Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Princess Sarah Character and Voice Actor

This is a character page for Princess Sarah one of the story characters in the game Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin. Read on to learn more about this character, and what roles Princess Sarah plays in the story!

Princess Sarah Profile

"May the Crystal's blessing be with you always."
The crown princess of Cornelia. An amicable figure who is popular among the citizens of Cornelia, she also interacts with them incognito, such as when playing her lute.
EN Voice Cast: Cherami Leigh
JP Voice Cast: Miyamoto Kome

Princess Sarah Background

Crowned Princess of Cornelia

Princess Sarah

Like a flower blooming in a dark wasteland, Princess Sarah is beloved by all of Cornelia. She holds great determination to protect her people from the forces of darkness.

Jack's Past Flame

Princess Sarah

In a previous timeline, Jack and Sarah share a romantic connection. As the story unfolds towards the end of Strangers of Paradise main mission, it is revealed in Jack's regained memories that Sarah was very fond of him. It was Sarah's death in the current timeline that broke Jack's repressed emotions.

Strangers of Paradise Walkthrough and Rewards

Stranger of Paradise Related Guides

Final Fantasy Origin - Stranger of Paradise Characters Partial Banner.png

List of Characters and Voice Actors

Main Character
Party Members
Ash.pngAsh Jed.pngJed Neon.pngNeon Sophia.pngSophia
Story Characters
Princess Sarah.pngPrincess Sarah Astos.pngAstos Captain Bikke.pngPirate Captain Bikke -
Lich.pngLich Kraken.pngKraken Marilith.pngMarilith Tiamat.pngTiamat


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