Overwatch 2

Hero Tier List: Best Heroes to Play (October 2022)

Overwatch 2 - All Heroes Tier Lists
Curious to see where your favorite character stands in Overwatch 2 meta? We rated all the Overwatch 2 Heroes by each of their roles from S-Tier all the way to C-Tier in our tier lists below, updated as of October 2022!

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These tier lists focus on Competitive Play and assume that the player is equally skilled with all heroes and will be playing each hero with a team that plays the current meta heroes.

Overwatch 2 Best Heroes Tier List

All Heroes Tier List

S Rank Icon
Overwatch 2 - Ashe Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Mercy Overwatch 2 - Moira Overwatch 2 - Orisa Overwatch 2 - Sojourn Overwatch 2 - Sombra Overwatch 2 - Zarya
A Rank Icon
Overwatch 2 - Ana Overwatch 2 - Baptiste Overwatch 2 - Bastion Overwatch 2 - Brigitte Overwatch 2 - Cassidy Overwatch 2 - Doomfist Overwatch 2 - Hanzo Overwatch 2 - Mei Overwatch 2 - Pharah Overwatch 2 - Reaper Overwatch 2 - Reinhardt Overwatch 2 - Roadhog Overwatch 2 - Sigma Overwatch 2 - Soldier: 76 Overwatch 2 - Tracer Overwatch 2 - Winston Overwatch 2 - Wrecking Ball Overwatch 2 - Zenyatta Overwatch 2 - Kiriko Overwatch 2 - Junker Queen
B Rank Icon
Overwatch 2 - Echo Overwatch 2 - Junkrat Overwatch 2 - Widowmaker Overwatch 2 - D.Va
C Rank Icon
Overwatch 2 - Symmetra Overwatch 2 - Torbjörn

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Best Tank Heroes

S-Tier Tanks

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - OrisaOrisa
Energy JavelinEnergy Javelin
Javelin SpinJavelin Spin
Terra SurgeTerra Surge
Role: TankRole: Tank
Well-Rounded with Incredible Survivability
・Well-balanced and easy-to-use abilities
・Incredible survivability and defense with Fortify and Javelin Spin
・Strong disruption and crowd control with Energy Javelin and Terra Surge
Overwatch 2 - ZaryaZarya
Particle BarrierParticle Barrier
Projected BarrierProjected Barrier
Graviton SurgeGraviton Surge
Role: TankRole: Tank
High DPS with Damage-Negating Barriers
・Incredible damage absorption with Particle and Projected Barrier
・Massive damage output with Energy-boosted Particle Cannon
・Graviton Surge can disrupt whole teams and combos well with other ultimates

A-Tier Tanks

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - DoomfistDoomfist
Rocket PunchRocket Punch
Seismic SlamSeismic Slam
Power BlockPower Block
Meteor StrikeMeteor Strike
Role: TankRole: Tank
The Best Defense...The Best Defense...
Combo-Based Offensive Tank
・Great disruptive capability with Rocket Punch and Meteor Strike
・High mobility and decent survivability with Seismic Slam and Power Block
・Reliant on skill combos to deal significant damage
・Abilities rapidly lose effectiveness at medium and long ranges
Overwatch 2 - ReinhardtReinhardt
Barrier FieldBarrier Field
Fire StrikeFire Strike
Role: TankRole: Tank
Close-Ranged Defensive Specialist
・Strong defensive shield in Barrier Field
・High damage output with Rocket Hammer and Earthshatter
・Charge and Earthshatter are solid crowd control skills
・Low mobility and needs to be up close to maximize effectiveness
Overwatch 2 - RoadhogRoadhog
Chain HookChain Hook
Take A BreatherTake A Breather
Whole HogWhole Hog
Role: TankRole: Tank
Hook-Focused Close-Ranged Tank
・Chain Hook and Scrap Gun combo take out frail Damage and Support Heroes quickly
・Take a Breather provides massive healing and damage reduction
・High-damage disruptive ultimate in Whole Hog
・No dedicated defensive skills and heavily reliant on landing Chain Hook to succeed
Overwatch 2 - SigmaSigma
Experimental BarrierExperimental Barrier
Kinetic GraspKinetic Grasp
Gravitic FluxGravitic Flux
Role: TankRole: Tank
Well-Rounded with Long Cooldowns
・Strong defensive tools in Experimental Barrier and Kinetic Grasp
・Accretion and Gravitic Flux are potent crowd control tools
・Suffers from long cooldowns and low mobility
Overwatch 2 - WinstonWinston
Jump PackJump Pack
Barrier ProjectorBarrier Projector
Primal RagePrimal Rage
Role: TankRole: Tank
Highly Mobile but Susceptible to CC
・High mobility and persistent damage with Jump Pack and Tesla Cannon
・Strong defensive option in Barrier Projector
・Heavy disruption and crowd control with Primal Rage
・Extremely susceptible to crowd control and suffers from short effective range
Overwatch 2 - Wrecking BallWrecking Ball
Grappling HookGrappling Hook
Adaptive ShieldAdaptive Shield
Role: TankRole: Tank
Highly Mobile Offensive Tank
・Strong mobility and disruption with Roll, Grappling Hook, and Piledriver
・Incredible area denial with Minefield
・Has no direct way to protect teammates and is susceptible to damage due to massive hitbox
Overwatch 2 - Junker QueenJunker Queen
Jagged BladeJagged Blade
Commanding ShoutCommanding Shout
Role: TankRole: Tank
Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
Disruptive Close-Range Bruiser
・High damage and disruption with Jagged Blade, Carnage and Rampage
・Solid survivability with Adrenaline Rush and Commanding Shout
・Has short effective range and is heavily reliant on Adrenaline Rush to survive

