Scarlet Nexus

Slippy Chinery Locations and Materials Dropped

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This is a guide to Slippy Chinery, an Enemy in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to learn Slippy Chinery's strengths and weaknesses, attack patterns, and materials dropped!

Slippy Chinery Information

Type and Ailments

Slippy Chinery
Slippy Chinery
Enemy Type Ailments Inflicted
Chinery Oil


Weakness to:
Pyrokinesis iconPyrokinesis

How to Beat Slippy Chinery

Slippy Chinery Attack Patterns


Slippy Chinery - Invisibility

A Slippy Chinery Other has the power to turn itself invisible and out of your sight. It is in this state that it will become aggressive, trying to attack you as much as it can, particularly if you are busy fighting other enemies in the area.

Melee Attacks

Slippy Chinery - Melee Attacks

Three forms of its Melee Attacks exist – it is capable of slamming its hand down, slamming its entire body on you with a lunge, and a side stepping attack. It is easy to dodge these attacks, as they are telegraphed thoroughly by the Slippy Chinery before they ever happen.

Fire Attacks

Slippy Chinery - Fire Attack

Once you have managed to inflict the Burning Status Ailment on the creature, it can use this impediment against you through two forms of attacks. It can spew the flames it has back at you, or cause fireballs to erupt, raining down all around you.

Slippy Chinery Strategies

Use Clairvoyance

Slippy Chinery - Use Clairvoyance

The Slippy Chinery's invisibility can be countered by using Clairvoyance to spot it in its invisible state. From there, managing to strike at the creature will cause it to lie on the ground, stunned, allowing you to get free hits in against it.

Use Pyrokinesis

Slippy Chinery - Use Pyrokinesis

Slippy Chinery is particularly vulnerable to attacks that make use of Pyrokinesis. It easily can be inflicted with the Burning ailment, causing it continuous damage until the effects wear off.

Attack its Weak Point

Slippy Chinery - Attack its Weak Point

The Weak Point of the creature can be found on its belly. It can be easily seen if the creature is set ablaze using Pyrokinesis, with damage caused to it causing good chunks of the creature's HP Bar to be taken out.

Slippy Chinery Location

Kasane Route

Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb

Yuito Route

Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb
Sumeragi Tomb

Slippy Chinery Droppable Materials

Material Rarity
Chinery-type SuppressionChinery-type Suppression Uncommon
Chinery-type Suppression +Chinery-type Suppression + Rare
Slippy Chinery AnalysisSlippy Chinery Analysis Special

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