Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

All AK-74 Camos and Attachments

This is a guide that lists all the camos and attachments for the AK-74 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see all available camos and camo challenges for the AK-74, as well as a full list of its compatible attachments and their stats.

Related AK-74 Guides
Best AK-74 Loadout AK-74 Camos and Attachments

All AK-74 Camos

※ Enter the Camo name in the text field below or use the Camo Type filter to narrow down the results.

Camo Type Challenge
Diamond AK-74 Mastery Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the AK-74.
Dark Spine AK-74 Mastery Get 3 Triple Kills or better with the AK-74.
Dark Matter AK-74 Mastery Get 5 kills without dying 3 times with the AK-74.
Mystic Gold AK-74 Mastery Get 10 kills rapidly 15 times with the AK-74.
Opal AK-74 Mastery Get 30 Special Zombie eliminations with the AK-74.
Afterlife AK-74 Mastery Get 20 or more consecutive kills 10 times without taking damage with the AK-74.
Nebula AK-74 Mastery Get 10 Elite Zombie eliminations with the AK-74.
Gold AK-74 Mastery Get 10 Double Kills or better with the AK-74.
Abyss AK-74 Mastery Get 5 Kills without dying 2 times with the AK-74
Catalyst AK-74 Mastery Get 5 Kills on enemies affected by your Stun Grenade, Flashbang, or Shock Charge with the AK-74
King's Ransom AK-74 Mastery Get 3 Kills without dying 5 times with the AK-74
Gold Tiger AK-74 Mastery Get 5 Eliminations while being the Most Wanted Contract target with the AK-74
Spirits Special Get 5 Kills while the Most Wanted Contract target with the AK-74
Sea Foam Special Get 2 Kills within 30 seconds 5 times with the AK-74
Whitecap Special Get 50 Eliminations while the Strategist Combat Speciality is active with the AK-74.
Vengeance Special Get 20 kills with the underbarrel launcher attached to the AK-74.
Chlorine Special Get 5 Critical Kills rapidly 15 times with the AK-74.
Haunted Special Get 300 Eliminations with the AK-74 while it's Pack-a-Punched.
Grim AK-74 Military Get 600 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Granite AK-74 Military Get 5 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Woodland AK-74 Military Get 10 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Purple Tiger AK-74 Military Get 2000 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Whiteout AK-74 Military Get 1500 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Oceanic AK-74 Military Get 1000 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Stripe AK-74 Military Get 800 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Savanna AK-74 Military Get 15 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Rugged AK-74 Military Get 400 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Evergreen AK-74 Military Get 300 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Desert AK-74 Military Get 200 Critical Kills with the AK-74
Slate AK-74 Military Get 100 Critical Kills with the AK-74.
Red Tiger AK-74 Military Get 100 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Tide AK-74 Military Get 75 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Digital AK-74 Military Get 50 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Saboteur AK-74 Military Get 40 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Moss AK-74 Military Get 30 headshot kills with the AK-74.
Splinter AK-74 Military Get 20 headshot kills with the AK-74.

List of All Camo Challenges

All AK-74 Attachments

All Compatible Optics

All Compatible Optics

Accu-Spot Reflex

Accu-Spot Ultra Holo

Blandwell 7x Scope

Dobrych 4x

Dobrych MF Reflex

Jason Armory 2x

K&S Red Dot

Kepler Microflex

Kepler Red Dot

Merlin Mini

Merlin Reflex

OM3 '92 Holo

Otero Micro Dot

Otero Red Dot

Otero Thermal 2x

Pinpoint Holoscout

Pinpoint Hybrid

PrismaPoint Hybrid

PrismaTech 4x

PrismaTech Reflex

R&K Multizoom

Redwell Reflex

Remuda Mini Reflex

Volzhskiy Reflex

Willis 3x

All Compatible Muzzles

Attachment Pros and Cons
Positive Effect Vertical Recoil Control
Muzzle Brake
Positive Effect First Shot Recoil Control
Positive Effect Kick Reset Speed
Ported Compensator
Positive Effect First Shot Recoil Control
Positive Effect Vertical Recoil Control

All Compatible Barrels

Attachment Pros and Cons
CHF Barrel
Positive Effect Headshot Multiplier
Positive Effect Lower Torso/Arms/Legs Hit Location Multiplier (Snipers Only)

Negative Effect Vertical Recoil Control
Negative Effect Horizontal Recoil Control
Negative Effect Aim Down Sight Speed (Sniper Only)
Long Barrel
Positive Effect Damage Range
Reinforced Barrel
Positive Effect Damage Range
Positive Effect Bullet Velocity
Short Barrel
Positive Effect Jumping Aim Down Sight Speed
Positive Effect Jumping Sprint to Fire Speed

All Compatible Underbarrels

Attachment Pros and Cons
Launcher - Drill Charge
Positive Feature Underbarrel Drill Charge
Launcher - High Explosive
Positive Feature 40mm Fuse Grenades
Launcher - Smoke
Positive Feature Underbarrel Smoke Grenades
Launcher - Standard
Positive Feature 40mm Grenades
Lightweight Foregrip
Positive Effect Aiming Idle Sway
Marksman Foregrip
Positive Feature Aim Down Sight Focus
Precision Foregrip
Positive Effect Aiming Idle Sway
Positive Effect Horizontal Recoil Control
Ranger Foregrip
Positive Effect Horizontal Recoil Control
Positive Effect Sprinting Movement Speed

