Overwatch 2

How to Redeem Your Missing 2000 Coins

Overwatch 2 - 2000 Coins Watchpoint Bonus Missing Banner
Many players are reporting the 2000 coins that were included as part of the Watchpoint pack have not been funded to their account. Read on to find out more about this bug, as well as potential fixes.

Watchpoint Pack Purchasers Were Promised 2000 Coins

The Watchpoint Pack is a $39.99 USD add-on pack for Overwatch 2. Among a host of additional benefits such as early access to the new character Kiriko, Skins and Cosmetics, 2000 coins were also promised as one of the bonuses. As of the time of writing the Watchpoint Pack is no longer listed for purchase on any of the major stores.
Watchpoint Pack Details

Players Haven't Received Their 2000 Coins

Mythic Genji Skin Watch Point Pack Overwatch 2
Unfortunately most players have not received their 2000 coins from the Watchpoint Pack. In addition to this Kiriko (an early unlock bonus for Watchpoint Pack purchasers) has been locked from ranked battles, and some players are reporting other inclusions such as skins also haven't been received. Other players still are reporting the entire Watchpoint Pack itself isn't being recognised as purchased on their account.
All Known Bugs and Issues: How to Fix

Official Response

Through Blizzard's official twitter and Known Issues Forum, they have detailed many of the issues players are experiencing, their causes and solutions. While the 2000 coins have not specifically been mentioned, Blizzard does state that missing bonuses and assets are potentially an account merge issue for roughly half of players.
Overwatch 2 Known Issues Bug Report

How to Redeem Your Missing 2000 Coins

As this is an issue with automatic account merge failing for many players, one potential fix is to manually merge your accounts. Here are the steps to merge your battle.net and console accounts:

  • On your console account, login to Overwatch.
  • Scan the QR code when prompted using your mobile phone.
  • Connect to (or create) your battle.net account by entering the code provided on your console.
  • You will then need to confirm your account the next time you login in order to finalize the account merge process

If you encounter any issues during the above steps, try Blizzard's Account Merge Support Page.

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