Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Junker Queen: Abilities, Skins, and Voice Actor

Junker Queen Overwatch 2 Banner

Junker Queen is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Junker Queen, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Junker Queen Latest Buffs and Nerfs

October 25, 2022 Patch Notes

Junker Queen Changes

Junker Queen Patch Notes (October 25, 2022)
Jagged BladeJagged Blade
・Can no longer be deflected or returned by friendly abilities.

Junker Queen Hero Profile

Official Gameplay Trailer

Basic Information

Junker Queen (Odessa "Dez" Stone)
Overwatch 2 -Junker Queen Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 425
・ 425 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Leah De Niese
Nationality Australian
Affiliations Junkers

How to Unlock

Log in at any point during season 1.

Junker Queen Weapons and Abilities

Junker Queen Main Weapon

Default Weapon

ScattergunScattergun Primary Fire
Damage: 80
Description: Pump action shotgun.

Secondary Weapon

Jagged BladeJagged Blade
Damage: 80 on hit, 15 Wound damage over time
Description: Passive: Quick Melee wounds enemies, dealing damage over time
Active: Throw your blade. Can re-activate to return it.

Junker Queen Abilities

CarnageCarnage Type: Ability
Cooldown: 8 secs
Damage: 90 on hit, 40 Wound damage over time
Effect: Swing your axe to wound all enemies in front of you, dealing damage over time.
Commanding ShoutCommanding Shout Type: Ability
Cooldown: 15 secs
Duration: 5 secs
Heal: 200 HP boost to self and 100 HP boost to allies. 30% movement speed increase.
Effect: Increase health by 200 and nearby allies health by 100. Increase movement speed by 30%
RampageRampage Type: Ultimate
Effect: Charge forward. Wound enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed.
Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush Type: Ultimate
Damage: 100 total damage
Effect: Charge forward. Wound enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips and How to Play

Learn Junker Queen's Staple Combo

Junker Queen's staple damage combo is similar to Roadhog's, pulling enemies in with Jagged Blade and rapidly bursting them down with her other abilities. Practice and master this combo to maximize Junker Queen's damage output and Adrenaline uptime.

Jagged Blade > Carnage > Jagged Blade (Recall) > Scattergun > Quick Melee > Scattergun

Weave Quick Melee Between Scattergun Shots

Since Junker Queen heavily relies on Adrenaline to keep herself alive, make it a habit to land Quick Melee hits while blasting foes with her Scattergun to maintain Wounded targets for as long as possible.

Jagged Blade's Recall Pierces Walls

Recalling Jagged Blade allows it to pierce through walls, barriers, and other solid objects while it flies back to Junker Queen. You can use this to your advantage by recalling Jagged Blade behind cover while also Wounding multiple unsuspecting foes.

Recall Jagged Blade While Using Carnage

As shown in her staple combo, you can recall Junker Queen's Jagged Blade at any point while using Carnage. Use this unique interaction to consistently land Carnage hits by pulling foes toward you with Jagged Blade before Junker Queen swings her axe.

Pull Enemies into Pitfalls with Jagged Blade

Like Roadhog, you can position yourself to pull enemies towards pitfalls and environmental hazards by landing and recalling Jagged Blade, instantly eliminating them. Remember to use this strategy in maps like Ilios and Lijiang Tower.

Use Commanding Shout Wisely

While Commanding Shout is a strong and versatile team buff, be mindful of its substantial 15-second cooldown. Prioritize using Commanding Shout to keep you and your allies alive in dangerous situations and for coordinated offensive pushes.

Junker Queen Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins
Circuit Breaker
Beast Hunter
Punker Queen

Junker Queen Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Season 1 Battle Pass
Base Game
Arms Open
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
I Do Love Neon "Ooh! I do love neon."
Season 1 Battle Pass
Born to Rule “I was born to rule.”
Base Game
Bow Down “Bow down.”
Base Game
Break Their Line “Break their line.”
Base Game
Charge! “Your queen says charge!”
Base Game
Faceful of Axe “Anybody want a faceful of axe?”
Base Game
Good on Ya “Good on ya.”
Base Game
Hot Enough For Ya? “Hot enough for ya?”
Base Game
It Ain't A Party Until... “It ain't a party until someone's dead.”
Base Game
Knife To See Ya “Knife to see ya.”
Base Game
Let's Go! “Let's go! Let's go!”
Base Game
One of You Numpties... “One of you numpties owes me a pint.”
Base Game


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game

Junker Queen Story

Exile from Junkertown

Overwatch 2 - Exile from Junkertown
When she was younger, Odessa Stone and her family were exiled out of Junkertown by its current Junker King, Mason Howl. Despite their constant pleading and begging, they were forced out and left to fend for themselves in the Outback Wasteland for the next thirteen years.

Rising Up as a Legend

Overwatch 2 - Rising Up as a Legend
During her time in the Outback, Odessa became a legend through her various accomplishments and exploits across the Australian deserts. Wastelanders often tell stories about her hunts against feral omnics and her triumph against the Five Metal Demons of the Burning Lands.

Becoming the Junker Queen

Overwatch 2 - Becoming the Junker Queen
After thirteen years in the Wastelands, Odessa would eventually get her revenge on Mason Howl. After reaching the Reckoning, a free-for-all combat arena that dictates the next ruler of Junkertown, Odessa would make short work of her two competitors, Geiger and Meri, sparing them after knocking them out.

When Odessa ended up on the back foot against the Junker King's powerful magnet, her merciful actions during the fight were enough to make her competitors help her win. She eventually defeated Mason with her magnetized gauntlet and became the new Junker Queen.

After the Reckoning, Odessa finally returned the favor to Mason Howl by exiling him from Junkertown and leaving him out in the Outback Wasteland, letting him have a taste of what she and her family went through thirteen years ago.

Affiliation with Junkrat and Roadhog

Overwatch 2 - Affiliation with Junkrat and Roadhog
During her reign as Junker Queen, Odessa would end up exiling the Junkers Junkrat and Roadhog due to the numerous crimes they committed inside Junkertown. Junkrat and Roadhog have since tried several times to take the Junker Queen down, but their plans would always fail.

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