Tower of Fantasy

How to Unlock Vera: Interactive Map & Exploration Guide

Please note that the Tower of Fantasy Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 2.0. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date. Thank you for continuing support!

Vera Region Guide Top Image

Here's our Interactive Map for the Vera update in Tower of Fantasy 2.0. Check out how to unlock Vera and Mirroria, side quests, puzzles and more with our Vera region guide.

Tower of Fantasy Interactive Vera Map

Vera is the second continent playable in Tower of Fantasy's world of Aida.

Supply Pods

All throughout Vera, there are numerous Supply Pods scattered around. Some can be found in the open, while others are hidden through various means. Explore the world to find Supply Pods that can be found in the continent!


Spacerifts are waypoints scattered around the region that players can teleport to, cutting the travel by a considerable margin. There are multiple of them in every region, so make it a priority to activate them immediately!

Scenic Points

Scenic Points can be considered landmarks of the region, which makes traveling easier if going on foot. Enjoy the scenery and record the breathtaking sight by locating these Scenic Points scattered across Vera!


Target Hitlist - Vera

In each region of Vera, there is a list of names that players can find in the map progress menu. These are the names of enemies that can be found, and progress for completing the list is added to the overall regional progress bar.

How to Unlock Vera

Vera Icon

Vera can be accessed by both old players and new players who are just joining in after the Version 2.0 update. They have to read up on the Vera storyline tracking that is available in the game at the top of the screen.

Vera Storyline Recap

There are some important spoilers in this Vera storyline tracking for the story of the first region, Aesperia, so for players who wish to avoid spoilers or want to experience the first region of Aesperia first, going through the first continent is an available option.

Once the cutscene is over, simply walk over to the portal to be transported to Vera to being the first mission in the continent.

How to Unlock Mirroria


Mirroria is the futuristic city that can be found in Vera. It is unlocked the same time players unlock Vera, which means the city is available for exploration at the same time. Simply go through the story missions to eventually reach Mirroria.


A unique feature of Vera is that each of the regions have their own Grayspace that can be accessed through a Grayspace Fissure somewhere within the region. Players have a time limit of 8 minutes per entering of the Grayscale Fissure before they are automatically kicked out.

Sandstorm Grounds

Split into 3 Areas
Supply Pods 55 Scenic Points 6
Exploration Markers 108 Spacerifts 6
List of Targets 10 Max. Progress 2040

Sandstorm Grounds Exploration Guide

Grayspace Version

Spatial Rifts 10 Crystal Dust 130
Time Limit 8 Mins. Max. Progress 1105

Rock Pillar Gobby

Split into 2 Areas
Supply Pods 60 Scenic Points 3
Exploration Markers 147 Spacerifts 7
List of Targets 10 Max. Progress 2200

Rock Pillar Gobby Exploration Guide

Grayspace Version

Spatial Rifts 26 Crystal Dust 119
Time Limit 8 Mins. Max. Progress 1170

Quicksand Belt

Split into 3 Areas
Supply Pods 50 Scenic Points 3
Exploration Markers 111 Spacerifts 5
List of Targets 10 Max. Progress 1890

Quicksand Belt Exploration Guide

Grayspace Version

Spatial Rifts 18 Crystal Dust 76
Time Limit 8 Mins. Max. Progress 790

New Exploration Point Mechanics in Vera



Parts of Vera's desert area will have Quicksand, which is very dangerous as it can pass off as regular terrain within the desert. Once players end up standing in Quicksand, the player will slow down its movement and start sinking. When fully engulfed, this essentially kills the player and forces them back to their most recent spawnpoint.


Vera Underground

Sharp-eyed Wanderers will notice Quicksand that spirals into a center at certain parts of Vera. Players need the SSR Relic Hoverboard (available in the Battle Pass) to reach it safely beyond the Quicksand. Once the player fully sinks, instead of dying they will be teleported to an underground area.

Surveillance Guard

Surveillance Guard

Surveillance Guards are sentries that can be found all throughout the deserts of Vera. They close up and will not open again when they detect the player get too close. Players will need the SR Relic Cloak of Invisibility to touch them undetected.

Ruin Stones

Ruin Stones

There are stones with weird markings on them that look incomplete, broken into other pieces. The player has to adjust their POV to make them look whole again in order to receive a reward.

Lost Animal

A few animals in the desert may have wandered a little too far from their home, asking for your help. Guide them to where need to go to reach their home safely, and they will give you a nice reward for the trouble.

Cactus Fruit

Cactus Fruit

Some odd-shaped trees scattered across Vera's desert area called Cactus Fruit can be hit to get a Nucleus. Keep an eye out for them as you travel through the region.

Elemental Supply Pod

Elemental Supply Pods

There are a number of unique Supply Pods that can be interacted with by using the elements of your weapons. Clear the Elemental Supply Pod's challenge with the appropriate element and players will obtain the prize.

Exchanging Sandy Nests

Exchanging Sandy Nests

There are a group of moles that play a game with you where you have to guess where the sparkling one of the bunch is after scrambling between their homes. Guessing right will reward you with a Nucleus.

Friendly Little Critter (Friendly Sand Rabbit)

Friendly Little Critter

There are some animals within Vera that ask the player to do a certain move to match their own. Use the emotes available in the chatbox to do the one closest to the Friendly Little Critter(Friendly Sand Rabbit)'s request, and a reward will be given for your trouble.

Hungry Little Critter

Hungry Little Critter

Some animals around the region are requesting specific food to be fed with. Give them what they want from your backpack, and the Hungry Little Critter will trade it with a gift for complying with its request.

Cave Mushroom

Found in the underground areas hidden in Vera, the Cave Mushrooms need energy from special rock structures nearby. Give them the energy from said rocks 3 times before it can give a Nucleus for a reward..

Tower of Fantasy Related Links

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Vera World Map and Exploration Guide


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Vera Release Top Banner.png

Vera and Version 2.0 Release Date


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