Overwatch 2

How to Unlock Roadhog: Changes, Skins, and Redesign

Roadhog Overwatch 2 Banner

Roadhog is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. Read on to learn more about Roadhog, their weapons and abilities, their patch notes history, their backstory, and more!

Roadhog Latest Buffs and Nerfs

October 25, 2022 Patch Notes

Roadhog Changes

Roadhog Patch Notes (October 25, 2022)
Chain HookChain Hook
・Fixed an issue where Roadhog's Chain Hook failed to land the target when it should have hit
Quick Melee
・Fixed an issue with Roadhog's quick melee animation not playing correctly

Take a Breather

April 26, 2022 ・Increased healing to 350 from the previous 300.

Whole Hog

May 5, 2022 ・Changed from a Channeled to a Transform Ultimate.
・Players must use Primary Fire as the weapon no longer automatically fires.
・Normal abilities can be used during Whole Hog.
・Stuns no longer cancel this ultimate.

Roadhog Hero Profile

Basic Information

Roadhog (Mako Rutledge)
Overwatch 2 -Roadhog Role
A Rank Icon
Total HP ・ 700
・ 700 (Base Health)
Voice Actor Josh Petersdorf
Nationality Australian
Affiliations Australian Liberation Front (formerly), Junkers (formerly)

How to Unlock

Unlocks after playing 15 games.

Character Redesign

Overwatch 1 Overwatch 2

Roadhog's redesign for Overwatch 2 features an updated hairstyle from the top knot to an edgier mohawk. His armguard, along with his pants, get an upgrade giving off a cleaner look. We also see that his Chain Hook gets a redesign for a beefier look and feel.

Roadhog Weapons and Abilities

Roadhog Main Weapon

Scrap GunScrap Gun Primary Fire
Damage: 165
Description: Short-range spread weapon
Secondary Fire
Damage: 50
Description: Medium-range spread weapon.

Roadhog Abilities

Chain HookChain Hook Type: Ability
Cooldown: 7 secs
Damage: 30
Effect: Drag a targeted enemy to you.
Take A BreatherTake A Breather Type: Ability
Cooldown: 8 secs
Heal: 350
Effect: Heal yourself and reduce damage taken over a short time.
Whole HogWhole Hog Type: Ultimate
Duration: 6 secs
Damage: 14
Effect: Damage and knock back enemies in front of you.
Role: TankRole: Tank Type: Passive
Effect: Reduces knockbacks received. Less ultimate generated by healing and damage received.

Tips and How to Play

Practice the Hook, Shoot, and Melee Combo

Roadhog's most efficient combo is Chain Hook, Scrap Gun, and Quick Melee. Practice and master this combo to quickly take down key enemy targets and maximize Roadhog's damage potential.

Cancel Reload Animations with Quick Melee

You can recover from Scrap Gun's long reload time faster by performing a Quick Melee attack near the end of the animation. Make a habit of doing this often to increase your damage uptime as Roadhog.

Hook Enemies Toward Pitfalls

You can pan your camera while using Roadhog's Chain Hook to influence where enemies get pulled. Use this feature to your advantage by pulling enemies toward environmental hazards, eliminating them instantly.

Save Your Hooks When Fighting Other Roadhogs

When dealing with other Roadhogs, wait until they start using Take a Breather to use your Chain Hook. Doing this will interrupt their healing and allow you to quickly take them down with your Scrap Gun and Quick Melee.

Take a Breather Can Significantly Negate Damage

Aside from recovering half of Roadhog's health, Take a Breather also offers a large amount of damage resistance. Use this ability to mitigate the damage from deadly ultimates like D.Va's Self Destruct, Sigma's Gravitic Flux, and Junkrat's Rip-Tire.

Push Foes Into Corners with Whole Hog

Whole Hog's massive knockback is strong enough to push enemies into corners and keep them there for the ultimate's duration. Use this to your advantage by singling out key enemy targets and focusing them down with Whole Hog's high damage output.

How to Counter

Focus Fire on Roadhog

Hitscan heroes like Ashe, Widowmaker, Sojourn, and Soldier: 76 are great for dealing with the large Roadhog. His self-healing ability allows him to be near invulnerable while healing so it's best to focus fire on him. High DPS heroes like Bastion or having turrets from Symmetra or Torbjorn also help well.

One way to counter Roadhog's ultimate ability is to stay behind cover or Reinhardt's shields. Mei's Cryo-Freeze also allows her to stay in place while Genji can reflect Roadhog's ultimate.

