Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Orisa: Rework, Skins, and Abilities

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Orisa is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Orisa, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Orisa Latest Buffs and Nerfs

September 21, 2022 Dev Blog #5 Patch Notes

Orisa Patch Notes (September 21, 2022)
・Increased from 250 to 275.
・Increased from 250 to 275.
Energy JavelinEnergy Javelin
・Cooldown reduced from 8 seconds to
6 seconds.

Augmented Fusion Driver

April 26 2022 ・ Shoots 10 large projectiles per second that start large and shrink as they travel further.
・Shots deal about 10.5 damage per shot, but it falls off to about 4 damage at 35 meters.
・ Uses a heat mechanic over ammo/reload.
・Weapon will generate hear as it is fired and will only cool when not being used.
・If it overheats, her weapon will be rendered unuusable for 3 seconds.

Energy Javelin

April 26 2022 ・Deals 80 damage and a 0.2 second stun that knocks enemies back about 6 meters.
・Deals an extra 40 damage and adds 0.3 seconds to the stun when enemies hit walls.


April 26 2022 ・Allows Orisa to gain 125 temrporary health, but it slows her by 20% while it is active.
・ Reduces heat generated from firing her weapon by 50%.
・Fortify now lasts for 4.5 seconds compared to the previous 4 seconds.

Javelin Spin

April 26 2022 ・Destroys projectiles for 1.75 seconds.
・Can push enemies while dealing up to 90 damage.
・Increases speed by 60% when surging forward and 20% once the effect ends.

Terra Surge

April 26 2022 ・Gives Orisa the effects of Fortify while charging up a surge of damage for up to 4 seconds.
・Damage can be unleashed early sing Primary Fire to deal up to 225 damage.
・Orisa can also pull in enemies within her area of effect, slowing them by 30%. This was based on her previous "Halt!" Ability.

Orisa Hero Profile

Basic Information

Orisa (Orisa)
Overwatch 2 -Orisa Role
S Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 550
・ 300 (Base Health)
・ 250 (Base Shields/Armor)
Voice Actor Cherrelle Skeete
Nationality Numbanian
Affiliations Numbani

How to Unlock

Unlocked by default.

Orisa Weapons and Abilities

Orisa Main Weapon

Augmented Fusion DriverAugmented Fusion Driver
Damage: 11
Description: Automatic heat based weapon. Deals more damage at closer range.

Orisa Abilities

Energy JavelinEnergy Javelin Type: Ability
Cooldown: 6 secs
Damage: 60 (without wall), 100 (with wall)
Effect: Launch your javelin at an enemy to stun and knock them back. More effective if the enemy hits a wall.
FortifyFortify Type: Ability
Cooldown: 12 secs
Duration: 5 secs
Heal: 125 temporary health
Effect: Gain temporary health, reducing all damage taken and becoming unstoppable. While active, heat generated by your weapon is reduced.
Javelin SpinJavelin Spin Type: Ability
Cooldown: 10 secs
Duration: 2 secs
Effect: Spin your javelin to destroy projectiles, push enemies, and increase forward speed.
Terra SurgeTerra Surge Type: Ultimate
Effect: Sweep in enemies and anchor down, gaining the effects of Fortify and charging up a surge of damage. Use Left Click to unleash the surge early.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips and How to Play

Shove Enemies Out of Position with Energy Javelin

Orisa's Energy Javelin has a strong amount of knockback in addition to its respectable damage. Take advantage of Energy Javelin's knockback by using it to send key enemy targets out of position and into walls and pitfalls.

Javelin Spin Can Block Abilities and Ultimates

Like D.Va's Defense Matrix, Orisa's Javelin Spin can mitigate or negate deadly abilities and ultimates if timed correctly. A list of significant ultimates and abilities that Javelin Spin blocks can be seen below:

  • Ultimates: Graviton Surge, Blizzard, Pulse Bomb, Death Blossom, Barrage, Deadeye, Molten Core
  • Regular Abilities: Biotic Grenade, Dynamite, Fire Strike, Biotic Orb, Sleep Dart, Charge

Break Enemy Formations with Javelin Spin

Orisa's Javelin Spin also has the unique characteristic of knocking enemies backward while dealing damage for its duration. Use this feature to shove enemy Tanks and frontliners out of the way and provide your team with positional advantages.

