Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Zarya: Changes, Skins, and Rework

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Zarya is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Zarya, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Zarya Latest Buffs and Nerfs

May 5, 2022 Patch Notes

Zarya Changes

Zarya Patch Notes (May 5, 2022)
Graviton SurgeGraviton Surge
・Duration: 4 > 3.5 secs

Particle Barrier and Projected Barrier

April 26 2022 ・Both share a 2 charge system and a shorter cooldown of 10 seconds.
・Cooldown now begins after the ability is used instead of when the barrier ends.
・Durations increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
・The Projected Barrier cannot be used again on the same ally until a 2 second cooldown finishes.


April 26 2022 ・Decay Rate has been increased from 1.8 to 2.2 per second.

Zarya Hero Profile

Basic Information

Zarya (Aleksandra Zaryanova)
Overwatch 2 -Zarya Role
S Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 475
・ 250 (Base Health)
・ 225 (Base Shields/Armor)
Voice Actor Dolya Gavanski
Nationality Russian
Affiliations Russian Defense Forces (formerly), Volskaya Industries (temporarily), Overwatch

How to Unlock

Unlocked by default.

Zarya Weapons and Abilities

Zarya Main Weapon

Particle CannonParticle Cannon Primary Fire
Damage: 75 per second (base charge)
Description: Short-range linear beam weapons.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 47 (base charge)
Description: Energy grenade launcher.

Zarya Abilities

Particle BarrierParticle Barrier Type: Ability
Cooldown: 10 secs
Duration: 2 secs
Shield: 200
Effect: Create a damage barrier around you.
Projected BarrierProjected Barrier Type: Ability
Cooldown: 10 secs
Duration: 2 secs
Shield: 200
Effect: Create a damage barrier around an ally.
EnergyEnergy Type: Passive
Effect: Damage blocked by barriers increases Particle Cannon damage.
Graviton SurgeGraviton Surge Type: Ultimate
Duration: 3.5 secs
Effect: Launch a gravity well that pulls enemies to it.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips and How to Play

Boost Jump Height with Particle Cannon

Similar to Soldier: 76's Helix Rocket jumps, Zarya can shoot her Particle Cannon's secondary fire beneath her feet right before she jumps to boost her further into the air. This can be useful for accessing places and shortcuts Zarya normally can't reach.

However, note that boosting jumps with Particle Cannon prevents Zarya from strafing in the air, so be mindful of your aerial trajectory.

Be Mindful of Barrier Usage

While you should actively use Particle Barrier and Protective Barrier to boost your Particle Cannon, remember to use them wisely due to their shared 10-second cooldown. Prioritize using these Barriers to absorb heavy firepower away from you and your allies.

Negate Damaging Ultimates with Barriers

Each of Zarya's Barriers can also mitigate and even nullify deadly ultimates when timed correctly. Use Zarya's Barriers against high-damage ultimates like Pharah's Barrage and Junkrat's Rip-Tire, and use your powered-up Particle Cannon to turn the enemies' damage against them.

Particle Cannon and Graviton Surge Share Trajectories

You can ensure the proper placement of your Graviton Surge by using the Particle Cannon's secondary fire. Both abilities share the same projectile trajectory, so firing your Particle Cannon a few times can help you accurately determine where your ultimate will land.

Coordinate Frequently With Your Team

Make frequent use of voice communication or the game's Ping System to make the most out of Zarya's barriers and ultimate Graviton Surge. We recommend using the Countdown ping to help coordinate Ultimate combos with your team.

How to Counter

The easiest way to reduce Zarya's effectiveness is to not attack her when she puts up shields. Keep her energy levels constantly low so she deals less damage.

Her Graviton Surge ultimate can easily be nullified if it hits any shield including D.Va's Defense Matrix or Sigma's Kinetic Grasp If you're willing to risk it, then Genji can also deflect her Graviton Surge and have it hit the enemy team.

