Dynasty Warriors: Origins

How to Beat Lu Bu

Dynasty Warriors Origins - How to Beat Lu Bu

This is a guide on how to beat Lu Bu who appears as a boss in multiple main story missions of Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Learn about the boss Lu Bu, tips on fighting him, and if you should defeat Lu Bu at Hulao Gate.

All Lu Bu Guides
Lu Bu Boss Guide How to Unlock Lu Bu

How to Beat Lu Bu

Lu Bu Boss Tips and Tricks

Dodge Lu Bu's Horse Attacks

While on his horse (Red Hare), Lu Bu is highly mobile but his attacks are often predictable and can be easily dodged. Half of his attacks during this phase are unblockable.

Patiently wait for Lu Bu to come close, then strike him or use Battle Arts. Doing enough damage to Lu Bu will cause him to drop from his horse.

Lu Bu is More Aggressive On Foot

While on foot, Lu Bu is a lot more aggressive and will have more varied attack patterns. He becomes easier to reach in this state, since he will start using more gap-closing attacks towards you.

You will have to pay more close attention to his attacks which often consist of sweeping attacks, combos, and can generate projectiles.

Lu Bu Can Deflect Special Arts

Lu Bu will sometimes deflect Special Arts that you use on him when he is doing orange attacks. His special attack will be cancelled, but he will respond with another attack quickly afterwards. You will be in a short knockback state during this time.

When he attacks, your quickest option would be to block. You can make it much easier to respond to his attack if you are a fair distance away from him with long-reach Special Arts such as the Gauntlet's Ardent Energy Strike.

Best Arts to Use

Use Tactics on Lu Bu

Using Volley on Lu Bu

Whenever available, make use of Tactics against Lu Bu to deal damage and stuns from a distance. Take advantage of Tactics such as Volley or Charge, then get close to him and deal damage while he is interrupted.

Fight Lu Bu with Companions

Use Companions on Lu Bu.png

Whenever available, also make use of Companions to assist you in fighting against Lu Bu. This will at least extend your survivability and add to your damage with their Musou Rage.

Save War God Rage for Invincibility

Since Lu Bu has a large arsenal of dangerous attacks on foot that can put you into a stunlock, it is best to save War God Rage if you need invincibility, especially when it is likely that you will die.

How to Use War God Rage

Defeat Lu Bu for an Achievement

Trophy Description
Silver The Strongest
G: 30
Defeat Lu Bu at Hulao Gate.
How to Beat Lu Bu

Lu Bu is an optional boss and is therefore not required to complete the Battle of Hulao Gate. But defeating him in this main story mission will earn the Silver Trophy achievement The Strongest.

Trophy List and List of Achievements

Weapon Proficiency

Weapon Proficiency will be rewarded based on the weapon/s used in battle. Ranking up weapon proficiency raises Wanderer's level, and reaching certain levels will unlock new skill trees to spend skill points on.

Best Skills to Get First

Skill Points and Mount EXP

Skill points and Mount EXP are also awarded based on the number of enemies defeated and which Horse was used.

These rewards vary greatly depending on the Wanderer's performance during battle.

How to Get Skill Points Fast

List of Lu Bu's Attacks

Lu Bu's Mounted Attacks
CheckmarkHorse Charge Attack (Unblockable)

CheckmarkHorse Slam Attack (Unblockable)
Lu Bu's On Foot Attacks
CheckmarkShoulder Bash (Normal)

CheckmarkGrab Attack (Unblockable)

CheckmarkLeaping Slam (Special + Unblockable)

CheckmarkTriple Arrow Attack (Normal + Special)

CheckmarkSwing and Shockwave Combo (Normal + Special)

Lu Bu shares most of his attack moveset both in the demo and full game. Below are the notable attacks Lu Bu will use against you.

Lu Bu's Horse Charge Attack (Unblockable)

Lu Bu and his horse will glow red and engage in a charging spreed against target. It is best to dodge this attack and wait when he slows down to get close to him for an attack.

Lu Bu's Horse Slam Attack (Unblockable)

Lu Bu and his horse will leap into the air and perform a slam attack. You can choose to either run away from the AoE of his slam or dodge through it.

Lu Bu's Shoulder Bash (Normal)

Lu Bu has a fast, short-range shoulder bash that he will likely use when you are very close to him. This is trickier to read than his regular weapon sswings due to it being almost a sudden attack.

Keep an eye out for a white flash that appears when he starts turning his back against you.

Lu Bu's Two-Swing Attack (Normal)

At a fair distance from Lu Bu, he will attempt a gap-closing combo of two swings with the second swing being slightly delayed. Time your dodges or blocks carefully so that you can also deal with the second swing.

You can attempt to perfect block any of the swings for a parry.

Lu Bu's Leaping Dive Attack (Normal)

Lu Bu will perform a normal leaping dive attack that can be easily dodged or perfect blocked for a parry. Get the timing of when he starts diving, then perform a dodge or a block from there.

Lu Bu's Grab Attack (Unblockable)

When Lu Bu starts charging up with a red glow followed by a scream, get ready to dodge since he will launch towards you and perform a grab attack. This attack should be fairly easy to dodge so long as you time it when he ducks after his scream.

