Zenless Zone Zero Walkthrough Comments

Seth Trust Events and Best AnswersComment

Showing 1-20 of 29 entries


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    29 New Trust Event?about 1 monthReport

    After Chapter 5, Seth hangs out in front of Random Play at Night.

    28 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    I choose the 2nd, didn't get any trust

    27 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    In front of Random Play at Midnight Interact with Shepherd Not sure if always a trust increase, needs more testing.

    26 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    "Humble Noodles" hyperlink broken?

    25 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Can't find him anywhere, he only shows up once to rent the movie after being pranked, and then he just disappear

    24 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    (Sorry if you already knew this) You can check if there's a character in an area by scrolling through all the map areas and just looking at the bar near the bottom of the screen (boxed in red in the image). If he isn't showing up then maybe you're just getting unlucky? He started showing up for me after I got a dm from him when a colleague (probably Jane lol) took his phone to send a prank text

    23 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    is this bugged in any way? have had seth for a week, look everywhere every day, multiple in game days at a time, run around both 6th street and lumina square, he is nowhere.

    22 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    In the partner archive on Seth's page the first line says "Complete more Trust events to unlock direct DMs with Agents" when you're still at the lowest trust with him. Inviting him probably unlocks at a higher trust level

    21 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    guys. I think I found a certain bug in the trust event rank 2 where the ball is missing from the place where ti should be. The fixing is simple, just reload the game and ball is ready to be played :D

    20 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Please tell me how to get Seth's contact, I can't even invite him!

    19 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Invite Quest for the Sixth Street Noodle Shop: Regular Conversation until Option "Because your my guest" + Trust And at the end: Significant Trust

    18 Wise6 monthsReport

    hydrangeas work too btw

    17 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    if you push for seth to pik a place while inviting him to hang out, he will pick Dew Gardening Shop, picking iris will give trust increase

    16 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Lumina Square, Newstand "are you here to buy a newspaper?"{no trust increase} "Will there be power outages?" {no trust increase} "I want to know more about the case" {trust increase} "Maybe the investigation is still ongoing" {no trust increase} "It's just a difference in perspective" {no trust increase}

    15 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    trust event by the river near the lumina square newstand (you'll see him surrounded by cats): because cats are kind-hearted -> trust increase

    14 Nyffi6 monthsReport

    In Whispering River Breeze if you pick "Brothers are still brothers, no matter how much they fight" you get a trust increase

    13 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    "Interview Incident" is a trust rank-up (to Friendly) event, answers don't matter as per usual, just adding this for cumulative information

    12 RandoRamble6 monthsReport

    apparently I got the same event the next time Seth appeared, so here’s what the actual choice looks like

    11 RandoRamble6 monthsReport

    Lumina 141, Morning. The option that goes something like “Already suffering from the corporate grind” give you a trust increase.

    10 RandoRamble6 monthsReport

    Lumina Pharmacy, Morning. The option “As a citizen, I feel safer” gives you a trust increase.

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