B-Tier Tanks

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - D.VaD.Va
Defense MatrixDefense Matrix
Micro MissilesMicro Missiles
Role: TankRole: Tank
Offense-Oriented Close-Ranged Tank
・Strong burst damage with Fusion Cannons and Micro Missiles
・Flexible mobility and defensive option with Boosters and Defense Matrix
・Has a short effective range and is heavily focused on offensive play
・No defensive capability outside of Defense Matrix

Criteria Explanation
Defensive Prowess One of the primary factors for this tier list is the defensive strength and capabilities of each Tank Hero. With each of them spearheading their teams forward, Tank Heroes that can soak plenty of damage and readily defend their teammates from threats are ranked higher on this list.
Disruptive Capability Another major factor for this tier list is each Tank Hero's potential to break through defensive lines and disrupt their positioning. Tank Heroes with strong crowd control abilities and unique offensive capabilities take higher spots on the list.
Skill Synergy We also considered each Tank Hero's skill synergies for this tier list. Having well-rounded sets of skills and strong skill combos significantly affect a Tank Hero's ranking.
Ease of Use Heroes with simple yet effective playstyles can focus less on properly landing their shots and skills and more on contributing to their team and winning the game. Because of this, Tank Heroes with straightforward game plans and easy-to-use abilities are rated higher in this tier list.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Tank Tier List Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Damage Heroes

S-Tier DPS

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - AsheAshe
Coach GunCoach Gun
Role: DamageRole: Damage
High DPS Midrange Marksman
・Deals heavy burst damage with Viper headshots and Dynamite explosions
・Versatile mobility and escape option in Coach Gun
・B.O.B. combines team disruption, ample damage output, and objective control
Overwatch 2 - GenjiGenji
Swift StrikeSwift Strike
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Highly Evasive Lethal Flanker
・Incredible mobility and evasive capability with Cyber-Agility and Swift Strike
・Versatile Shuriken that deal high-damage critical hits
・Unique Deflect ability returns projectiles back toward foes
・Dragonblade has massive DPS and synergizes with Swift Strike resets
Overwatch 2 - SojournSojourn
Power SlidePower Slide
Disruptor ShotDisruptor Shot
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Well-Rounded with One-Shot Potential
・One-shot potential with fully-charged Railgun headshots
・Strong vertical and horizontal mobility with Power Slide
・Disruptor Shot provides area-of-effect damage and area denial capability
・Overclock allows charged Railgun shots to pierce foes
Overwatch 2 - SombraSombra
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Disruptive Flanker with Powerful Ultimate
・High mobility and evasive capability with Stealth and Translocator
・Hack secures Health Packs, disrupts enemy abilities, and makes foes susceptible to damage
・Opportunist provides information about enemy health
・EMP deals massive percentage-based area-of-effect damage and inflicts Hack

