Overwatch 2

List of Maps

Overwatch 2 - List of Maps
Overwatch 2 has a lot of maps for its main game modes: Control, Escort, Hybrid, and the only game mode exclusive to Overwatch 2, Push. Some maps are from Overwatch 1 but situated in a different time of the day, while others are completely new. Check here for a complete list of maps that are in the Overwatch 2 beta!

List of Maps

Control Maps

Overwatch 2 - Ilios IconIlios Overwatch 2 - Lijiang Tower IconLijiang Tower
Overwatch 2 - Oasis IconOasis Busan Overwatch 2Busan
Nepal Overwatch 2 MapNepal

List of All Control Maps

Escort Maps

Overwatch 2 - Circuit Royal IconCircuit RoyalNEW Overwatch 2 - Dorado IconDorado
Overwatch 2 - Route 66 IconRoute 66 Overwatch 2 - Watchpoint: Gibraltar IconWatchpoint: Gibraltar
Overwatch 2 - Junkertown IconJunkertown

List of All Escort Maps

Hybrid Maps

Overwatch 2 - Midtown IconMidtownNEW Overwatch 2 - Paraíso IconParaísoNEW
Overwatch 2 - Eichenwalde IconEichenwalde Overwatch 2 - KingKing's Row
Overwatch 2 - Hollywood IconHollywood

List of All Hybrid Maps

Push Maps

Overwatch 2 - Colosseo IconColosseoNEW Overwatch 2 - New Queen Street IconNew Queen StreetNEW
Overwatch 2 - Esperança IconEsperançaNEW

List of All Push Maps

Maps Not Included in Beta

Control Maps

Busan Nepal

Escort Maps

Junkertown Rialto

Hybrid Maps

Blizzard World Numbani

Assault Maps

Hanamura Horizon Lunar Colony
Paris Temple of Anubis
Volskaya Industries

The developers have previously said that the Assault game mode might be taken out of the game. However, we might see these maps reworked into other game modes in Overwatch 2.

Arcade Maps

Ayutthaya Black Forest Castillo
Château Guillard Ecopoint: Antarctica Kanezaka
Malevento Necropolis Petra

There are no arcade-exclusive game modes (Capture the Flag, Elimination, and Team Deathmatch) in the current beta.

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