Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Mei: Changes, Skins, and Rework

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Mei is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Mei, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Mei Latest Buffs and Nerfs

April 26, 2022 Patch Notes

Mei Day One Patch Notes
Endothermic BlasterEndothermic Blaster
• Freeze no longer fully freezes enemies and instead, slows them by 50% at a constant rate.
• Slow decreased from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.
• DPS has been increased from 55 to 100.
• Ammo increased from 120 to 150.
• No longer affects Zarya's and Sigma's ultimates.
Ice WallIce Wall
• Pillar health reduced from 400 to 250.
• Range reduced from 35 meters to 20 meters.
• Increased cost by 15%.

Mei Hero Profile

Basic Information

Mei (Mei-Ling Zhou)
Overwatch 2 -Mei Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 250
・ 250 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Elise Zhang
Nationality Chinese
Affiliations Overwatch, Atlas News

How to Unlock

Unlocks after playing 70 games.

Character Redesign

Overwatch 1 Overwatch 2

Mei's reworked design gives emphasis to the passage of time as seen with her hair being noticeable longer. While her color scheme gets no update, we can see the shift to a more technological and battle-ready version of the original suit.

Mei Weapons and Abilities

Mei Main Weapon

Endothermic BlasterEndothermic Blaster Primary Fire
Damage: 100 per second
Description: Short-range spray weapon that slows enemies.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 75
Description: Long-range icicle launcher.

Mei Abilities

Cryo-FreezeCryo-Freeze Type: Ability
Cooldown: 12 secs
Duration: 4 secs
Effect: Become invulnerable and heal yourself.
Ice WallIce Wall Type: Ability
Cooldown: 12 secs
Duration: 5 secs
Effect: Create a wall in front of you.
BlizzardBlizzard Type: Ultimate
Damage: 3.84
Effect: Launch a weather control drone that freezes enemies in a wide area.
Role: DamageRole: Damage Type: Passive
Effect: Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement speed and reload speed.

How to Play and Tips

Primary Fire Slows Down Heroes

Endothermic Blaster's primary fire slows down any enemy hero it makes contact with, making them easier targets for you and your team. Prioritize slowing down key targets such as Supports and mobile Damage Heroes.

Secondary Fire Has No Damage Falloff

Endothermic Blaster's secondary fire remains accurate and does not decrease in damage over long distances, making it effective at harassing and taking down foes from far away. Prioritize aiming for headshots to deal large amounts of critical damage.

Use Secondary Fire Along Choke Points

You can easily take out careless foes with Mei by using Endothermic Blaster's secondary fire to cover choke points and other key locations. Take your enemies by surprise by preemptively firing icicles at head level toward narrow paths and spawn points.

Use Ice Wall to Reach High Places

Mei can place an Ice Wall beneath her feet to boost herself upward. Doing this lets Mei access shortcuts and high areas she normally can't reach and allows her to fire at and flank foes from unexpected angles.

Mei Can Rotate Ice Wall

By pressing Ice Wall's ability button a second time, Mei can rotate her Ice Wall placement by 90 degrees. Take advantage of this feature to have an easier time covering irregular angles with Ice Wall.

Dodge Abilities and Ultimates with Cryo-Freeze

While Cryo-Freeze works well for saving Mei and allowing her to recover her health in dire situations, she can also use it to save herself from dangerous abilities and ultimates. A list of significant abilities which Mei can dodge can be seen below:

  • Ultimates: D.Va's Self Destruct, Junkrat's Rip-Tire, Cassidy's Deadeye
  • Regular Abilities: Ana's Sleep Dart, Roadhog's Chain Hook

Use Blizzard to Land Headshots

Blizzard completely freezes enemies in place if they stay too long within its radius. Take this opportunity to land high-damage headshots with Endothermic Blaster's secondary fire.

Communicate and Coordinate With Your Team

Make frequent use of voice communication or the game's Ping System to make the most of Mei's ultimate. Use the Countdown ping to signal your teammates when you're about to use Blizzard, allowing them to combo their ultimates with yours.

A list of significant ultimates that work well with Mei's Blizzard can be seen below:

How to Counter

Attack from Long Range

Mei is great at slowing down high-mobility heroes like Lucio and Tracer so killing her from long-range from hitscan heroes like Ashe, Widowmaker, Soldier:76, and Sojourn is a great tactic.

