Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Winston: Changes, Skins, and Abilities

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Winston is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Winston, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Winston Latest Buffs and Nerfs

May 5, 2022 Patch Notes

Winston Patch Notes (May 5, 2022)
Tesla CannonTesla Cannon
・Secondary fire ammo cost: 20 > 12

Barrier Projector

April 26 2022 ・Barrier Projector Health increased from 650 to 800!
・Cooldown decreased from 13 to 12 seconds.
・Duration reduced from 9 seconds to 8 seconds.

Tesla Cannon

April 26 2022 ・Sends out electricity up to 30 meters.
・Deals damage of up to 50 damage.
・12 ammo consumed per second.

Primal Rage

April 26 2022 ・Cost increased by 10%.

Winston Hero Profile

Basic Information

Winston (Winston)
Overwatch 2 -Winston Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 550
・ 350 (Base Health)
・ 200 (Base Shields/Armor)
Voice Actor Crispin Freeman
Nationality N/A
Affiliations Lucheng Interstellar (formerly), Overwatch

How to Unlock

Unlocked by default.

Winston Weapons and Abilities

Winston Main Weapon

Tesla CannonTesla Cannon Primary Fire
Damage: 5.76
Description: Electronic frontal-cone weapon.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 15 (minimum charge), 50 (maximum charge)
Description: Hold to charge, release to fire focused electricity.

Winston Abilities

Jump PackJump Pack Type: Ability
Cooldown: 5 secs
Damage: 50 on landing
Effect: Leap forward into the air. Landing on an enemy damages them.
Barrier ProjectorBarrier Projector Type: Ability
Cooldown: 12 secs
Duration: 8 secs
Shield: 800
Effect: Deploy a protective energy dome.
Primal RagePrimal Rage Type: Ultimate
Duration: 10 secs
Damage: 40 per melee
Heal: 500 temporary health
Effect: Gain immense health, but you can only leap and punch enemies.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips and How to Play

Cancel Jump Pack into Quick Melee

You can increase Winston's damage output with Jump Pack by using your Quick Melee right before landing. This damage adds up with each Jump Pack you use, so always keep this tip in mind.

Dip In and Out of Barrier Projector

When fighting enemies with Winston, improve your survivability by using Barrier Projector and repeatedly moving in and out of its dome. Doing this allows you to get hit less while maintaining your damage output, as Barrier Projector blocks your opponents' shots while letting yours pierce through.

Use Jump Pack Before Primal Rage

We recommend using Jump Pack before using Primal Rage, as the former's cooldown refreshes as soon as the latter activates. Jump Pack's cooldown also refreshes after Primal Rage ends, so make sure to activate it right before leaving the transformation.

Activate Primal Rage to Regain Health

Because Primal Rage instantly sets Winston's combined health and armor to 1050, you can use it in near-death situations to keep yourself alive and potentially turn the tide against your foes.

Contest Objectives with Primal Rage

Primal Rage's high-knockback melee attacks and reduced Jump Pack cooldown make it perfect for protecting and contesting objectives. Use this ability to shove enemies away from Payloads and Control Points, and don't hesitate to activate it from your spawn point to reach crucial locations faster with its quick-to-recover Jump Pack.

You can also use Primal Rage's forceful melee attacks to push enemies out of abilities like Baptiste's Immortality Field or focus down a key enemy target by repeatedly slamming them into walls and corners.

How to Counter

Focus Fire on Winston

Winston has high health and great mobility so it can be hard to finish him off, especially when supported by a great healer. One way to get rid of him quickly is to focus fire on him with high DPS heroes like Sojourn or D.Va, as well as Soldier:76. Getting close to him with reaper is also viable but take note that Winston deals high damage at close range.

Moira can also be a great way to deal damage to Winston, especially when he deploys his shields. Moira will be able to damage Winston using her Biotic Orb.

