Overwatch 2

Junkertown Map Tips and Best Team

Overwatch 2 - Junkertown Map Tips and Best Team
Junkertown is a Escort map in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn the map's basic information, the best team composition and strategy, health pack locations, and more on the Junkertown map!

Junkertown Map Overview

Junkertown Basic Information

Location Australia
Game Mode Escort

Junkertown Official Description

Junkertown is an Escort map located in the harsh and unforgiving Australian Outback. Constructed from the remains of a destroyed omnium, it's now the home to a band of lawless scavengers known as the Junkers, led by their cutthroat Queen.

When they aren’t pillaging the omnium's skeleton for anything of value, the Junkers blow off steam in the Scrapyard—a massive gladiatorial arena whose combatants fight for glory, riches...and to survive.

Junkertown Health Pack Locations

1 2

Found in a garage to the right of the payload spawn point, between two cars.

Found on the first floor of the second set of buildings in front of the payload spawn point. It's in the corner of the leftmost building.
3 4

Found on the first floor of the second set of buildings in front of the payload spawn point. It's in the corner of the rightmost building.

Found behind a barricade on the left side of the first checkpoint.
5 6

Found at the end of a hallway directly past the first checkpoint.

Found on the ground floor of the building behind #5.
7 8

Found on a raised balcony overlooking the road past the first checkpoint.

Found in the building beneath #7, past the Bruce's Wreckyard sign
9 10

Found in the hallway to the left of the second checkpoint.

Found past the second checkpoint, in a small room on the right side.
11 12

Found beneath the spinning platform right across from #10.
Junkertown - HP Location 12
Found directly ahead of the second checkpoint, in a room lit by sea-green lights.

Found on the ground floor on the right side of the third checkpoint.

Junkertown Tips and Strategies

Utilize the Map's Long Sightlines

Junkertown features numerous high vantage points and long sightlines, especially in the first two sections of the map. These characteristics make the sections excellent environments for sniping Heroes like Ashe, Widowmaker, and Hanzo, as they can take full advantage of the terrain to land headshots on crucial enemy targets.

Take Advantage of Narrow Streets

Junkertown also features plenty of tight corridors in its second and third sections, which teams should adapt to by changing their compositions. In these sections, we recommend switching to Heroes like Junkrat, Reaper, and Hanzo, who excel at holding down and fighting in narrow pathways and choke points.

Flank Around the Final Checkpoint

The final section of Junkertown can be a difficult choke point to push through due to the narrow payload path and the high ground advantage of the defending team. To have an easier time in this section, we recommend flanking and dispatching crucial enemy targets first using the route beneath the spinning platform and along the side rooms leading towards the high ground.

Junkertown Best Team Composition

Best Junkertown Attack Team

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Junker Queen
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Sojourn
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Lúcio Overwatch 2 - Kiriko

Team Explanation

This team composition is built around Heroes with high mobility and flanking potential to close the gap with enemy teams that use Junkertown's high vantage points to their advantage.

  • Junker Queen leads her team forward, pulling key enemy targets toward her with Jagged Blade and bursting them down up close with Scattergun and Carnage. Her Commanding Shout acts as a versatile buff, improving her team's mobility and granting them a large temporary health boost. To deal with grouped up foes around the payload and along the map's narrow streets, Junker Queen can inflict Wounds and prevent enemies from healing with Rampage.
  • Genji swiftly maneuvers through flanking routes with Cyber-Agility and Swift Strike to dispatch snipers and other crucial enemy targets. Deflect also lets him safely close the gap in open sniper sightlines. When engaging in team fights around the payload and in Junkertown's cramped streets, Genji can quickly tear through multiple enemies with Dragonblade and Swift Strike.
  • Sojourn is an efficient damage dealer, quickly dispatching foes up close and dealing with snipers with her versatile Railgun, especially when empowered by her Overclock ultimate. Her Power Slide is also a potent horizontal and vertical mobility tool, letting her quickly move from cover to cover and reach Junkertown's high ground. For controlling space and dealing with enemies in the map's choke points, Disruptor Shot provides her with heavy area-based damage that also snares foes.
  • Lúcio improves his team's mobility with Speed Boost and Amp It Up, letting them secure the payload and close the gap with crucial enemy targets faster. He can also quickly dart around Junkertown's streets with Wall Ride, allowing him to disrupt foes on the high ground and swiftly reach teammates in need. He also provides ample healing and survivability with Healing Boost and Sound Barrier and effective space control with Soundwave.
  • Kiriko can cut through Junkertown's cramped terrain and catch up with her mobile teammates with Swift Step, letting her consistently support them with Healing Ofuda and Kunai. Protection Suzu is also an excellent tool for cleansing debuffs and protecting her teammates from heavy firepower along the map's tight corridors. Kitsune Rush also enhances her team's offensive power, providing them with move speed, attack speed, and cooldown reductions.

Best Junkertown Defense Team

Best Tank
Overwatch 2 - Sigma
Best DPS
Overwatch 2 - Ashe Overwatch 2 - Reaper
Best Supports
Overwatch 2 - Ana Overwatch 2 - Mercy

Team Explanation

This team composition makes use of Junkertown's high ground and tight corridors to its strength, using Heroes that excel in medium and long-range firefights and in holding down narrow pathways and choke points.

