She also has a unique resource called Electricity that you can easily gain proportional to your travel distance, giving her a move-and-shoot playstyle.

Gley or Ultimate Gley

The First Descendant - Gley Icon.pngGley
Role: Utility Dealer
Overall Tier Ranking
SS Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
S Tier SS Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Frenzied skill greatly buffs up her long-range attacks.
・Life Siphon skill lets her heal HP while attacking.
・Creates Life Spheres upon killing enemies, which recovers HP when absorbed.
・Healing is reduced and damage received is increased when in a Frenzied state.
・Does not have a shield.
・Needs to actively pick up Life Spheres to activate Massacre.

Gley is a unique Descendant who can enter a Frenzied state to amplify her weapon's attacks at the expense of HP recovery and defense. Note that because of her passive, she is the only Descendant without a shield. However, since some of her abilities scale proportionally to her HP, she has excellent offensive and defensive capabilities by stacking her HP.

S Tier Characters in The First Descendant

All S-Tier Characters
Lepic Valby
Freyna Viessa

Lepic or Ultimate Lepic

The First Descendant - Lepic Icon.pngLepic
Role: DPS
Overall Tier Ranking
S Tier
Missions Void Intercepts
S Tier SS Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Easy to use AoE and Self-Buff skills. Great Offense type character for beginners.
・Passive Skill provides him a chance of surviving fatal damage.
・Can pull enemies within range using Traction Grenade skill.
・Short grenade throwing distance.
・Traction Grenade has a short duration.
・Overkill has a long casting time.

Lepic is a beginner-friendly character and is one of the most viable characters for high-damage output. He excels in crowd control, mob-clearing, and boss DPS due to his grenade skills. Lepic is fairly easy to build, allowing players to push high-end content without much struggle.

Valby or Ultimate Valby

The First Descendant - Valby Icon.pngValby
Role: Constant DPS
Overall Tier Ranking
S Tier
Missions Void Intercepts
SS Rank Icon S Tier
Pros Cons
・Can spam skills since she consumes less Mana while standing on Water.
・All skills dish out a good amount of damage and DPS, especially with Supply Moisture.
・No burst damage.
Requires proper module setup to make skills more effective.
・Can only enhance Non-Attribute and Electric Damage.

Valby excels at zoning enemies by creating puddles on the ground that inflict damage over time (DoT) to enemies walking through them. Her skill set is tailored for damage dealing and crowd control, enabling her to effectively eliminate groups of enemies from a distance.


The First Descendant - Freyna Icon.pngFreyna
Role: DoT Dealer
Overall Tier Ranking
S Tier
Missions Void Intercepts
S Tier S Tier
Pros Cons
・Toxic damage is increased the more enemies she inflicts Poison on.
・Has an AoE skill that deals damage over time to enemies.
・No burst damage.
・Reliant on Poison DoT for damage.
・Reliant on cooldown reduction to utilize skill combos.

Freyna uses her abilities to apply poison to enemies, dealing damage over time (DoT) and eventually killing them. Her passive ability, Contagion Links, enhances her overall damage as she applies poison to more enemies.

Viessa or Ultimate Viessa

The First Descendant - Viessa Icon.pngViessa
Role: Debuffer
Overall Tier Ranking
S Tier
Missions Void Intercepts
S Tier A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Has the ability to freeze enemies in place and immobilize their movement.
・Can self-buff her running speed and shield using the Frost Road skill.
・Skills have minimal AoE.
・Requires proper module set-up for viable builds.
・Low Survivability

Viessa is one of the starting characters available for free. She can slow down or immobilize enemies by applying Chill or Freezing them with her abilities. While her skills can be quite strong for crowd control, they shine best for applying DPS.

A Tier Characters in The First Descendant

All A-Tier Characters
Hailey Blair


The First Descendant - Hailey Icon.pngHailey
Role: Burst DPS
Overall Tier Ranking
A Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
A Rank Icon SS Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・MP Regeneration and burst damage with Zenith.
・Can be solid without much modules.
・Buffs weapons with Cold Fury
・Lack of quick mob-clearing.
・Reliant on proper aim.
・Hard to obtain.

Hailey is designed to effectively deal with high-value targets such as Elite Enemies and Void Interceptions. Furthermore, her Cold Fury ability makes any weapon she uses to reach its maximum critical potential, and the ease of building her makes Hailey an exceptional descendant to pilot!

While Hailey deals exceptional single-target damage, the aspect holding her back is that she struggles to clear hordes of enemies, unlike other Descendants.


The First Descendant - Blair Icon.pngBlair
Role: DoT Dealer
Overall Tier Ranking
A Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
S Tier A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Equipped with Fire skills inflict burn damage that increases over time.
・Can regenerate Mana by using Extinguish.
・Reliant on Burn DoT.
・Relies on Enduring Legacy for effective boss DPS.

Blair excels in mob-clearing and applying burn DPS to high-health targets like elite enemies or bosses. Blair can be hard to build due to his damage relying on burn ticks but this can be easily mitigated with weapon abilities that synergize with his burn attribute, allowing him to be an excellent character for Solo and Multiplayer.

Ajax or Ultimate Ajax

The First Descendant - Ajax Icon.pngAjax
Role: Tank
Overall Tier Ranking
A Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
A Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Barrier skill can be used to deflect enemy projectiles to protect yourself, as well as allies.
・Can stun and knock back enemies.
・Overall great support skills for those opting for a Tank role.
・Low Skill Damage
・No AoE mob-clearing skills.