When it comes to Mei's ult there are a few ways to counter it. One way is to absorb her projectile using D.Va's Defense Matrix or Sigma's Grasp. Hitting Mei using Orisa's Javelin or Ana's sleep dart can also disrupt her mid-ult. Lucio can also reposition her using his alternate fire to ruin the trajectory of Mei's ultimate,

Mei Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - Ana Overwatch 2 - Ashe Overwatch 2 - D.Va Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Orisa Overwatch 2 - Sojourn Overwatch 2 - Widowmaker

Mei Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins
Ecopoint: Antartica
Rescue Mei
Yeti Hunter
Snow Plum

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Overwatch Contenders

Mei Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Fist Bump
Season 1 Battle Pass
Base Game
Base Game
Hands on Hips
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
Lunar New Year Event
Anniversary Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
Hang In There “Hang in there.”
Base Game
A-Mei-Zing! “A-Mei-zing!”
Base Game
Chill Out! “Hey! Chill out.”
Base Game
Fight For Our World “Zhège shìjiè zhídé wǒmen fènzhàn. (This world is worth fighting for.)”
Base Game
Learned Your Lesson “I hope you learned your lesson.”
Base Game
Okay! “Okay.”
Base Game
Ouch, Are You Okay? “Ouch! Are you okay?”
Base Game
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry “Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, sorry. ”
Base Game
That Looked Like It Hurt “That looked like it hurt.”
Base Game
That Was Great “(laughs) That was great.”
Base Game
Yay! “Yay!”
Base Game
You Have To Let It Go “You have to let it go.”
Base Game
I Tried My Best “I tried my best.”
Summer Games Event
Overcome All Obstacles “Overcome all obstacles.”
Summer Games Event
Time To Cool Off “Phew. Time to cool off.”
Summer Games Event
Did You Hear Something? “Did you hear something?”
Halloween Terror Event
Scary! “Scary!”
Halloween Terror Event
You Scared Me “You scared me.”
Halloween Terror Event
Cold Never Bothered Me “The cold never bothered my anyway.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Don't You Love Surprises “Don't you just love surprises?”
Winter Wonderland Event
I Got You Something! “I got you something!”
Winter Wonderland Event
Let's Have Some Hot Cocoa “Let's have some hot cocoa.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Snowball Fight! “Snowball fight! Yay!”
Winter Wonderland Event
Give Me A Red Envelope “Hóngbāo ná lái. (Give me a red envelope.)”
Lunar New Year Event
Happy Year Of The Tiger “Hǔ nián kuàilè. (Happy Year of the Tiger.)”
Lunar New Year Event
I Feel Like Dancing! “I feel like dancing.”
Lunar New Year Event
Moo! “Moo! Niú nián kuàilè. (Moo! Happy Year of the Ox)”
Lunar New Year Event
Wishing You Prosperity “Gōngxǐ fācái. (Wishing you prosperity and wealth.)”
Lunar New Year Event
A New Adventure “Every day is a new adventure.”
Archives Event
I'm Just A Scientist “I'm just a scientist.”
Archives Event
Science This “I'm going to have to science the heck out of this.”
Archives Event
Scientific Explanation “I'm sure there's a reasonable scientific explanation for this.”
Archives Event
Apologies “Bàoqiàn, bàoqiàn, wǒ hěn bàoqiàn, duìbùqǐ. (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.)”
Anniversary Event
I Was Only Trying To Help “I was only trying to help.”
Anniversary Event
So Mean! Honestly... “So mean! Honestly...”
Anniversary Event
Wake Up, Sleepyhead! “Wake up, sleepyhead!”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Table Tennis
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
So Excited
Lunar New Year Event
Sunny Dance
Anniversary Event

Mei Story

Mission: Save the Ecosystem

Mei Story 1 Overwatch 2
Mei is one of the many scientists that are fighting for the environment. As a part of one of Overwatch's initiatives, she, along with her team, was sent to Antarctica to monitor the climate there. With the harsh weather, a storm had cut them off and damaged their facility, leaving them no choice but to enter stasis until they could be saved.

Tragedy at the Research Lab

Mei Story 2 Overwatch 2
Unfortunately, due to a malfunction with the stasis chambers, only Mei survived. She awoke to a world where Overwatch was no more and the very phenomenon they were studying had gotten worse.
Thankfully, she was able to access a final emergency broadcast from Winston, which guided her to a renewed focus and purpose.

Invention Genius

Mei Ice Gun Overwatch 2
Taking matters into her own hands, she has created her own climate-manipulation technology to try and re-establish the eco-network. With it, she is able to freeze enemies, object and even herself in order to gain the advantage in any situation.
Mei also created her own robotic companion named Snowball. Snowball is a small but resourceful, disc shaped, flying robot. Together, they take on the harsh unknown to save the ecosysystem.

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