Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

All Cleaver Camos

This is a guide that lists all the camos for the Cleaver in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). See a list of all available camos and camo challenges for the Cleaver!

Related Cleaver Guides
All Cleaver Camos How to Get the Cleaver

List of Contents

All Cleaver Camos

※ Enter the Camo name in the text field below or use the Camo Type filter to narrow down the results.

Camo Type Challenge
Abyss Cleaver Mastery Get 5 Kills without dying with the Cleaver
Gold Cleaver Mastery Get 10 Double Kills or better with the Cleaver
Diamond Cleaver Mastery Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Cleaver
Dark Spine Cleaver Mastery Get 3 Triple Kills or better with the Cleaver
Dark Matter Cleaver Mastery Get 5 kills without dying 3 times with the Cleaver
Mystic Gold Cleaver Mastery Get 10 kills rapidly 15 times with the Cleaver
Opal Cleaver Mastery Get 30 Special Zombie eliminations with the Cleaver
Afterlife Cleaver Mastery Get 20 or more consecutive kills 10 times without taking damage with the Cleaver
Nebula Cleaver Mastery Get 10 Elite Zombie eliminations with the Cleaver
Gold Tiger Cleaver Mastery Get 3 Eliminations while being the Most Wanted Contract target with the Cleaver
King's Ransom Cleaver Mastery Get 3 Kills without dying 2 times with the Cleaver
Catalyst Cleaver Mastery Get 3 Kills on enemies affected by your Stun Grenade, Flashbang, or Shock Charge with the Cleaver
Blazing Leopard Special Get 5 kills while under an enemy UAV with the Cleaver
Ghostly Grounds Special Get 3 kills in a single match 5 times with the Cleaver
Shock Leopard Special Get 300 eliminations with the Cleaver at Rare Rarity or higher
Tragic Tomb Special Get 75 Armored Zombie eliminations with the Cleaver
Luminous Leopard Special Get a kill without taking any damage 30 times with the Cleaver
Creepy Crypt Special Get 50 eliminations while the Strategist Combat Specialty is active with the Cleaver
Undergrowth Cleaver Military Get 20 eliminations with the Cleaver
Blue Tiger Cleaver Military Get 50 eliminations with the Cleaver
Smolder Cleaver Military Get 40 eliminations with the Cleaver
Siberia Cleaver Military Get 30 eliminations with the Cleaver
Snakeskin Cleaver Military Get 25 eliminations with the Cleaver
Evergreen Cleaver Military Get 300 kills with the Cleaver
Woodland Cleaver Military Get 10 kills with the Cleaver
Savanna Cleaver Military Get 15 kills with the Cleaver
Splinter Cleaver Military Get 20 kills with the Cleaver
Moss Cleaver Military Get 30 kills with the Cleaver
Saboteur Cleaver Military Get 40 kills with the Cleaver
Digital Cleaver Military Get 50 kills with the Cleaver
Tide Cleaver Military Get 75 kills with the Cleaver
Red Tiger Cleaver Military Get 100 kills with the Cleaver
Slate Cleaver Military Get 100 kills with the Cleaver
Desert Cleaver Military Get 200 kills with the Cleaver
Granite Cleaver Military Get 5 kills with the Cleaver
Rugged Cleaver Military Get 400 kills with the Cleaver
Grim Cleaver Military Get 600 kills with the Cleaver
Stripe Cleaver Military Get 800 kills with the Cleaver
Oceanic Cleaver Military Get 1000 kills with the Cleaver
Whiteout Cleaver Military Get 1500 kills with the Cleaver
Purple Tiger Cleaver Military Get 2000 kills with the Cleaver
Quartz Cleaver Military Get 2 eliminations with the Cleaver
Tundra Cleaver Military Get 5 eliminations with the Cleaver
Canyon Cleaver Military Get 10 eliminations with the Cleaver
Pine Cleaver Military Get 15 eliminations with the Cleaver

List of All Camo Challenges

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

Guns Partial

List of All Guns and Weapons

All Gun and Weapon Types

All Gun and Weapon Types
Assault Rifles LMGs
SMGs Shotguns
Marksman Rifles Snipers
Pistols Special Guns
Melee Weapons Launchers

All Guns and Weapons

Assault Rifles
XM4 IconXM4 AK-74 IconAK-74 Ames 85 IconAmes 85
GPR 91 IconGPR 91 Model L IconModel L Goblin Mk2 IconGoblin Mk2
AS VAL IconAS VAL Krig-CKrig C Cypher 091Cypher 091
XMG IconXMG PU-21 IconPU-21 GPMG-7 IconGPMG-7
Feng 82Feng 82 - -
C9 IconC9 Jackal PDW IconJackal PDW Tanto .22 IconTanto .22
KSV IconKSV PP-919 IconPP-919 Kompakt 92 IconKompakt 92
SaugSaug PPSh-41PPSh-41 -
Marine SP IconMarine SP ASG-89 IconASG-89 MaelstromMaelstrom
Marksman Rifles
Swat 5.56 IconSwat 5.56 DM-10 IconDM-10 Tsarkov 7.62 IconTsarkov 7.62
AEK-973 IconAEK-973 - -
Sniper Rifles
SVD IconSVD LR 7.62 IconLR 7.62 LW3A1 Frostline IconLW3A1 Frostline
AMR Mod 4AMR Mod 4 - -
GS45 IconGS45 9mm PM Icon9mm PM Grekhova IconGrekhova
Stryder .22 IconStryder .22 - -
Special Guns
Sirin 9mmSirin 9mm - -
Melee Weapons
Knife IconKnife Baseball Bat IconBaseball Bat CleaverCleaver
Power DrillPower Drill - -
CIGMA 2B IconCIGMA 2B HE-1 IconHE-1 -

How to Unlock Post-Launch Weapons

Season 1 Weapons
Sirin 9mm Power Drill Maelstrom
AMR Mod 4 Cleaver -
Season 2 Weapons
PPSh-41 Cypher 091 Feng 82


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