Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Junkrat: Changes, Skins, and Redesign

Junkrat Overwatch 2 Banner

Junkrat is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Junkrat, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Junkrat Latest Buffs and Nerfs

April 26, 2022 Patch Notes

Junkrat Day One Patch Notes
Steel TrapSteel Trap
• No longer fully locks the movement of an enemy and instead slows them by 65%.
• The chain that keeps them trapped breaks once the target gets far enough from it.
• Damage increased from 80 to 100.
• Speed of throwing the trap has been increased from 10 to 17.

Junkrat Hero Profile

Basic Information

Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes)
Overwatch 2 -Junkrat Role
B Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 200
・ 200 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Chris Parson
Nationality Australian
Affiliations Junkers (formerly)

How to Unlock

Unlocks after playing 12 games.

Character Redesign

Overwatch 1 Overwatch 2

Junkrat's redesign for Overwatch 2 is perhaps one of the drastic changes done to a character. The entire color scheme is shifted from yellow to red orange, from the skin tone to the color of the outfit. The back accessory also gets a major redesign and yet still feels the same as the original.

Junkrat Weapons and Abilities

Junkrat Main Weapon

Frag LauncherFrag Launcher
Damage: 120
Description: Bouncing explosive projectile weapon.

Junkrat Abilities

Concussion MineConcussion Mine Type: Ability
Cooldown: 8 secs
Damage: 120
Effect: Throw a knockback mine with LSHIFT then detonate it with Right Click.
Steel TrapSteel Trap Type: Ability
Cooldown: 10 secs
Effect: Place a crippling trap.
Total MayhemTotal Mayhem Type: Ability
Effect: Deals no damage to self with explosives. Drop bombs on death.
Rip-TireRip-Tire Type: Ultimate
Duration: 10 secs
Damage: 600
Effect: Drive and detonate an exploding tire.
Role: DamageRole: Damage Type: Passive
Effect: Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement speed and reload speed.

How to Play and Tips

Use Frag Launcher to Cover Choke Points

Frag Launcher is an excellent tool for bombarding choke points and narrow paths with grenades. Lob grenades from behind allies and natural cover to safely fend off advancing enemies.

Combo Frag Launcher and Concussion Mine

Combine Frag Launcher shots and a Concussion Mine detonation for a quick burst damage combo when fighting other Heroes in close quarters. Note that Concussion Mine has a different travel time compared to Frag Launcher, so adjust your detonation timing accordingly.

Boost Jumps with Concussion Mine

Because Total Mayhem prevents Junkrat from taking damage from his own explosions, he can use Concussion Mine as a mobility tool. Use Concussion Mine to boost your jumps, allowing you to reach the battlefield faster and access vantage points perfect for firing Frag Launcher on your foes.

Combine Concussion Mine and Steel Trap

An effective strategy with Junkrat is to plant a Concussion Mine and Steel Trap together on the same location. This combo of traps deals enough damage to take down most Supports and Damage Heroes, making them a great combination to place down near flanking routes and blind spots.

Use Steel Trap in Team Fights

Steel Trap can also be effectively used in hectic team fights, as opponents will likely not notice the trap you laid down. Use this ability to immobilize and single out a foe you and your team can quickly eliminate.

Take Advantage of Rip-Tire's Mobility and Timer

Rip-Tire can easily be seen, heard, and destroyed if it comes from predictable angles. Make the most of Rip-Tire's mobility and 10-second timer by looking for and using odd and unexpected flanking routes to reach the enemy team.

In addition, you can also use Rip-Tire's third-person camera to check and peek around corners before settling on a route toward the enemy team.

Surprise Enemies with Total Mayhem's Grenades

Junkrat's Total Mayhem passive makes him drop grenades on death. If you find yourself in a losing firefight, run toward your foes right before being eliminated to try and take them with you using Total Mayhem's grenades.

How to Counter

Disable Junkrat's Traps

Countering any of Junkrat's traps is easy with Winston's Tesla Cannon. Other than that, Junkrat has a low-health pool like most Damage Heroes and can be killed with a headshot from either Widowmaker or Hanzo.