Use Fortify to Avoid Crowd Control

With Orisa's Fortify making her unstoppable, she can use it to mitigate and deal with crowd control abilities and ultimates. Use Fortify to shrug off abilities like Zarya's Graviton Surge and Mei's Blizzard, and continue pushing back against your enemies' offense.

How to Counter

Orisa is a hero that tends to charge forward. One of the best ways to take care of her is to shield your team using Reinhardt until she gets close enough to the team. From there, close-range heroes like Reaper can take her out.

Orisa's ultimate allows her to bring enemy heroes closer to each other similar to Zarya's ult. Heroes with abilities that make them invincible for a time like Reaper Warith Form or Moira's Fade can be used to escape her ultimate. Pharah can also use Jump Jet to escape.

Of course, using Zenyatta's ultimate will heal most of the damage from Orisa's ultimate.

Orisa Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - Moira Overwatch 2 - Pharah Overwatch 2 - Reaper Overwatch 2 - Reinhardt

Orisa Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins
Carbon Fiber

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Bull Demon
Forest Spirit
Null Sector

Orisa Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Pumpkin Head
Halloween Terror Event
Lunar New Year Event
Archives Event
Anniversary Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
I Do Not Cower "I do not cower in the presence of evil."
Season 1 Battle Pass
Following My Programming “I am simply following my programming.”
Base Game
Current Outlook “Current Outlook: Negative.”
Base Game
Do You Need A Hug? “Do you need a hug?”
Base Game
Efi Will Not Be Happy “Efi will not be happy about this.”
Base Game
Error: Sarcasm Module “Error 404: Sarcasm Module not found.”
Base Game
I Can't Do That “I'm sorry but I can't do that.”
Base Game
Medical Assistance “Medical assistance has been requested.”
Base Game
My Analysis “Would you like my analysis of the situation?”
Base Game
No Parking “No parking.”
Base Game
Shine Your Eyes “Shine your eyes.”
Base Game
That Does Not Compute “That does not compute.”
Base Game
Your Security “Your security is my primary concern.”
Base Game
Golden “Golden.”
Summer Games Event
Grease Your Elbow “More grease to your elbow.”
Summer Games Event
Thank You For Understanding “Thank you for understanding.”
Summer Games Event
Be Careful “Be careful when crossing the street.”
Halloween Terror Event
Exterminate! “Exterminate. Exterminate.”
Halloween Terror Event
Your Pulse Has Increased “Your pulse has increased. Are you frightened?”
Halloween Terror Event
Annual Performance Analysis “Anual perofrmance analysis:Nice/Naughty.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Can't I Guide Your Way Tonight “Can't I guide your way tonight?”
Winter Wonderland Event
Stack Overflow “Stack overflow.”
Lunar New Year Event
The Moon That Wanes “The moon that wanes today was the full moon yesterday.”
Lunar New Year Event
Who is Ready to Party “Who is ready to party?”
Lunar New Year Event
Empathy Module Not Responding “Empathy module not responding.”
Archives Event
Error: Division By 0 “Error: Division by 0.”
Archives Event
Functionality Still in Beta “Some functionality may still be in Beta.”
Archives Event
I Will Take Your Statement “I will take your statement now.”
Archives Event
I Was Only Trying to Help “I was only trying to help.”
Archives Event
Have A Bad Feeling About This “I have a bad feeling about this.”
Anniversary Event
If Lost, Please Return to Efi “If lost, please return to Efi.”
Anniversary Event
Satisfied With Protection “Are you satisfied with your protection?”
Anniversary Event
Your Compliance “Thank you for your compliance.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Winter Wonderland Event
Base Game
Base Game
Kicking Dirt
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Anniversary Event

Orisa Story

Origin Story

Orisa Story Overwatch 2
Orisa is a project born of the mind of an 11-year-old genius. She was built from a defense robot that Doomfist destroyed during his first attack on Numbani and given a personality core along with her AI. While Orisa still has much to learn about the world, with Efi's support, she will stand to protect Numbani and Efi no matter what.

Fighting Doomfist

Overwatch 2 - Orisa
When Doomfist and Talon agents attacked the Numbani Heritage Museum, Orisa was there for a rematch.

While she was defeated by Doomfist again, Orisa was not destroyed and held them long enough for back-up to arrive. This forced Talon to retreat for the time being.

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