A-Tier DPS

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - Soldier: 76Soldier: 76
Helix RocketsHelix Rockets
Biotic FieldBiotic Field
Tactical VisorTactical Visor
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Jack of All Trades, Master of None
・Well-balanced and easy-to-use abilities
・Strong hitscan with Heavy Pulse Rifle and Tactical Visor
・Good survivability with versatile Sprint and healing Biotic Field
・Has no significant downsides, but also no unique strengths
Overwatch 2 - BastionBastion
A-36 Tactical GrenadeA-36 Tactical Grenade
Configuration: ArtilleryConfiguration: Artillery
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Versatile DPS with Limited Mobility
・High close-range and mid-range DPS with Configuration: Assault and Recon
・A-36 Tactical Grenade offers burst damage and grenade jumps
・Configuration: Artillery covers larges areas and deals massive damage
・Large hitbox and low mobility make him easy to hit
Overwatch 2 - CassidyCassidy
Magnetic GrenadeMagnetic Grenade
Combat RollCombat Roll
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Strong DPS with High Skill Ceiling
・Potent midrange burst damage with Peacekeeper and Magnetic Grenade
・Combat Roll reloads revolver and provides damage reduction
・Well-timed Deadeye can take out a full team of enemies
・Suffers from low mobility, and missing shots end up being very punishing
Overwatch 2 - HanzoHanzo
Storm ArrowsStorm Arrows
Sonic ArrowSonic Arrow
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Wall ClimbWall Climb
Medium-Range Sniper with Offensive Utility
・Lands lethal headshots with Storm Bow
・Strong area-of-effect ultimate in Dragonstrike
・Provides team with enemy locations using Sonic Arrow
・Has difficulty fighting far and mobile targets
Overwatch 2 - MeiMei
Ice WallIce Wall
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Versatile Duelist with Low Mobility
・Excels in 1-on-1 fights with Endothermic Blaster and Cryo-Freeze
・Has a versatile area denial tool in Ice Wall
・Offers potent crowd control with Blizzard
・Suffers from low range and low mobility
Overwatch 2 - PharahPharah
Jump JetJump Jet
Concussive BlastConcussive Blast
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Hover JetsHover Jets
Strong AoE but Vulnerable Midair
・Strong area of effect damage with Rocket Launcher and Barrage
・Can break enemy positioning and push them off the map with Concussive Blast
・Jump Jet and Hover Jets provide incredible aerial mobility
・Highly vulnerable to hitscan Damage Heroes
Overwatch 2 - ReaperReaper
Shadow StepShadow Step
Wraith FormWraith Form
Death BlossomDeath Blossom
Role: DamageRole: Damage
The ReapingThe Reaping
Up-Close-and-Personal Flanker
・Deals massive close-range damage with Hellfire Shotguns and Death Blossom
・Has strong flanking capability with Shadow Step
・Wraith Form provides increased move speed and temporary invulnerability
・Has a short effective range, and requires excellent positioning to effectively use Death Blossom
Overwatch 2 - TracerTracer
Pulse BombPulse Bomb
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Mobile Hit-and-Run Specialist
・Highly mobile and hard to pin down due to Blink and Recall
・Pulse Pistols and Pulse Bomb deal heavy burst damage in a short amount of time
・Pulse Pistols have short range and require excellent aim to kill in one burst
・Has one of the lowest health values of any Hero in the game

B-Tier DPS

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - EchoEcho
Sticky BombsSticky Bombs
Focusing BeamFocusing Beam
Role: DamageRole: Damage
High Damage but Easily Vulnerable
・Versatile aerial mobility with Flight and Glide
・Potent burst damage with Tri-Shot and Sticky Bombs
・Highly vulnerable to hitscan shots, especially without Flight
・Duplicate is heavily reliant on enemy team composition to be effective
Overwatch 2 - JunkratJunkrat
Concussion MineConcussion Mine
Steel TrapSteel Trap
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Total MayhemTotal Mayhem
Strong AoE but Difficult to Master
・All abilities have strong area denial capability
・Frag Launcher and Rip-Tire provide potent area of effect damage
・Has a hard time dealing with mobile and aerial targets
・Requires proper aim and trap placement to be effective
Overwatch 2 - WidowmakerWidowmaker
Venom MineVenom Mine
Grappling HookGrappling Hook
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Lethal Headshots Requiring Great Aim and Positioning
・Fully-charged headshots eliminate most Damage and Support Heroes in one shot
・Grappling Hook provides easy access to high ground and vantage points
・Infra-Sight provides enemy locations to her entire team
・Requires expert aim and positioning, and has no escape tools outside of Grappling Hook

