New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear A Finicky Flame Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing A Finicky Flame, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear A Finicky Flame, as well as the reward!

A Finicky Flame Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Sands (Day) Lv. 1 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap TorchicTorchic
Quest Giver Phil
How to Unlock ・After unlocking Illumina Orbs for Voluca Island
Request Text ・“I tossed a fluffruit to Torchic, but it spewed out tons of flames and burned it to a crisp! I was so startled, I forgot to get a photo...”

Course and Map Information

A Finicky Flame Map.jpg
Sands (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear A Finicky Flame

Throw an Illumina Orb at Torchic

Once you see the Torchic at the oasis, throw an Illumina Orb at it. You might need to throw multiple Illumina Orbs to trigger the action needed for the request.

Throw a Fluffruit at Torchic

Once you've hit Torchic with an Illumina orb, throw a fluffruit near it. Don't throw the fluffruit before throwing the Illumina orbs, or Torchic will just burn the fluffruit lightly. A Torchic that is powered up with an Illumina Orb beforehand will jump upward and roast the fluffruit. Snap the photo of Torchic roasting the fluffruit to fulfill the request!

Note: You can make Torchic repeat this action multiple times in the same run.

Reward for Clearing A Finicky Flame

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Voluca Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Sands (Day) LenTalk Requests
Striking a Pose with Its Tail The Flying Cacnea Where Did the Fluffruit Go?
Munching Mandibuzz A Finicky Flame Sprinting in Surprise
Lycanroc's Reply Oasis Buddies Totally Cool Tyranitar
Onix's Mighty Leap


3 NQDatabout 3 years

Tested a bit here. Definitely throw and orb at it, but throw the fruit a little away from it (about another torchic’s space) so it has distance to flame thrower it. If it’s too close it’ll use ember 👍

2 Malmskiover 3 years

You can choose either path(I did it going to the right and got silver stars), but I think going to the left would maybe be easier. Throw an apple, then throw the orbs at it so it glows and then Torchic will do the bigger flame and burn it to a crisp


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