Overwatch 2

Tuning Hero Balance | Developer Blog #5

Overwatch 2 - Developer Blog #5
This is a summary of the Season 1 Hero Balance updates for Overwatch 2 from the fifth Developer Blog. Read on to learn about the range of changes and balance updates made to various heroes, as well as what developers have planned for future seasons.

Balance Updates Each Season

Busan Overwatch 2

Fresh, Fun and Fair

In their latest Developers Blog, Blizzard reaffirmed its committment to making balance updates with each new season. Balance updates may also be made during a season if the need arises. This, in conjunction with new maps and heroes every alternate season, is intended to keep the game fresh, fun and fair.

Conclusions Drawn from the Beta

Based on the data collected during the Second Beta and community feedback, Blizzard has announced several changes to balance the heroes more evenly and create a more dynamic play environment. These updates will be available from Day 1 of Overwatch 2's release, as well as during Overwatch League's Countdown Cup starting September 22.
Official Developer Blog #5

Season 1 Balance Updates

General Hero Updates

Overwatch 2 Heroes Fighting

  • Temporary Health Adjustment
  • Temporary Health now grants 50% reduced ultimate charge instead of zero ultimate charge. This means hitting targets with temporary health (armor, shields) will charge your ultimate less effectively

  • Hero Swap Adjustment
  • Hero Swaps now transfer 30% of your ultimate charge from your prevous hero, to the new one within matches.

  • Damage Role Passives Adjustment
  • Eliminations now grant 25% increased reload and movement speed for 2.5 seconds. This does not stack, but will refresh the duration for every subsequent kill.

List of All Heroes

Tank Hero Updates

Junker Queen

Junker Queen Overwatch 2
Junker Queen's Commanding Shout ability has been nerfed after analysis of play data from the Beta and community feedback. Both the allied health bonus and duration have been roughly halved. The cooldown period has also been increased by roughly 36%.

There was however one buff added to the mix, with the temporary health that is granted no longer decaying over the duration.

Commanding Shout Balance Updates- Allied Health Bonus
Previous Updated +/- Change
100 HP 50 HP - 50 HP (-50%)
Commanding Shout Balance Updates- Allied Duration
Previous Updated +/- Change
5 Seconds 3 Seconds - 2 Seconds (-40%)
Commanding Shout Balance Updates- Cooldown
Previous Updated +/- Change
11 Seconds 15 Seconds + 4 Seconds (+36%)


D.Va Overwatch 2
D.Va was buffed in three different areas.

  1. Boosters now deal 25 impact damage. This is a 250% increase.
  2. Micro Missiles cooldown period has had a one second reduction.
  3. D.Va's Call Mech Ultimate now costs 12% less.
Boosters Impact Damage Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
10 25 + 15 Damage (+250%)
Micro Missiles Cooldown Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
8 Seconds 7 Seconds - 1 Second (-12.5%)
Call Mech Ultimate Cost Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
319.2 280.896 - 12% (-38.304)


Orisa Overwatch 2
Orisa has also been buffed in three aspects.

  1. Base Health has been increased 10% to 275.
  2. Base Armor has been increased 10% to 275.
  3. Orisa's Energy Javelin cooldown has been reduced by 25% (two second reduction).
Orisa Base Health Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
250 275 + 25 Health (+10%)
Orisa Base Armor Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
250 275 + 25 Armor (+10%)
Energy Javelin Cooldown Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
8 Seconds 6 Seconds - 2 Seconds (-25%)

List of All Tank Heroes

Support Hero Updates


Brigitte Overwatch 2
Brigitte has had a slight nerf. Her Inspire duration was reduced by one second from 6 seconds down to 5 seconds.

Inspire Duration Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
6 Seconds 5 Seconds - 1 Second (-17%)


Baptiste Overwatch 2
Baptiste's Biotic Launcher's primary fire damage and range have both had a slight buff. The damage has had a roughly 4% increase from 24 damage up to 25 damage. The minimum fall-off range has had a 25% increase from 20 metres up to 25 metres.

Biotic Launcher Primary Fire Damage Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
24 25 + 1 Damage (+4%)
Biotic Launcher Primary Fire Minimum Fall-Off Range Update
Previous Updated +/- Change
20 Metres 25 Metres + 5 Metres (+25%)


Mercy Overwatch 2
Mercy has had a few quality of life improvements to make the character easier to use controls-wise.

Quality of Life Improvements
  • Pressing the Crouch Button during Guardian Angel will now launch you upwards
  • By holding Crouch while in the air you can now activate Angelic Descent
  • List of All Support Heroes

    Damage Hero Updates


    Bastion Overwatch 2
    Bastion has had its Iron Clad Passive re-enabled, as the developers have felt that it doesn't make Bastion too unbalanced. This is a passive ability that grants Bastion 20% damage reduction.

    Bastion Balance Updates
    Iron Clad Passive Previous Updated
    20% Damage Reduction Disabled Enabled


    Reaper Overwatch 2
    Reaper's Hellfire Shotgun spread range has been reduced by 12.5% from 8 degrees down to 7 degrees.

    Hellfire Shotguns Spread Updates
    Previous Updated +/- Change
    8 degrees 7 degrees - 1 degree (-12.5%)


    Sojourn Overwatch 2
    Sojourn's Railgun energy gains when shooting Non-Player targets has been reduced 50% further.


    Sombra Overwatch 2
    Sombra's Hack Ability Lockout has been buffed. It has had a 75% duration increase from 1 second up to 1.75 seconds.

    Hack Ability Lockout Updates
    Previous Updated +/- Change
    1 Second 1.75 Seconds + 0.75 seconds (+75%)

    List of All Damage Heroes

    Overwatch 2 Related Guides

    Overwatch 2 - Developer Blogs Partial Banner

    List of All Developer Updates

    All Overwatch 2 Developer Updates
    Dev Blog #1: Support Changes and Ranked Overhaul Dev Blog #2: Support Improvements and Planned Balance Changes
    Dev Blog #3: Hero Balancing and Design Process Dev Blog #4: Hero Updates and Junker Queen First Impressions
    Dev Blog #5: Tuning Hero Balance Dev Blog #6: Post-Launch Updates on Gameplay, Maps, and Competitive


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