Ajax is a beginner-friendly tank that excels in defending his teammates and mission objectives. Solely focusing on HP and DEF, Ajax is an easy character to build and an even easier character to survive with.

B Tier Characters in The First Descendant

All B-Tier Characters
Enzo Sharen
Yujin Luna


The First Descendant - Enzo Icon.pngEnzo
Role: Supporter
Overall Tier Ranking
B Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
C Rank Icon S Tier
Pros Cons
・Ultimate Skill can replenish bullets for the entire team.
・Explosive Drone heavily deals damage on contact.
・Enhance Combat Suit helps recover energy shield, boosting his survivability.
・Reliant on Weapon set-ups.
・Minimal offensive skills.
・Best used in team play.

One of the few supports in the game, Enzo excels in group play. Primarily supplying ammo and recovery to his allies, Enzo is best used during high-difficulty missions where the party members need a sustaining ground. Aside from providing ammunition, Enzo can also provide passive damage through his skills.


The First Descendant - Sharen Icon.pngSharen
Role: Close-Range Dealer
Overall Tier Ranking
B Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
B Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Great for ambushing enemies since she can hide using the Camouflage skill.
・Best used for players who prefer a stealthy playstyle.
・Requires you to be in close range to be effective.
・Ultimate skill removes mobility.
・Reliant on proper skill combinations.

Sharen is a glass-cannon character that specializes in stealth. Her skill set allows her to deal nuking damage to any enemy, fulfilling her character's role as an assassin. Her only downside however is her low HP and DEF, making her a tough character to play for beginners.


The First Descendant - Yujin Icon.pngYujin
Role: Supporter
Overall Tier Ranking
B Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
A Rank Icon B Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Great overall support.
・Has skills that can help revive and heal allies, as well as remove debuffs from them.
・Proliferating Allergy clears mobs of enemies.
・Minimal offensive skills.
・Has heavy reliance on ultimate weapons.
・Weak passive for solo play.

Yujin is a support character who primarily provides HP healing for his party members. He can also provide and attack buffs to his allies as well as apply debuffs to enemies. Despite being a healing support, Yujin's Hyperactive Healing Ground is his only skill that includes healing for himself, making him a difficult character to play.


The First Descendant - Luna Icon.pngLuna
Role: Support
Overall Tier Ranking
B Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
B Rank Icon B Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Can provide potent buffs to self and teammates.
・Can provide and gain unlimited MP.
・Efficient in solo runs despite being a support.
・No aiming required for her Unique Weapon.
・Skill complexity makes her hard to use for beginners.
・Requires precise skill sequencing to gain and maintain buffs.

Luna specializes in supporting her teammates by providing an overall damage boost, MP generation, and reducing skill cooldowns. Though her kit provides powerful buffs, they can be hard to pull off as there are a lot of conditions required to keep the uptime of her skills.

C Tier Characters in The First Descendant

All C-Tier Characters
Kyle Jayber


The First Descendant - Kyle Icon.pngKyle
Role: Bruiser
Overall Tier Ranking
C Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
B Rank Icon B Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・A Tank-type character with high mobility.
・Has high AoE potential.
・Requires you to take damage to be effective.
・Skills are limited to close-range only.

Kyle is an advanced tank character who takes advantage of the damage he has taken and uses it to retaliate. He can be a tough character to build, and his advanced playstyle requires precision timing of skills. Still, Kyle is a character that can sustain himself, offering a medium-risk, high-reward style of gameplay.


The First Descendant - Jayber Icon.pngJayber
Role: Utility Dealer
Overall Tier Ranking
C Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
B Rank Icon C Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Can be used as either Offensive or Support type, as he can deploy turrets which can both attack enemies or heal allies. ・No mobility skill.
・No burst damage.
・Requires upgraded modules for turrets to be viable.

Jayber provides excellent utility for his team with the ability to summon turrets that can kill enemies or heal allies. He also has a multi-purpose gun that he can use to enhance the effectiveness of his turrets.


The First Descendant - Esiemo Icon.pngEsiemo
Role: Nuker
Overall Tier Ranking
C Rank Icon
Missions Void Intercepts
C Rank Icon C Rank Icon
Pros Cons
・Has the ability to set up mines, which are great for ambushes.
・Can increase his firepower and speed.
・Can be difficult to master.
・Grenades have a short throwing distance.
・Reliant on skill damage to be effective.
・Requires a crowd-control supporter for his skills to be effective.

Eseimo is a nuke-type damage dealer. With mainly bomb-type skills, he is best suited for mob-clearing and boss DPS. Eseimo is way harder to play and build and his damage can be underwhelming especially in the end game.

Best Characters Tier List Criteria

Excellent in Solo and Multiplayer

Characters who are ranked higher on the list are extremely useful in both Solo and Multiplayer. This means that they possess skills that can carry themselves alone on the battlefield, as well as skills that also provide buffs to allies.

High DPS in Skills

All characters with skills that consistently dish out high damage-per-second (DPS) can progress through quests a lot faster since they can swiftly eliminate enemies with their powerful AoE skills.

Poll: Who do You Think is the Best Character?

Bunny 172
Gley 133
Jayber 36
Valby 65
Lepic 47
Freyna 31
Viessa 53
Ajax 107
Blair 7
Other. Share in the comments! 9

Share Your Thoughts in The Comment Section!

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28 Anonymous4 months


27 Anonymous5 months

nah man ajax is only good for new players otherwise he is overrated as fuck


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