  • Sigma offers effective cover and defense along the map's long sightlines and narrow corridors with Experimental Barrier and Kinetic Grasp. Accretion is also a potent crowd-control skill that can disrupt key enemy targets or burst down fragile Damage Heroes. Sigma's Gravitic Flux is extremely powerful when used from the high ground and against foes in the map's tight choke points.
  • Ashe provides high burst damage from the map's high ground and along tight choke points with her Viper headshots and Dynamite explosions. Coach Gun also acts as a versatile mobility tool, letting Ashe reach vantage points and safely disengage from fights with its heavy knockback. Ashe's ultimate, B.O.B., helps her team contest payloads while acting as an excellent source of additional damage and crowd control.
  • Reaper stealthily reaches the enemy team's backline with Shadow Step and Junkertown's numerous high flanking routes. From there, he can quickly burst down key enemy targets with his Hellfire Shotguns and eliminate whole teams up close with Death Blossom. His Wraith Form is also a potent survivability tool when combined with the map's ample amount of natural cover.
  • Ana provides excellent single-target healing and supportive fire with her Biotic Rifle, especially with Junkertown's vantage points and ample natural cover. Ana also has strong supportive tools in Biotic Grenade and Sleep Dart, both significantly useful in team fights around the payload. Nano Boost also pairs well with Ashe and Reaper, providing them with increased damage output and survivability.
  • Mercy: Mercy pairs well with Junkertown's ample natural cover and respectable verticality on all parts of the map, efficiently supporting her team with Caduceus Staff and Guardian Angel, especially when empowered by Valkyrie. She is incredibly potent when paired with Ashe and Reaper, providing them with continuous healing and damage boosts. Mercy also provides Resurrect, which has the potential to break stalemates in choke points and turn teamfights around.

Alternatives (Situational Picks)

Tank Damage Support
Overwatch 2 - D.Va Overwatch 2 - Roadhog Overwatch 2 - Winston Overwatch 2 - Wrecking Ball
Overwatch 2 - Hanzo Overwatch 2 - Junkrat Overwatch 2 - Pharah Overwatch 2 - Sombra
Overwatch 2 - Baptiste Overwatch 2 - Moira Overwatch 2 - Zenyatta

Alternative Tanks

  • D.Va and Winston: These two Tanks are excellent alternatives for aggressive attacking teams, capable of diving with their mobile Damage Heroes to take out crucial enemy targets. Each Hero also offers its own unique defensive utility, with D.Va's Defense Matrix capable of absorbing projectiles and ultimates and Winston's Barrier Projector excelling at controlling space.
  • Roadhog: Roadhog is a strong aggressive Tank that can work in both attacking and defending teams. His Chain Hook and Scrap Gun can quickly dispatch key enemy targets, giving his team a numbers advantage on most engagements. Whole Hog is also effective at breaking enemy positioning and cornering dangerous foes along the map's cramped roads and paths.
  • Wrecking Ball: Wrecking Ball is another potent alternative Tank for attacking and defending teams, having high mobility and specializing in disrupting enemy positioning with Roll, Grappling Hook, and Piledriver. Minefield is also an excellent area denial tool when used near the payload and along Junkertown's narrow streets.

Alternative Damage

  • Hanzo: Hanzo is another strong marksman option for defending teams. Reaching vantage points with Wall Climb, he can pick off crucial targets with lethal Storm Bow headshots while providing vital enemy information with Sonic Arrow. Dragonstrike is also a devastating ultimate when used along Junkertown's cramped roads and narrow pathways.
  • Pharah and Junkrat: These Damage Heroes are great alternative picks for attacking and defending teams, offering plenty of area of effect damage for securing or breaking through the map's choke points. Pharah offers more offensive utility, capable of taking to the skies and attacking from different angles. Junkrat offers more defensive utility, controlling the area with his traps and lobbing grenades from high ground.
  • Sombra: Sombra is another potent flanker for both attacking and defending teams, capable of navigating flanking routes unseen with Stealth and disabling and dispatching key enemy targets with Hack. EMP is also a potent ultimate when used in team fights around the payload and along Junkertown's narrow streets.

Alternative Supports

  • Baptiste: Baptiste offers defending teams potent area-based healing with Biotic Launcher and Regenerative Burst while fortifying their positioning with Immortality Field and Amplification Matrix. He can also access Junkertown's high ground and vantage points with Exo Boost, providing him with better angles for healing allies and shooting foes.
  • Moira: Moira offers potent burst healing and respectable damage output using Biotic Grasp and Biotic Orb, with the latter capable of bouncing around Junkertown's narrow paths and choke points. Her Fade gives her excellent mobility and survivability, letting her safely retreat and quickly reach teammates in need. Coalescence rounds out her utility, being an excellent healing and damaging tool when fighting near the payload and the map's straight roads.
  • Zenyatta: Zenyatta is another strong pick for defending teams, having strong healing tools in Transcendence and Orb of Harmony, and amplifying his team's damage with Orb of Discord. His Orbs of Destruction also excel at sniping down enemies from the map's high ground, dealing massive damage on critical hits.

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