Winston Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - D.Va Overwatch 2 - Moira Overwatch 2 - Reaper Overwatch 2 - Sojourn

Winston Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins
Red Planet

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Specimen 28
Ancient Bronze
Blizzcon 2017
Overwatch Contenders

Winston Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
The Thinker
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
Lunar New Year Event
Peanut Butter
Archives Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
Curious “Curious.”
Base Game
Oh Yeah! “Oh yeah!”
Anniversary Event
...Excuse Me? “Ha Ha Ha Ha...Oh, excuse me.”
Base Game
Don't Get Me Angry “Don't get me angry.”
Base Game
Get A Load of This! “Get a load of this!”
Base Game
How Embarassing! “How embarassing.”
Base Game
I Do Not Want A Banana “No, I do not want a banana.”
Base Game
Natural Selection “Natural selection.”
Base Game
No Monkey Business “No monkey business.”
Base Game
Peanut Butter? “Did someone say peanut butter?”
Base Game
Sorry About That! “Sorry about that!”
Base Game
The Power of Science! “The power of science!”
Base Game
We Have A Problem “Houston, uhm, we have a problem.”
Base Game
Oh, It's On! “Oh, it's on!”
Summer Games Event
Playtime's Over “Playtime's over.”
Summer Games Event
Why is it so Warm? “Why is it so warm? Well, the earth is tilted on its axis thanks to a planetary collision 5 billion years ago.”
Summer Games Event
A Full Moon? “A full moon? Stay away from me!”
Halloween Terror Event
Boo! “Boo!”
Halloween Terror Event
Ooh, Scary “Ooh, scary.”
Halloween Terror Event
This is Not A Costume “This is not a costume.”
Halloween Terror Event
I'm A Party Animal “I'm a party animal.”
Winter Wonderland Event
I...Got You Something “I...uh, got you something.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Mount Gorilla, Moon Gorilla “Mountain gorillas thrive in colder climates. As a Moon gorilla, I could use a jacket.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Party Mode Engaged “Party mode engaged.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Delightful Get-Together “What a delightful get-together.”
Lunar New Year Event
Moon Sweet Home “Moon sweet home.”
Lunar New Year Event
Red and Green “For red fire works, use a strontium compound. Green, try Barium.”
Lunar New Year Event
That Was Awesome “That was awesome!”
Lunar New Year Event
To the Moon and Back “To the moon and back.”
Lunar New Year Event
Have You Seen My Glasses “Have you, uhm, seen my glasses?”
Archives Event
I Have the Right Stuff “I have the right stuff.”
Archives Event
Primal Punch! “Primal Punch!”
Archives Event
Can't Keep A Good Ape Down “Can't keep a good ape down.”
Anniversary Event
I've Got Nothing To Hide “I've got nothing to hide.”
Anniversary Event
It's My Time to Shine! “It's my time to shine.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Laughing Matter
Base Game
Monkey Business
Base Game
Peanut Butter
Base Game
Base Game
Sitting Around
Base Game
Shadow Puppets
Halloween Terror Event
Hello, My Name Is
Winter Wonderland Event
Anniversary Event

Winston Story

Pre-Omnic Crisis

Winston Story 1 Overwatch 2
Winston is a scientist and a genetically engineered gorilla. In his early years, he had shown the most promise among his peers and was put in the care of Dr. Harold Winston where he learned, observed, and assisted.

Unfortunately, the other gorillas revolted and killed the scientists. Winston took on his caretaker's name and fled to earth where he found Overwatch.

Joining Overwatch

Winston Story Overwatch 2
As he came down to Earth he joined Overwatch, an organization that he shared the same heroic ideals with. He partook in missions as well as became a research; developing Tracer's chronal accelerator.

Fall and Seclusion

Overwatch 2 - Watchpoint
As Overwatch fell, many of its member either died or went into hiding, Winston himself retired to his lab in Watchpoint: Gibraltar. There he would spend his days researching and developing technology.

Overwatch Recall

Overwatch 2 - Watchpoint Attack
After Talon agents along with Reaper attack his lab, Winston decided to recall Overwatch agents across the globe with Tracer being the first to answer his call.

Zero Hour

Overwatch 2 - Zero Hour Winston
With Mei and Tracer on tow, the three defended Paris from Null Sector. Being outnumbered by the Omnics, they were saved by the their suprise back-up consisting of Reinhardt, Brigitte, Mercy, Echo, and Genji.

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