New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Striking a Pose with Its Tail Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Striking a Pose with Its Tail, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Striking a Pose with Its Tail, as well as the reward!

Striking a Pose with Its Tail Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Sands (Day) Lv. 2 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap SkorupiSkorupi
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After your first expedition in Sands (Day)
Request Text ・“Skorupi has such a unique tail. See if you can get a photo of it striking an interesting pose with its tail!”

Course and Map Information

Striking a Pose with Its Tail Map.jpg
Sands (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Striking a Pose with Its Tail

Light Up the Three Crystablooms near the Sand Tornado

Near the start of the course, there will be a sand tornado to your right next to three Crystablooms. Using your Illumina Orbs, light up these three Crystablooms, and the sand tornado will subside, revealing a Skorupi hidden in the sand.

Throw an Illumina Orb at the Skorupi when it Engages Another Skorupi

For Research Level 2, and Research Level 3, a Mandibuzz should have dropped another Skorupi from the sky around the time that you reveal the hidden Skorupi. These two will then approach each other to fight. By tossing an Illumina Orb at either of them (or even both of them!) they will prop themselves up onto their tails in an attempt to intimidate the other! Take a photo of this moment to clear this request!

Reward for Clearing Striking a Pose with Its Tail

Todd's Bag

Todds Bag.png
Completing this request will reward you with the following collectible: Todd's Bag.
How to Unlock All Profile Icons

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Voluca Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Sands (Day) LenTalk Requests
Striking a Pose with Its Tail The Flying Cacnea Where Did the Fluffruit Go?
Munching Mandibuzz A Finicky Flame Sprinting in Surprise
Lycanroc's Reply Oasis Buddies Totally Cool Tyranitar
Onix's Mighty Leap


6 Anonymous@Game8almost 4 years

Wow! You went above and beyond with helping us for the info on this guide! You have to wait for the two Skorupi to interact, but when they do, throwing an Illumina Orb will engage them to do the pose you need! On behalf of the Walkthrough Team, thank you all for supporting our guides! ❤️✈️

5 Huizaralmost 4 years

As mentioned need to free Flygon first, when hidden skorupi reveals play melody and it will walk a little bit, the throw Illumina to the closer flower and it will stand in its tail


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