Roadhog Hero Counters
Overwatch 2 - Ashe Overwatch 2 - Genji Overwatch 2 - Mei Overwatch 2 - Sojourn Overwatch 2 - Symmetra Overwatch 2 - Widowmaker

Roadhog Skins

Base Game Skins

Hero Skins

League Skins

Hero Skins
Atlanta Reign
Boston Uprising
Chengdu Hunters
Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem
Guangzhou Charge
Hangzhou Spark
Houston Outlaws
London Spitfire
Los Angeles Gladiators
Los Angeles Valiant
New York Excelsior
Paris Eternal
Philadelphia Fusion
San Francisco Shock
Seoul Dynasty
Shanghai Dragons
Toronto Defiant
Vancouver Titans
Washington Justice

Event Skins

Hero Skins
Ice Fisherman
Junkenstein's Monster

Roadhog Cosmetics

Victory Poses

Season 1 Battle Pass
Base Game
Pointing to the Sky
Base Game
Thumbs Up
Base Game
Tuckered Out
Base Game
Summer Games Event
Halloween Terror Event
Winter Wonderland Event
What's Mine is Mine
Lunar New Year Event
Mug Shot
Archives Event

Voice Lines

Hero Voice Lines
The Apocalypse “Welcome to the Apocalypse.”
Base Game
Candy From A Baby “Like taking candy from a baby.”
Base Game
Eat This “Eat this.”
Base Game
Got Something to Say? “Got something to say.”
Base Game
Base Game
Hook, Line, and Sinker “Hook, Line, and Sinker.”
Base Game
Life is Pain, so is Death “Life is pain, so is death.”
Base Game
Piece of Cake “Piece of cake.”
Base Game
Push Off “Push off.”
Base Game
Say “Bacon...” “Say `Bacon` one more time.”
Base Game
Violence is the Answer “Violence is usually the answer.”
Base Game
We're All Animals “We're all animals.”
Base Game
I'm on Vacation “I'm on vacation. Leave me alone.”
Summer Games Event
No Job Too Big “No job too big, no score too small.”
Summer Games Event
There's No “I” in Team “There's no `I` In team.”
Summer Games Event
What's Mine is Mine “What's mine is mine.”
Summer Games Event
Beneath Your Bed “Did you check beneath your bed.”
Halloween Terror Event
Boo! “Boo!”
Halloween Terror Event
Want Some Candy? “Want some candy?”
Halloween Terror Event
Ho Ho Ho “Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho.”
Winter Wonderland Event
I Have Your Present Right Here “I have your present right here.”
Winter Wonderland Event
Sweet As “Sweet as.”
Winter Wonderland Event
I'll Catch You “I'll catch you and when I do ho ho ho ho.”
Lunar New Year Event
It's All Gone to the Dogs “It's all gone to the dogs.”
Lunar New Year Event
You Chicken? “You chicken?”
Lunar New Year Event
Killed for Less Than That “I've killed someone for less than that.”
Archives Event
She'll Be Right “She'll be right.”
Archives Event
You Wanna Scrap With Me? “You wanna scrap with me?”
Archives Event
I Don't Like Talkers “I don't like talkers.”
Anniversary Event
I'm Beached As, Bro “I'm beached as, Bro.”
Anniversary Event
I'm Going Hog Wild! “I'm going hog wild!”
Anniversary Event
Not A Rat “At least I'm not a rat.”
Anniversary Event
That's My Business “That's my business and business is good.”
Anniversary Event


Hero Emotes
Base Game
Belly Laugh
Base Game
Base Game
Can Crusher
Base Game
Base Game
Tuckered Out
Base Game
Secret Friend
Lunar New Year Event
Big Guy
Anniversary Event
Anniversary Event

Roadhog Story

After the Omnic Crisis

Roadhog Story Overwatch 2
After the Omnic Crisis, a settlement was reached between the Austraillian Government and the Omnics. The surrounding areas were given to the Omnics, which displaced many of its former human settlers.

It was then that Roadhog, then called Mako, joined the Australlian Liberation Front, hoping to take back their land.

Becoming Roadhog

Overwatch 2 - Roadhog
After a failed attack on the Omnic's fusion core irradiated the the Australlian Outbacks, Mako was forced to wear his mask, and slowly turn into the ruthless Roadhog.

Meeting Junkrat

Overwatch 2 - Meeting Junkrat
Roadhog continued on living in his farm in the outskirts of Junkertown. One day, while drinking in a bar, he overheard a couple of Junkers asking Junkrat for information on this treasure he found. Stating that he would only give 10% to a friend he could trust, Roadhog incapacited the other Junkers and asked for 50%.

Worldwide Heists

Overwatch 2 - Heists
Since then, Roadhog has worked as Junkrat's bodyguard, gaining 50% of their profits. Both have committed a string of robberies from King's Row to Sydney, garnering an international bounty of $25 million.

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