Zarya Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - D.Va Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Sigma

Zarya Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins
Siberian Front

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Totally 80's
Overwatch Contenders

Zarya Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Base Game
Anniversary Event
Base Game
Check Out This Gun
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
Big One
Lunar New Year Event
This Is Strength
Archives Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
Strong as the Mountain “Strong as the mountain.”
Base Game
The Dog Gnaws the Bone “Glaza boyatsya, a Ruki delayut. (The dog gnaws the bone.)”
Archives Event
Feel the Burn “Feel the burn.”
Base Game
Get Down, Give Me 20 “Get down, give me 20.”
Base Game
I Am Mother Russia “I am Mother Russia.”
Base Game
I Can Bench More Than You “I can bench more than you.”
Base Game
I WIll Break You “I will break you.”
Base Game
In Russia, Game Plays You “In Russia, game plays you.”
Base Game
Need Personal Training? “Are you in need of personal training.”
Base Game
No Mercy “No mercy.”
Base Game
Siberian Bear “I want to hug you like big, fuzzy Siberian Bear.”
Base Game
Together We Are Strong “Vmeste my sila. (Together we are strong.)”
Base Game
Welcome to the Gun Show “Welcome to the gun show.”
Base Game
It's Only A Game “It's only a game. Why do you have to be mad.”
Summer Games Event
No Pain, No Gain “No pain, no gain.”
Summer Games Event
Russian Judge “This Russian judge is unimpressed.”
Summer Games Event
Strongest Woman “I am the strongest woman in the world.”
Summer Games Event
Don't Be Scared “Don't be scared.”
Halloween Terror Event
Never Forget the Fallen “Never forget the fallen.”
Halloween Terror Event
Cool It “Cool it.”
Winter Wonderland Event
For the Motherland “For the motherland.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Happy New Year! “S Novym Godom! (Happy New Year!)”
Winter Wonderland Event
Is it Cold In Here? “Is it cold in here?”
Winter Wonderland Event
Get Pumped “Get pumped.”
Lunar New Year Event
Where the Dog is Buried “Vot gde sobaka zaryta? (Where the dog is buried?)”
Lunar New Year Event
I Was Born In Battle “I was born in battle.”
Archives Event
Ready to Give Up? “Ready to give up?”
Archives Event
You Have Failed Your Team “You have failed your team.”
Archives Event
Fitness Secret “My secret? Situps and pushups, and plenty of juice.”
Anniversary Event
Is That All? “Is that all?”
Anniversary Event
Let's Get Physical “Let's get physical.”
Anniversary Event
Peace Through Firepower “Peace through superior firepower.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Mystery Gift
Winter Wonderland Event
Bring It On
Base Game
Comedy Gold
Base Game
Crush You
Base Game
Pumping Iron
Base Game
Take A Knee
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Anniversary Event

Zarya Story

Omnic Crisis

Zarya Overwatch 2 Story
Earlier in the Omnic Crisis, Aleksandra Zaryanova was born in a small village in Siberia. Unfortunately, it was devastated by the conflict, and seeing the destruction, she swore to become stronger. She became an athlete, training tirelessly, but during her tournament, her home was attacked and her life was thrust into war. She became a soldier, protecting others and a symbol to her fellow warriors!

Russian Defense Forces

Trading her life as a future professional athlete for a life in the military, she spent most of her time on the front lines battling Omnics. She made her way to Sergeant, making her a symbol of strength for many of her fellow soldiers.

Searching for Sombra

After Talon's attack on Volkskaya Industries, Zarya was tasked with finding the main culprit, Sombra. This took her all over the world from Lijiang Tower to Numbani, and finally, in Dorado.

Joining Overwatch

With Omnics staging a successful frontal assault, the defense forces had to abandon the forntline including Zarya's hometown. After getting permisison to save her town alone, she fought a losing battle against the Omnics until Cassidy saved her.

After the battle, Cassidy invited Zarya to join the newly re-established Overwatch; which she accepts.

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