Overwatch 2

All New Heroes

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3 new heroes have been introduced with Season 1 in Overwatch 2: Sojourn, Junker Queen and Kiriko. Read on to find out about their roles, abilities, ultimates and more!

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A New Hero Every Second Season

Kiriko New Hero Overwatch 2
Blizzard revealed in their latest developer blog that they plan to introduce a new hero every alternate season. This will start from next season where a new hero in the tank role is expected to be revealed. From the season following, heroes will not be introduced in consecutive seasons, with the first 2 seasons being exceptions.
Tuning Hero Balance | Developer Blog #5

Three New Heroes for Season 1

3 new heroes season 1 Kiriko Sojourn Junker Queen Overwatch 2
With this season being the first season and debut of Overwatch 2, the developers have treated the players to 3 new heroes: Kiriko, Sojourn, and Junker Queen. These three fill the Support, Damage, and Tank roles respectively.


Kiriko acts as her city's protector, using her unique set of skills and her fox spirit to fend off foes. She uses a mix of both traditional and personal techniques in combat.

Kiriko Abilities and General Info

Kiriko (Kiriko Kamori)
Overwatch 2 -Kiriko Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 200
・ 200 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Sally Amaki
Nationality Japanese
Affiliations Yokai

Default Weapon

Healing OfudaHealing Ofuda
Heal/Boost: 25 per charge
Description: Channel a burst of healing talismans that can seek targeted allies.

Secondary Weapon

Damage: 40
Description: Thrown projectile that deals increased critical damage.
Swift StepSwift Step Type: Ability
Cooldown: 7 secs
Effect: Teleport directly to an ally, even through walls.
Protection SuzuProtection Suzu Type: Ability
Cooldown: 14 secs
Heal: 50
Effect: Upon impact, allies in the area become briefly invulnerable and are cleansed of most negative effects.
Wall Climb (Kiriko)Wall Climb (Kiriko) Type: Passive
Effect: Jump at walls to climb up them.
Kitsune RushKitsune Rush Type: Ultimate
Duration: 10 secs
Effect: Summon a fox spirit that rushes forward, accelerating the movement, attack speed, and cooldown of all allies that follow its path.
Role: SupportRole: Support Type: Passive
Effect: Automatically heal over time.

Kiriko Hero Profile

Junker Queen

The Junker Queen is the current ruler of Junkertown. She is responsible for exiling Junkrat and Roadhog. Since then, the two have been trying to take her down but to no avail.

Junker Queen Abilities and General Info

Junker Queen (Odessa "Dez" Stone)
Overwatch 2 -Junker Queen Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 425
・ 425 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Leah De Niese
Nationality Australian
Affiliations Junkers

Default Weapon

ScattergunScattergun Primary Fire
Damage: 80
Description: Pump action shotgun.

Secondary Weapon

Jagged BladeJagged Blade
Damage: 80 on hit, 15 Wound damage over time
Description: Passive: Quick Melee wounds enemies, dealing damage over time
Active: Throw your blade. Can re-activate to return it.
CarnageCarnage Type: Ability
Cooldown: 8 secs
Damage: 90 on hit, 40 Wound damage over time
Effect: Swing your axe to wound all enemies in front of you, dealing damage over time.
Commanding ShoutCommanding Shout Type: Ability
Cooldown: 15 secs
Duration: 5 secs
Heal: 200 HP boost to self and 100 HP boost to allies. 30% movement speed increase.
Effect: Increase health by 200 and nearby allies health by 100. Increase movement speed by 30%
RampageRampage Type: Ultimate
Effect: Charge forward. Wound enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed.
Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush Type: Ultimate
Damage: 100 total damage
Effect: Charge forward. Wound enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Junker Queen Hero Profile


A part of the Canadian Special Forces, Sojourn joined Overwatch and partnered with them during the Omnic Crisis. Sojourn led the team and kept them safe, making it her mission to bring every last one of them home. She stayed with the team until it was disbanded.

Sojourn Abilities and General Info

Sojourn (Vivian Chase)
Overwatch 2 -Sojourn Role
S Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 200
・ 200 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Cherise Boothe
Nationality Canadian
Affiliations Canadian Special Forces (formerly), Overwatch (formerly)
RailgunRailgun Primary Fire
Damage: 9
Description: Rapid firing projectiles that generate energy on hit.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 30 (minimum charge), 130 (max charge)
Description: High impact shot that consumes stored energy.
Power SlidePower Slide Type: Ability
Cooldown: 6 secs
Effect: Ground slide that can cancel into a high jump.
Disruptor ShotDisruptor Shot Type: Ability
Cooldown: 15 secs
Duration: 4 secs
Damage: 210
Effect: Launch an energy burst that snares and deals damage to enemies within it.
OverclockOverclock Type: Ultimate
Duration: 9 secs
Effect: Railgun energy auto-charges for a short duration and shots pierce enemies.
Role: DamageRole: Damage Type: Passive
Effect: Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement speed and reload speed.

Sojourn Hero Profile

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