C-Tier DPS

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - SymmetraSymmetra
Sentry TurretSentry Turret
Photon BarrierPhoton Barrier
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Average DPS with Niche Defensive Utility
・Specializes in defending key positions with Sentry Turret and Teleporter
・Photon Barrier is a potent map-wide defensive shield
・Teleporter has niche uses due to most meta heroes having high mobility
・Has average DPS potential and no survivability tools outside of Teleporter
Overwatch 2 - TorbjörnTorbjörn
Deploy TurretDeploy Turret
Molten CoreMolten Core
Role: DamageRole: Damage
Defensive and Turret-Oriented Playstyle
・Strong defensive tools in Deploy Turret and Molten Core
・Versatile Rivet Gun primary weapon and Overload self-buff
・Not very effective at pushing offense due to defensive focus
・Wide hitbox and lack of mobility skills makes him vulnerable once his Turret is gone

Criteria Explanation
Damage Output One of our central factors for this tier list is the overall damage output of each Damage Hero. Given that they are the primary damage dealers of each team, Damage Heroes with higher DPS and damage potential with their abilities are ranked higher in this tier list.
Skill Synergy Another major factor we considered for this tier list is each Damage Hero's skill synergies. Damage Heroes with strong combos and well-rounded sets of skills take a higher spot on the list.
Team Utility We also considered what each Damage Hero provides for their team in addition to their damage output. Having abilities with an area-of-effect, crowd control, area denial, healing, and other useful effects play a part in our Damage Hero rankings.
Ease of Use Heroes with simple yet effective playstyles can focus less on properly landing their shots and skills and more on contributing to their team and winning the game. Because of this, Damage Heroes with straightforward game plans and easy-to-use abilities are rated higher in this tier list.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full DPS Tier List Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Support Heroes

S-Tier Healers

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - LúcioLúcio
Amp It UpAmp It Up
Sound BarrierSound Barrier
Role: SupportRole: Support
Wall RideWall Ride
Provides Speed, Healing, and Temporary Health
・Provides a strong and versatile Speed Boost for him and his allies
・Can switch to Healing Boost for passive area of effect healing
・Soundwave can break enemy positioning, single out key targets, and push foes off the map
・Sound Barrier offers massive temporary health that can save teammates from deadly enemy ultimates
Overwatch 2 - MercyMercy
Guardian AngelGuardian Angel
Role: SupportRole: Support
Angelic DescentAngelic Descent
Continuous Stream of Healing and Damage Boosts
・Caduceus Staff offers a reliable stream of healing and damage boosts to a single target
・Guardian Angel provides excellent teammate-to-teammate mobility
・Can Resurrect an ally to turn the tides of crucial team fights
・Valkyrie improves the potency of all of her abilities
Overwatch 2 - MoiraMoira
Biotic OrbBiotic Orb
Role: SupportRole: Support
Great Mix of Offense, Healing, and Survivability
・Can heal multiple allies and deal respectable damage with Biotic Grasp
・Has a versatile healing and area denial tool in Biotic Orb
・Fade provides excellent mobility while keeping Moira invulnerable
・Coalescence pierces barriers and simultaneously heals allies and damages enemies

A-Tier Healers

Hero Abilities Passives
Overwatch 2 - AnaAna
Biotic GrenadeBiotic Grenade
Sleep DartSleep Dart
Nano BoostNano Boost
Role: SupportRole: Support
Versatile Kit That Requires Great Positioning
・Biotic Rifle provides potent healing and damage output from afar
・Has incredible utility with Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart
・Nano Boost synergizes well with high-damage Heroes and their ultimates
・Suffers from long cooldowns and a lack of survivability tools
Overwatch 2 - BaptisteBaptiste
Regenerative BurstRegenerative Burst
Immortality FieldImmortality Field
Amplification MatrixAmplification Matrix
Role: SupportRole: Support
Exo BoostExo Boost
Strong Utility with a High Skill Ceiling
・Specializes in area-based healing with Biotic Launcher and Regenerative Burst
・Offers strong utility with Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix
・Can have a difficult time healing mobile and aerial teammates
・Long ability cooldowns demand proper timing and positioning
Overwatch 2 - BrigitteBrigitte
Shield BashShield Bash
Repair PackRepair Pack
Whip ShotWhip Shot
Role: SupportRole: Support
Offense-Reliant Melee Support
・Effective in both offensive and defensive team compositions
・Potent in melee combat and knocking away threats with Shield Bash and Whip Shot
・Has a hard time dealing with ranged targets due to melee-oriented nature
・Reliant on dealing damage to effectively heal her allies
Overwatch 2 - ZenyattaZenyatta
Orb of DiscordOrb of Discord
Orb of HarmonyOrb of Harmony
Role: SupportRole: Support
Snap KickSnap Kick
Great Offensive Utility but Highly Vulnerable
・Reliable and potent healing tools in Orb of Harmony and Transcendence
・Improves team's overall damage output with Orb of Discord
・Orbs of Destruction can keep up with Damage Heroes in terms of damage output
・Has no survivability, self-heal, or mobility options
Overwatch 2 - KirikoKiriko
Protection SuzuProtection Suzu
Swift StepSwift Step
Kitsune RushKitsune Rush
Role: SupportRole: Support
Wall Climb (Kiriko)Wall Climb (Kiriko)
Versatile Support with High Skill Ceiling
・High mobility with Swift Step and Wall Climb
・Strong utility with Protection Suzu and Kitsune Rush
・Decent healing output at most ranges with Healing Ofuda
・Skills require excellent timing and foresight due to long cooldowns

