Far Cry 6

All Items and Materials: How to Farm Resources

Far Cry 6 Items and Materials.jpg

Items and Materials are used in improving your arsenal in Far Cry 6. Learn how to farm each item and material as well as how to use them!

List of Items and Materials

Resolver Materials

Far Cry 6 - Gun PowderGun Powder Far Cry 6 - Supremo-BondSupremo-Bond Far Cry 6 - Recycled FastenersRecycled Fasteners
Far Cry 6 - Industrial CircuitsIndustrial Circuits Far Cry 6 - Durable SealsDurable Seals Far Cry 6 - Recycled GlassRecycled Glass
Far Cry 6 - Industrial CompositeIndustrial Composite Far Cry 6 - Durable PlasticDurable Plastic Far Cry 6 - Vehicle ScrapsVehicle Scraps

Resolver Materials are items that can be used on upgrading Weapons and Supremos at the workbench.

All Resolver Materials and How to Farm

Camp Resources

Far Cry 6 - MedicineMedicine Far Cry 6 - MetalMetal Far Cry 6 - GasolinaGasolina

You can build and upgrade Camp Facilities at the Construction Desk using Camp Resources. These materials are usually found while exploring Yara, more commonly inside FND Bases and FND Convoys.

All Camp Resources and How to Farm


Far Cry 6 - MamutitoMamutito's Tusks Far Cry 6 - Black Demoniaco PeltBlack Demoniaco Pelt Far Cry 6 - White Demoniaco PeltWhite Demoniaco Pelt
Far Cry 6 - Venodiente LeatherVenodiente Leather Far Cry 6 - Sanguinario PeltSanguinario Pelt Far Cry 6 - Parrotfish MeatParrotfish Meat
Far Cry 6 - Biajaca MeatBiajaca Meat Far Cry 6 - Permit MeatPermit Meat Far Cry 6 - Catfish MeatCatfish Meat
Far Cry 6 - Tarpon MeatTarpon Meat Far Cry 6 - Angelfish MeatAngelfish Meat Far Cry 6 - Vulture MeatVulture Meat
Far Cry 6 - Black Hawk MeatBlack Hawk Meat Far Cry 6 - Tilapia MeatTilapia Meat Far Cry 6 - Tench MeatTench Meat
Far Cry 6 - Squirrelfish MeatSquirrelfish Meat Far Cry 6 - Reef Shark MeatReef Shark Meat Far Cry 6 - Gar MeatGar Meat
Far Cry 6 - Bull Shark MeatBull Shark Meat Far Cry 6 - Horse-Eye Jack MeatHorse-Eye Jack Meat Far Cry 6 - Burro Grunt MeatBurro Grunt Meat
Far Cry 6 - Barracuda MeatBarracuda Meat Far Cry 6 - Trogon MeatTrogon Meat Far Cry 6 - Pelican MeatPelican Meat
Far Cry 6 - Duck MeatDuck Meat Far Cry 6 - Snook MeatSnook Meat Far Cry 6 - French Grunt MeatFrench Grunt Meat
Far Cry 6 - Carp MeatCarp Meat Far Cry 6 - Bass MeatBass Meat Far Cry 6 - Deer MeatDeer Meat
Far Cry 6 - Cougar MeatCougar Meat Far Cry 6 - Wild Hog MeatWild Hog Meat Far Cry 6 - Mongoose MeatMongoose Meat
Far Cry 6 - Hutia MeatHutia Meat Far Cry 6 - Hare MeatHare Meat Far Cry 6 - Jaguar MeatJaguar Meat
Far Cry 6 - Coyote MeatCoyote Meat Far Cry 6 - Yaran Crocodile MeatYaran Crocodile Meat Far Cry 6 - American Crocodile MeatAmerican Crocodile Meat
Far Cry 6 - Alpha Jaguar MeatAlpha Jaguar Meat Far Cry 6 - Alpha Coyote MeatAlpha Coyote Meat Far Cry 6 - Alpha Crocodile MeatAlpha Crocodile Meat
Far Cry 6 - Damaged Animal MeatDamaged Animal Meat Far Cry 6 - Damaged FishDamaged Fish

Tradables are items obtained from hunting animals and can be traded for Resolver Materials at the Workbench.

All Tradables and How to Farm

Miscellaneous Items

Far Cry 6 - Spec Ops KeySpec Ops Key Far Cry 6 - Los Bandidos RecruitsLos Bandidos Recruits Far Cry 6 - Spray CansSpray Cans
Far Cry 6 - Grapple KitGrapple Kit Far Cry 6 - ParachuteParachute Far Cry 6 - Fishing RodFishing Rod
Far Cry 6 - Repair ToolRepair Tool

Miscellaneous Items are obtained through different means and has various uses like modifying weapon appearances, traversing Yara, catching fishes, and more!

All Miscellaneous Items and How to Get

How to Farm Resources

Turn on Pickup Outlines

Far Cry 6 - Loot Outline

Pickup Outlines allow you to see items more clearly in game by making them more visible. To turn this setting on by going to System>Options>HUD>Pickup Outline.

Turning this option on allows you to set colors for the outline. Adjust to a color that you would be comfortable with and you can now see items and materials

Best Game Settings

Use Chorizo to Find Resources

Chorizo is one of the best Amigos when it comes to resource gathering. The Bloodhound ability allows Chorizo to dig up different kinds of items and materials that you can use for crafting and building.

How to Get Chorizo

Rescue Guerrillas and Bribe FND Soldiers

Another great source of items and materials like Libertad Crates and FND Caches are Libertad Guerrillas and FND Soldiers.

Most Guerrillas can provide information after capturing a Military Target, or after rescuing them from FND soldiers. FND Soldiers can be bribed for information about FND Caches. Interact with enough people and you will have a map full of cache and crate locations!

Unlock La Cantina Level 2

La Cantina.jpg

La Cantina is a Guerrilla camp facility that provides you with food that can grant you with different kinds of buffs. Upgrading it to Level 2 will give you access to Lucky Fish N' Chips, which allows you to scavenge more crafting materials and animal meat.

La Cantina Guide

Use the Scavenger Set

Scavenger Set
Scrounger Helmet ImageScrounger Helmet Scrounger Coat ImageScrounger Coat Scrounger Gloves ImageScrounger Gloves Scrounger Jeans ImageScrounger Jeans Scrounger Shoes ImageScrounger Shoes

The Scavenger Gear Set makes gathering resources easier, providing you with effects such as picking up more materials, seeing loot through walls, and gathering ammo from dead enemies. If you're looking to save up more resources early in the game, this is the best set to have.

Scavenger Set Pieces and Effects

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