Scarlet Nexus

Juttie Chinery Locations and Materials Dropped

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This is a guide to Juttie Chinery, an Enemy in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to learn Juttie Chinery's strengths and weaknesses, attack patterns, and materials dropped!

Juttie Chinery Information

Type and Ailments

Juttie Chinery
Juttie Chinery
Enemy Type Ailments Inflicted
Chinery -

How to Beat Juttie Chinery

Juttie Chinery Attack Patterns

Melee Attacks

Juttie Chinery - Melee Attacks

Juttie Chinery is an extremely aggressive Other. It possesses three forms of Melee Attacks it can use against you – an attack where it slams its fist at you, one where it throws its entire body at you, and a side step charge attack. Getting hit with any of these attacks can knock you to the ground.

Juttie Chinery Strategies

Break its Shells

Juttie Chinery - Break its Shells

There is no easy way to defeat Juttie Chinery. The only way to reduce the amount of time to dedicate against this enemy would be to destroy all three of its shells protecting its Weak Points. These can be found on its head, on its belly, and just above its tail. Knocking out all three makes it more suspectible to attacks that can quickly reduce its Crush Gauge.

Unleash Everything

Juttie Chinery - Unleash Everything

Juttie Chinery can take a lot of damage before falling. Do not be wary of unleashing all of your powers and attacks unto the beast. Effective attacks involve Pyrokinesis and Electrokinesis in particular, along with healthy doses of Special Object Attacks if available.

Juttie Chinery Location

Kasane Route

Sumeragi Tomb
Hieno Mountain
Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb
Hieno Mountain
Hieno Mountain

Yuito Route

Sumeragi Tomb
Arahabaki Secure Site
Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb
Arahabaki Secure Site
Arahabaki Secure Site

Juttie Chinery Droppable Materials

Material Rarity
Chinery-type SuppressionChinery-type Suppression Uncommon
Chinery-type Suppression +Chinery-type Suppression + Rare
Juttie Chinery AnalysisJuttie Chinery Analysis Special

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Juttie Chinery Guide, Attack Patterns, and Dropped ItemsJuttie Chinery


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