Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Symmetra: Changes, Skins, and Reworks

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Symmetra is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Symmetra, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Symmetra Latest Buffs and Nerfs

No Rework as of Season 1

No changes received.

List of All Balance Changes and Hero Reworks

Symmetra Hero Profile

Basic Information

Symmetra (Satya Vaswani)
Overwatch 2 -Symmetra Role
C Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 225
・ 100 (Base Health)
・ 125 (Base Shields/Armor)
Voice Actor Anjali Bhimani
Nationality Indian
Affiliations Vishkar Corporation

How to Unlock

Unlocks after playing 20 games.

Character Redesign

Overwatch 1 Overwatch 2

Symmetra's reworked design for Overwatch 2 sports a more conservative outfit compared to her first appearance. The blue in her color scheme is given a darker shade, while her accessories are given more in their details along with the upgraded headpiece.

Symmetra Weapons and Abilities

Symmetra Main Weapon

Photon ProjectorPhoton Projector Primary Fire
Damage: 34.56
Description: Short-range beam weapon with increasing damage. Damaging Barriers does not consume ammunition.
Secondary Fire
Damage: 120
Description: Hold to charge, release to fire explosive orb.

Symmetra Abilities

Sentry TurretSentry Turret Type: Ability
Cooldown: 10 secs
Effect: Deploy a small turret that damages and slows enemies.
TeleporterTeleporter Type: Ability
Cooldown: 12 secs
Effect: Deploy two teleporters that enable instant travel between them.
Photon BarrierPhoton Barrier Type: Ultimate
Duration: 12 secs
Effect: Deploy a massive energy barrier.
Role: DamageRole: Damage Type: Passive
Effect: Eliminations grant a burst of increased movement speed and reload speed.

How to Play and Tips

Projector Damage Boost Persists for a While

The damage boost from Photon Projector's primary fire does not immediately dissipate after you stop attacking, allowing you to comfortably reposition or reload for a few seconds before continuing your offense as Symmetra.

Primary Fire Bypasses Deflecting Abilities

Because Photon Projector's primary fire is a beam, it does not get redirected nor blocked by skills like Genji's Deflect and Orisa's Javelin Spin. This unique characteristic gives you an easier time against Heroes with these types of abilities.

Secondary Fire Has No Damage Falloff

The orbs from Photon Projector's secondary fire remain accurate and do not decrease in damage over long distances, making them effective at harassing and taking down foes from far away.

Preemptively Fire Orbs Along Choke Points

Lay down suppressive fire with Photon Projector's orbs along choke points and narrow pathways to fend off advancing enemies. We recommend firing these orbs at chest level as they cannot land critical hits, meaning aiming for foes' center of mass is more efficient for dealing damage.

Place Turrets Around Entryways

The best locations to place down Symmetra's Turrets are around doorframes and entryways where your foes cannot easily see them. In addition, we also recommend spreading out Turret placement to make it more difficult for your enemies to take them out.

Plant Turrets Down During Team Fights

Don't forget that you can also plant Turrets down aggressively during team fights to improve Symmetra's damage output. Place Turrets directly on floors and walls to reduce travel distance and spawn time, allowing them to start dealing damage faster.

Reach High Ground with Teleporters

Symmetra can place Teleporters directly on high ledges and vantage points, giving her and her team easy access to high ground and flanking routes. Use this tip to surprise the enemy team by attacking them from unexpected heights and angles.

Teleporters Are Two-Way Paths

Remember that you can use each Teleporter to travel to the other's location, effectively making them two-way paths. You can use this to your advantage as Symmetra by teleporting back and forth between cover and teamfights.

Send Turrets Through Teleporters

Surprise your foes by placing down a Teleporter near their backline and sending your Turrets through it, allowing them to shoot the enemy team from behind.

Send D.Va's Self Destruct Through Teleporters

This strategy also works with D.Va's Self Destruct ultimate, turning it into an unseeable teleporting bomb that can easily take out unprepared teams of enemies.

Symmetra Can Rotate Photon Barrier

By pressing the ultimate button a second time, Symmetra can rotate her Photon Barrier placement by 90 degrees. Take advantage of this feature to have an easier time covering different attack angles with Photon Barrier.