Once you have evaded his grab, close the gap and retaliate with a strike or Battle Arts since he will be stationary for a time.

Lu Bu's Leaping Slam (Special + Unblockable)

Lu Bu will leap into the air and slam down his weapon, creating a shockwave after a set time. This attack is best dodged first and then retaliated with a Special Art to temporarily stun Lu Bu.

If you are not close enough to Lu Bu for a Special Art when he lands his slam, prepare to dodge the AoE shockwave that goes outward from his position.

Lu Bu's Triple Arrow Attack (Normal + Special)

Lu Bu's triple arrow attack is one of his most dangerous moves since it deals a lot of damage and can cause you to be stunlocked, making it difficult to dodge through.

When dealing with this attack, you can choose to carefully dodge through all volleys, or get close enough to interrupt Lu Bu's with a Special Art. Alternatively, you can tank through it by using War God Rage.

Lu Bu's Swing and Shockwave Combo (Normal + Special)

Lu Bu will swing his weapon and launch several slash projectiles towards you. After enough swings, he will perform an AoE attack that can be interruped with a Special Art.

The projectiles may be hard to deal with even with consecutive dodges or blocks, so you can try to get close to Lu Bu to interrupt him when he is about to perform his slam attack.

Ultimate Warrior Challenge Details

Battle of Hulao Gate Challenge Details

Recommended Levels 74
Challenge Beat Lu Bu on Ultimate Warrior Difficulty
Victory Conditions Defeat Dong Zhuo
Defeat Conditions Yuan Shao Flees

Battle of Hulao Gate Challenge Walkthrough

Challenge Walkthrough
Start by capturing all five enemy camps marked on the map. Zhang Liao will be making his way over as well, so aim to defeat him first before heading somewhere else!

Resume capturing enemy camps afterwards.
2 Jia Xu and his forces will be at the center of the map, so make sure to defeat them too before proceeding.
3 Dong Zhuo will now let Lu Bu roam around, and he will directly attack allied forces. Ignore Lu Bu and avoid fighting him for now!
4 Once Lu Bu has successfully captured the central square, Hu Feng and Dong Xiang will arrive and either choose to go after allied camps!

If they're going after allied camps, make your way to the allied camp they're going for, and defeat both of them there. Otherwise, defeat Hu Feng and Dong Xiang at central square while avoiding Lu Bu!
5 After defeating both enemy officers, you will now finally face Lu Bu. Defeat Lu Bu at central square to clear the hardest challenge of the game!
How to Beat Lu Bu
Once the Ultimate Warrior difficulty challenge has been cleared, replenish meat buns and spirit gauge before heading towards Dong Zhuo.
Upon facing Dong Zhuo and his forces, aim to destroy the two catapults first. Use your Musou attacks to take down shielded soldiers surrounding the catapult!
Musou Gauge and Musou Attack
Defeat Yang Ding to stop enemies from shooting fire arrows.
You will be challenged by Diaochan next, so make sure you're prepared for a duel! Defeat her to win and proceed the battle.
How to Beat Diaochan
After defeating Diaochan, focus on fighting and defeating Dong Zhuo to win the battle.
How to Beat Dong Zhuo

Battle of Hulao Gate Guide

Ultimate Warrior Challenge Rewards

Ultimate Warrior Challenge Rewards

Lu Bu's Weapon (Rampaging Luan)

Defeat on Ultimate Warrior for Rampaging Luan

Rampaging Luan Rampaging Luan
Weapon Type
Attack 624
Grade 8

Defeating Lu Bu in Battle of Hulao Gate on Ultimate Warrior difficulty rewards players with the Halberd Ultimate Weapon, Rampaging Luan which is also the strongest weapon in the game.

How to Get Rampaging Luan

Lu Bu's Horse (Red Hare)

Defeat Without Meat Buns or Portable Items for Red Hare

To get Lu Bu's infamous steed, Red Hare, you must defeat Lu Bu at Hulao Gate without using Meat Buns or Portable Items at Ultimate Warrior difficulty.

How to Get Red Hare

Lu Bu Boss Overview

Lu Bu Lu Bu
Stance Icon.png (7-10)
Chapter Chapter 2, 3, 4
Related Missions Battle of Hulao Gate (CH2)
Assassination of Dong Zhuo (CH2)
・Battle of Puyang (CH3)
・Second Battle of Puyang (CH3)
・Battle of Xiapi (CH4)

Lu Bu can be encountered in two main story missions of Chapter 2: in Assassination of Dong Zhuo and Battle of Hulao Gate. Beating him is optional in both cases.

In later chapters, you may fight Lu Bu depending on the faction you join. Lu Bu can be fought in the Battle of Puyang and Second Battle of Puyang (Chapter 3), or at the Battle of Xiapi (Chapter 4).

In the demo version of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, Lu Bu can be fought at the end of the mission Battle of Sishui Gate after having cleared the initial victory conditions of the battle.

Faction Endings Guide

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Dynasty Warriors Origins - Bosses Partial Banner

List of All Bosses

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List of Bosses
Zhang JiaoZhang Jiao Cheng PuCheng Pu
DiaochanDiaochan Dong ZhuoDong Zhuo
Lu BuLu Bu Guan YuGuan Yu
Cao CaoCao Cao BailuanBailuan


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