Junkrat's deadliest attack is his ultimate ability, Rip-Tire. Counter this by using ultimate abilities from either Lucio or Zenyatta. Zenyatta will be able to provide constant healing to the entire team while Lucio will give teammates in the vicinity a health boost.

Though it is much harder, destroying the Rip-Tire before it detonates is also possible.

Reinhardt Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - Hanzo Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Widowmaker Overwatch 2 - Winston Overwatch 2 - Zenyatta

Junkrat Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Overwatch Contenders
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
King Jamison

Junkrat Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Base Game
It'll Freeze That Way
Base Game
Base Game
Nyah Nyah
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
Bad For Your Health
Lunar New Year Event
Mug Shot
Archives Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock “Tick-tock-tick-tock.”
Base Game
Inconspicuous! “Inconspicuous!”
Anniversary Event
...Blow It Up Again “If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again.”
Base Game
Anyone Want Some BBQ? “Anyone want some BBQ?”
Base Game
Brrring! “Brrring!”
Base Game
Coming Up Explodey! “Everything's coming up explodey.”
Base Game
Good Morning! “Good morning!”
Base Game
Happy Birthday “Happy birthday!”
Base Game
Have A Nice Day! “Have a nice day!”
Base Game
It's The Little Things “It's the little things.”
Base Game
Kaboom “Kaboom!”
Base Game
Ooh, Shiny “Ooh, shiny.”
Base Game
Smile! “Smile!”
Base Game
I Give It A 10! “I give it a 10!”
Summer Games Event
I Give it A 3! “I give it a 3!”
Summer Games Event
Watch The Footy “Aw, but I wanted to watch the footy.”
Summer Games Event
Can't Scare Me “You can't scare me. I'm - (screams)...that one doesn't count.”
Halloween Terror Event
Happy Halloween “Happy Halloween.”
Halloween Terror Event
I'm Alive! “I'm alive!”
Halloween Terror Event
Go On...Give It A Shake “Go on...give it a shake.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Happy Holidays “Happy Holidays.”
Winter Wonderland Event
It's Snowing! “It's snowing!”
Winter Wonderland Event
Merry Christmas “Merry Christmas!”
Winter Wonderland Event
Season's Greetings! “Season's greetings!”
Lunar New Year Event
Gong Xi Fa Cai “Gong xi fa cai! (Happy New Year!)”
Lunar New Year Event
Happy New Year “Happy New Year!”
Lunar New Year Event
My Dog Is Barking “Oh, my dog is barking.”
Lunar New Year Event
Come The Raw Prawn “Don't you come the raw prawn with me.”
Archives Event
I Really Blew That One “I really blew that one.”
Archives Event
Too Right “Too right.”
Archives Event
Dipstick “Dipstick.”
Anniversary Event
Not A Hog “Well at least I'm not a hog.”
Anniversary Event
Oops... Dropped Something “Oops, dropped something.”
Anniversary Event
That Was The Bomb “That was the bomb.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Season 1 Battle Pass
Base Game
Can't Deal
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Winter Wonderland Event
Lunar New Year Event
Running Rat
Anniversary Event

Junkrat Story

During Omnic Crisis

Junkrat Overwatch 2 Story
After the attack on the Australian omnium's fusion core during the Omnic Crisis, the detonation permanently changed the outback's landscape, and with the chaos and destruction came Junkrat.


Junkrat Story 2 Overwatch 2
Those who survived picked up husks of omnium and formed a lawless society called the Junkers. Like many survivors, Junkrat was affected by radiation. This made him suitable for handling dangerous explosive devices.

International Crime Spree

Junkrat Story 3 Overwatch 2.
Junkrat gained fame by finding an essential secret in the omnium's bones. Even though few people knew what he discovered, bounty hunters, gangs, and opportunists followed him everywhere he went. Eventually, he struck a deal with the Junker enforcer Roadhog, who reluctantly agreed to be his bodyguard in exchange for a fifty-fifty split of the loot.

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