How to Counter

Destroy Her Deployables

The best way to reduce Symmetra's effectiveness is to destroy all her deployable abilities including her turrets and Teleporter. Winston is the perfect counter to Symmetra's turrets as its spread can destroy most of the turrets quickly. Pharah in an open space is also way above the turrets' range so she can deal with them easily. This is the same for Echo.

When dealing with an enemy Symmetra, one of the priority targets has to be her Teleporter. Hit it with Sojourn's railgun to easily destroy it.

Symmetra Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - Echo Overwatch 2 - Pharah Overwatch 2 - Sojourn Overwatch 2 - Winston

Symmetra Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Figure Skater
Overwatch Contenders

Symmetra Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
Lunar New Year Event
Light Reading
Archives Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
Such A Lack of Imagination “Such a lack of imagination.”
Base Game
Everything By Design “Everything by design.”
Base Game
Exquisite “Exquisite!”
Base Game
How Unsightly “How unsightly.”
Base Game
I Don't Think So “I don't think so.”
Base Game
Impressive “Impressive.”
Base Game
Perfect Harmony “Perfect Harmony.”
Base Game
Precisely “Precisely.”
Base Game
Put You In Your Place “I will put you in your place.”
Base Game
Supposed To Be Impressed “Am I supposed to be impressed?”
Base Game
Welcome To My Reality “Welcome to my reality.”
Base Game
Why Do You Struggle? “Why do you struggle?”
Base Game
Hard Work and Dedication “Hard work and dedication pays off.”
Summer Games Event
Reality Is My Playground “Reality is my playground.”
Summer Games Event
Victory is Everything “Victory is everything.”
Summer Games Event
A Frightening Thought “What a frightening thought.”
Halloween Terror Event
Everything You See “Do not believe everything you see.”
Halloween Terror Event
The Treat Is A Lie “The treat is a lie.”
Halloween Terror Event
Expecting A Miracle? “Were you expecting a miracle?”
Winter Wonderland Event
Finding Beauty “Beauty can be found where everything is in harmony.”
Winter Wonderland Event
I Made You Something “I made you something.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Cause For Celebration “Cause for celebration.”
Lunar New Year Event
Chaos “How can anyone tolerate in chaos.”
Lunar New Year Event
Good Fortune “(chuckles) Good fortune.”
Lunar New Year Event
If I Can Think It, I Can Create It “If I can think it, I can create it.”
Lunar New Year Event
Kindly Adjust “Kindly adjust.”
Archives Event
Taken Under Advisement “I'd taken your opinion under advisement.”
Archives Event
Timepass “(sigh) Timepass.”
Archives Event
What The Future Holds “Who knows what the future holds?”
Archives Event
Let Us Discuss Your Failures “Let us discuss your failures.”
Anniversary Event
Setting Up The Car Wash “(chuckles) Setting up the car wash.”
Anniversary Event
So Dramatic “So dramatic.”
Anniversary Event
Your Judgment Is Flawed “Your judgment is flawed.”
Anniversary Event
Your Mind Works “What interesting ways your mind works.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Have A Seat
Base Game
Base Game
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Anniversary Event

Symmetra Story

Symmetra Gameplay Preview Overwatch 2.png
Satya Vaswani is a story of rags to riches, being one of the few who could become a light-bending architect, capable of changing the city for the better. She was spotted as a small child by Vishkar Corporation as a child with innate talent. They relocated her to their architect academy, where she was given luxury accommodation, food, education and training. A stark contrast to her previous circumstances.

A Unique Style of Light-Bending

Symmetra Dance Light-Bending Overwatch 2
She fully immersed herself in her new learnings and quickly proved just how capable she was. She quickly moved to the top of the class and was recognised as extremely gifted in light-bending.
She preferred to be more fluid and creative with her light-bending and developed her own unique style of hard light-bending, fusing her traditional dance from her hometown.

A Global Ambassador

Symmetra Comic Make the World a Better Place Overwatch 2
As she got older, Vishkar Corporation saw greater potential for her and entrusted her with missions around the world. These missions were to expand their reach and influence to other countries. Symmetra believes that perhaps this could be a step towards fulfilling her goals of a perfect society. However, a part of Symmetra is unsure if she is really doing good for the world through Vishkar Corporation.

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