Zenless Zone Zero Walkthrough Comments

Lucy Trust Events and Best AnswersComment

Showing 1-14 of 14 entries


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    14 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Suggesting a romance increases it greatly.

    13 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Trust Invite Event - Blazewood - Near Officer Mewmew, under the bike pergola. You go on a ride with Lucy. After the ride, respond: "So warm..." for trust increase. Significant trust increase after the event concludes.

    12 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Lumina Square, Gravity Cinema (Afternoon): Suggesting a horror movie increases trust.

    11 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Invite trust event - Shining Hair: Selecting "You're hair ends are frizzy" followed by "Lucy you're hair is so soft..." gave additional trust as well as significant trust.

    10 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Hotpot Lucy: Choose "I'm amazing."

    9 XA5 monthsReport

    Sixth street (morning) - In front of coff coffee: Option "citrus" gives trust increase

    8 XA5 monthsReport

    Blazewood (morning) - Upper level: "But I like you, Lucy" gives significant trust increase

    7 Panda's Claw5 monthsReport

    Random Event at JC Pharmacy. Lucy will if you're interested in buying energy supplements. Picking the prompt "I'm kinda of interested." will increase trust.

    6 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    I finally figured out. There is a chapter 2 (i believe) quest called Family Education. I had already finished this question. I only now realized there is an old man that sometimes is in the video store. you have to talk to him and you'll get the TreCaris movie tape (talking to him counts as the epilogue to the quest)

    5 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Meetup: Duyi's (Offer to go get a massage together) Event gives significant trust, offering to learn how to massage gives additional trust.

    4 XA5 monthsReport

    Lumina square - Close to officer mewmew (morning): "I'm kinda interested" gives trust increase

    3 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Change the time of day in the video store until Jobert (the old guy who gave you the commission) shows up and talk to him. There’s no marker, but he’ll give you the videotape.

    2 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    any clue about the TreCaris videotape? The quest said to complete the "Family Education - Epilogue" but there's no said quest in H.D.D

    1 RandoRamble5 monthsReport

    Invite event: The Weather’s Great, Let’s Go for a Walk - got a trust increases from answering “They’re students” to the first question and then significant increase from saying “none of them” when asked which boar she would save first at the end of the event

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