Criteria Explanation
Overall Utility Our primary focus for this tier list is the overall utility that a Support Hero brings to a team of 5. Since every Support Hero can heal their teammates, we placed a bigger focus on how impactful and effective the rest of their abilities are.
Survivability We also considered each Support Hero's survivability and capability to get themselves out of harm's way. Staying alive as a Support Hero is vital as the healing and utility they provide keeps the rest of the team alive.
Ease of Use Heroes with simple yet effective playstyles can focus less on properly landing their shots and skills and more on contributing to their team and winning the game. Because of this, Support Heroes with straightforward game plans and easy-to-use abilities are rated higher in this tier list.

These three factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Support Tier List Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Heroes Per Game Mode

Best Push Heroes

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Orisa
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Sojourn
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Moira

Criteria Explanation
Map-specific Potential One of the primary factors we considered was the team's capability and strength in Push maps. We formulated this team around Heroes with abilities that work well around flanking routes, choke points, and other common characteristics of Push maps.
Team Synergy Another major factor we considered when creating this team composition is how well each Hero synergizes with their allies. We mainly chose Heroes that cover up their allies' weaknesses and have powerful ability combos.
Mobility Reaching and securing the Robot first is crucial in Push, which is why we also heavily prioritized mobility in our team composition.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Push Team Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Control Heroes

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Sigma
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Reaper Overwatch 2 - Tracer
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Mercy

Criteria Explanation
Map-specific Potential One of the primary factors we considered was the team's capability and strength in Control maps. We formulated this team around Heroes that excel in middle and close-range firefights and pushing and defending control points.
Team Synergy Another major factor we considered when creating this team composition is how well each Hero synergizes with their allies. We mainly chose Heroes that cover up their allies' weaknesses and have powerful ability combos.
Mobility Reaching and securing the control point first is crucial in Control, which is why we also heavily prioritized mobility in our team composition.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Control Team Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Escort Heroes

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Reinhardt
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Sojourn
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Moira

Criteria Explanation
Map-specific Potential One of the primary factors we considered was the team's capability and strength in Escort maps. We formulated this team around Heroes with abilities that work well around choke points and narrow corridors and Heroes that excel at pushing and defending the payload .
Team Synergy Another major factor we considered when creating this team composition is how well each Hero synergizes with their allies. We mainly chose Heroes that cover up their allies' weaknesses and have powerful ability combos.
Mobility The ability to quickly reach and return to the payload is vital in Escort, which is why we also heavily prioritized mobility in our team composition.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Escort Team Explanations
(October 2022)

Best Hybrid Heroes

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Zarya
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Ashe Overwatch 2 - Genji
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Moira

Criteria Explanation
Map-specific Potential One of the primary factors we considered was the team's capability and strength in Hybrid maps. We formulated this team around Heroes that excel in playing around long sightlines, choke points, and pushing and defending crucial objectives.
Team Synergy Another major factor we considered when creating this team composition is how well each Hero synergizes with their allies. We mainly chose Heroes that cover up their allies' weaknesses and have powerful ability combos.
Mobility The ability to quickly reach and return to crucial objectives and team fights is vital in Hybrid, which is why we also heavily prioritized mobility in our team composition.

These four factors were considered in the context of Competitive 5v5 Play.

Full Hybrid Team Explanations
(October 2022)

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6 Anonymousover 1 year


1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Pls update because there is new character


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