All Compatible Magazines

Attachment Pros and Cons
Extended Mag I
Positive Effect Magazine Ammo Capacity
Extended Mag II
Positive Effect Magazine Ammo Capacity

Negative Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Negative Effect Reload Quickness
Negative Effect Sprint to Fire Speed
Extended Mag III
Positive Effect Magazine Ammo Capacity

Negative Effect Reload Quickness
Negative Effect Sprint to Fire Speed
Negative Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Negative Effect Aim Walking Movement Speed
Fast Mag I
Positive Effect Reload Quickness
Fast Mag II
Positive Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Positive Effect Reload Quickness
Positive Effect Sprint to Fire Speed

Negative Effect Magazine Ammo Capacity
Flip Mag
Positive Effect Reload Quickness
Positive Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Positive Effect Sprint to Fire Speed

Negative Effect Magazine Ammo Capacity

All Compatible Rear Grips

Attachment Pros and Cons
Commando Grip
Positive Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Positive Effect Sprint to Fire Speed
CQB Grip
Positive Effect Dive to Fire Speed
Positive Effect Slide to Fire Speed
Positive Effect Sprint to Fire Speed
Ergonomic Grip
Positive Effect Slide to Fire Speed
Positive Effect Dive to Fire Speed
Positive Effect Aim Down Sight Speed
Quickdraw Grip
Positive Effect Aim Down Sight Speed

All Compatible Stocks

Attachment Pros and Cons
Balanced Stock
Positive Effect Strafing Movement Speed
Positive Effect Hipfire Movement Speed
Positive Effect Movement Speed
Positive Effect Aim Walking Movement Speed
Combat Stock
Positive Effect Flinch Resistance
Positive Effect Aim Walking Movement Speed
Heavy Stock
Positive Effect Flinch Resistance
Infiltrator Stock
Positive Effect Aim Walking Movement Speed
Light Stock
Positive Effect Hipfire Movement Speed
Positive Effect Movement Speed
Positive Effect Strafing Movement Speed

All Compatible Lasers

Attachment Pros and Cons
Fast Motion Laser
Positive Effect Diving Hipfire Spread
Positive Effect Jumping Hipfire Spread
Positive Effect Sliding Hipfire Spread

Negative Feature Laser Visible in Hip
Strelok Laser
Positive Effect Hipfire Accuracy

Negative Feature Laser Visible in ADS
Tactical Laser
Positive Feature Tactical Stance

Negative Feature Laser Visible in Tactical Stance
Target Laser
Positive Effect Aiming Idle Sway Delay
Positive Effect Aim Walking Steadiness

Negative Feature Laser Visible in ADS

All Compatible Fire Mods

Attachment Pros and Cons
5.45x39mm FMJ
Positive Feature Scorestreak Damage
Positive Effect Penetration Damage
5.45x39mm Overpressured
Positive Effect Bulllet Velocity
Rapid Fire
Positive Effect Fire Rate

Negative Effect Vertical Recoil Control
Negative Effect Horizontal Recoil Control
Negative Effect Bullet Velocity
Negative Effect Damage Range
Recoil Springs
Positive Effect Horizontal Recoil Control
Positive Effect Vertical Recoil Control

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

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All Gun and Weapon Types

All Gun and Weapon Types
Assault Rifles LMGs
SMGs Shotguns
Marksman Rifles Snipers
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All Guns and Weapons

Assault Rifles
XM4 IconXM4 AK-74 IconAK-74 Ames 85 IconAmes 85
GPR 91 IconGPR 91 Model L IconModel L Goblin Mk2 IconGoblin Mk2
AS VAL IconAS VAL Krig-CKrig C -
XMG IconXMG PU-21 IconPU-21 GPMG-7 IconGPMG-7
C9 IconC9 Jackal PDW IconJackal PDW Tanto .22 IconTanto .22
KSV IconKSV PP-919 IconPP-919 Kompakt 92 IconKompakt 92
SaugSaug - -
Marine SP IconMarine SP ASG-89 IconASG-89 MaelstromMaelstrom
Marksman Rifles
Swat 5.56 IconSwat 5.56 DM-10 IconDM-10 Tsarkov 7.62 IconTsarkov 7.62
AEK-973 IconAEK-973 - -
Sniper Rifles
SVD IconSVD LR 7.62 IconLR 7.62 LW3A1 Frostline IconLW3A1 Frostline
AMR Mod 4AMR Mod 4 - -
GS45 IconGS45 9mm PM Icon9mm PM Grekhova IconGrekhova
Stryder .22 IconStryder .22 - -
Special Guns
Sirin 9mmSirin 9mm - -
Melee Weapons
Knife IconKnife Baseball Bat IconBaseball Bat CleaverCleaver
Power DrillPower Drill - -
CIGMA 2B IconCIGMA 2B HE-1 IconHE-1 -

How to Unlock Post-Launch Weapons

Season 1 Weapons
Sirin 9mm Power Drill Maelstrom


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