The First Descendant

EXCAVA Build and How to Get

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

EXCAVA is an Ultimate Assault Rifle that uses General Rounds and is best suited for Hailey and Valby in The First Descendant. Read on to learn the best build for EXCAVA, how to get EXCAVA, its stats, and the best descendants that can use EXCAVA!

Best EXCAVA Build

Substats Priority
・Firearm ATK
・Firearm Critical Hit Damage
・Rounds Per Magazine
・Firearm Critical Hit Rate
Best Modules for Thunder Cage
Mental Focus ImageMental Focus Fire Rate -X%. When firing a firearm, Firearm ATK +X% for Xs (up to X stacks) Removes effect when reloading or changing firearm.
Concentrate Support Ammo ImageConcentrate Support Ammo Rounds per Magazine +X%, Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Concentration Priority ImageConcentration Priority Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%, Reload Time Modifier -X%
Action and Reaction ImageAction and Reaction Firearm ATK +X%, Recoil +X%
Better Concentration ImageBetter Concentration Firearm Critical Hit Damage +X%
Expand Weapon Charge ImageExpand Weapon Charge Rounds per Magazine +X%
Recycling Genius ImageRecycling Genius Reload Time Modifier +X%
Better Insight ImageBetter Insight Firearm Critical Hit Rate +X%
Fire Rate UP ImageFire Rate UP Fire Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

EXCAVA, while not as powerful as some of its competition due to its lackluster base stats, proves to be a solid option to use after obtaining it from the Battle Pass. The modules included attempts to patch its weaknesses by improving on Firearm ATK, Fire Rate, and its Critical Values.

The Special Mods you will utilize for EXCAVA varies. If you plan on doing Void Interceptions, bring Mental Focus; otherwise bring Sweeping Squad. Furthermore, it is recommended to add more Rounds per Magazine to reliably stack up its Unique Ability and build up more critical hit rate.

The optimal way to use Excava is to not expend the stacks you have built by only firing from the hip to avoid using your grenades. Doing so preserves the additional base +21% Critical Hit Rate you get from the stacks, increasing your overall DPS.

How to Get EXCAVA

Acquire Through The Season 1 Battle Pass

The First Descendant - Acquire Through the Season 1 Battle Pass
EXCAVA can be obtained through the game's Season 1 Battle Pass.

You can acquire it instantly by purchasing a Premium Upgrade using Caliber, or you can get it its first free instance by leveling up your Battle Pass up to Lv. 16.

Furthermore, you must actively collect the weapon from the Battle Pass tab to place it in your inventory. You can obtain multiple copies of the gun throughout the free track, allowing you to upgrade its unique ability further.

Battle Pass Guide

EXCAVA Basic Info & Stats

Basic Info

EXCAVA Basic Info
The First Descendant - EXCAVA.png EXCAVA Tier Ultimate
Type Assault Rifle
The First Descendant -General Rounds.png General Rounds
Unique Ability
Voltage Accel Energy Grenade Launcher: Hitting an enemy grants the unique effect Voltage Charge. When Voltage Charge reaches max stacks, it changes to the unique effect Energy Grenade. While Energy Grenade is active, fires an Energy Grenade when shooting while aiming, which deals increased damage based on the number of stacks. Hitting an enemy with the Energy Grenade inflicts Accumulation Voltage.


DPS 293 Firearm ATK 32
Magazine Capacity 36 Rate of Fire 588
Crit Damage 1.2x Crit Rate 3%
Reload Time 2s Pierce 10%
Attribute Trigger Rate 4.62% Weak Point Damage 1.425x
Hip Fire Accuracy 69.33 Aimed Shot Accuracy 72
Range (Start) 30m Range (End) 55m
Max Range 0.4x ATK Drop-off Modifier 0.4x
Charge Gain Speed - Charge Depletion Speed -
Movement Speed 525 Movement Speed (Firing) 345
Movement Speed (Aiming) 255 Sprint Speed 800

The stats here are only at level 1.

EXCAVA Recommended Descendants

Descendant Explanation
The First Descendant - Hailey Icon.pngHailey Has the capability of fully capping out the Critical Hit Rate of EXCAVA.
The First Descendant - Valby Icon.pngValby Provides additional Electric Damage because of Laundry's electric resistance debuff.

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Weapon Rounds

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Weapon Rarities

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Weapon Types

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Shotguns Scout Rifles Sniper Rifles
Launchers Handguns

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Starfield -  EXCAVA


1 Anonymous3 months

truly p2w weapon


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