New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear 3,000-Degree Flames Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing 3,000-Degree Flames, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear 3,000-Degree Flames, as well as the reward!

3,000-Degree Flames Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Volcano Lv. 3
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap FlareonFlareon
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After researching all areas in the Lental region
Request Text ・“Flareon's flames can reach temperatures in the thousands. The NEO-ONE is fireproof, though, so go ahead and get some good shots of it!”

Course and Map Information

3000-Degree Flames Map.jpg

Volcano Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear 3,000-Degree Flames

  1. Light up the crystabloom to summon Flareon
  2. Let it eat the Fluffruit
  3. Throw another Fluffruit and it will use Flamethrower

1. Light up the crystabloom to summon Flareon


First, you'll need to take the branching path that goes to the right after entering the volcano. When you enter the room with blue magma, throw an Illumina Orb at the crystabloom after it becomes visible, and a Flareon will appear. (You can also get the one on the other side to come out by throwing a Fluffruit at it from behind).

2. Let it eat the Fluffruit

Throw a fluffruit at Flareon.jpg

Throw a Fluffruit right in front of the Flareon. Since there are several other Pokemon in the area shown here in the image, it's a good idea to throw out several fruit so they all eat their own.

Wait for Flareon to eat the fruit you threw to it. If you hit Flareon with it directly, it will temporarily stop moving, so try to place the fruit directly in front of it as best you can.

3. Throw another Fluffruit and it will use Flamethrower

3000-Degree Flames.jpg

Throw another fluffruit in front of the Flareon that just ate one. It will use flamethrower on the fruit. Take a photo of this to complete the request.

3000 Degree Flames.jpg
The photo you take needs to be a four star photo of Flareon either still emitting flames, or immediately after roasting the fruit. A two star photo of Flareon just eating the fruit afterward will not fulfill the request.

Reward for Clearing 3,000-Degree Flames

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Voluca Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Volcano LenTalk Requests
The Singing Dragon Little Lost Shinx Luxray Vision
A Skilled Hunter A Goofy Pose Rest Your Wings
A Quaking Volcano When Graveler Shows Its Hand Archeops at Ease
Climbing the Lavafall So Excited! Volcanic Hide-and-Seek
Red-Hot Energy Typhlosion Explosion 3,000-Degree Flames
A Slice of Rainbow


2 Anonymous@Game8almost 4 years

Hi! We've since updated our walkthrough for the request. Turns out you can take a photo of Flareon shooting the flames, or right when the flame animation ends (which is also a 4 star photo), but not the two star photo of Flareon eating the fruit! Thank you for supporting our guides! <3

1 Anonymousalmost 4 years

On the level 3 track take the right path to the blue magma room. Light the flower up as soon as you get the chance. Then hit the flareon with an orb and quickly feed it a flufffruit. It will roast the fruit with a flamethrower. This is what you need to take a picture of. It will cheer and shoot a flame upwards after it eats, and that will NOT complete the request.


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